View Full Version : My biggest step yet

11-25-2011, 02:23 PM
I got home from thanks giving dinner and got dressed, black and grey stripped turtle neck,black tube skirt, black tights and black up to the knee boots with no heel, I straightend my hair and applyed make up. I decided to go to the redbox and pick up a movie. on the way I stopped to gass up my car and had no problems at shell (used my card at the pump). I got to the redbox and there was no one there. I got out of the car and went and picked a movie. When I got back in my car I seen CVS and thought, I need milk. While i was sitting in my car trying to work up the nerv to get milk, my only friend that has seen me dressed calls to see what im doing. When I told her what i was tryig to do, she said just go in and get your milk. We talked for a bit and decided to go to her house to watch the movie and not to get milk. When I got to her house she asked if I went into CVS and picked up milk, I told her no that I came straight here. She asked if I wanted to go to walgreens to get milk and I said yes but im nervus. We went to walgreens, I got out of the car and walked rite into the store with her, as we walked in there was a guard standing at the door and he gave us both a smile. we walked over to the milk and then to the make up isle to get some eye shadow. On the way out there was a small line (5-6 people), we waited for our turn, paid for my stuff and left. There was not a single problem in the store, now I don't know why I haven't done this before. Now all I can think about is where am I going to go to next.

11-25-2011, 03:00 PM

11-25-2011, 03:09 PM
That is so wonderful! What a big step!!!! Hugggs!

11-25-2011, 03:20 PM
Way to go GIRL!


Vanessa Storrs
11-25-2011, 03:25 PM
Congratulations on your courage! Few things are as frightening as going out the first few times, and few things are as much fun

Cynthia Anne
11-25-2011, 03:49 PM
There is nothing like waiting in a checkout line to push those nerves! If you can do that then you are ready for anything! Have fun! Hugs!

11-25-2011, 04:29 PM
:)Erintemp, Isn't that an awesome feeling being out and free?


11-25-2011, 04:31 PM
It only gets easier from here on out.

Barbara Ella
11-25-2011, 04:44 PM

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience with us. Those of us who may never be able to, or those who wish not to, do what you have done can only enjoy from afar the joy of accomplishment you have, and bask in the glow.

Best wishes for your next expedition.


Alice B
11-25-2011, 04:45 PM
A great first and big step, plus a wonderful friend that accepts and went with you

11-26-2011, 12:50 AM
Thank you ladys, I'm still on cloud 9. My friend called today and asked if I wanted to see the x-mass lights downtown, chicago. I asked if it would be ok if I dressed, she said thats what she ment and that she could care less how I am dressed whenever I'm with her or wherever we are at, as long as I'm ok with it. She's the best!!!

11-26-2011, 05:25 AM
....I got out of the car and walked rite into the store with her, as we walked in there was a guard standing at the door and he gave us both a smile. [...............] On the way out there was a small line (5-6 people), we waited for our turn, paid for my stuff and left. There was not a single problem in the store, now I don't know why I haven't done this before....

Wonderful! I have also asked myself why I haven't "done this before." Especially after going somewhere that I had been afraid to go, but, found there was no problem. Isn't it liberating!?

In the spirit of sharing:
Standing in a checkout line can be intimidating. More time for people to look at us and become curious. Appearing nervous will cause people to look more closely at us, too. But, I've found that when we simply adopt our best smile, people accept us very quickly and turn their thoughts to other things. It continually amazes me that a confident smile (even when I don't truly feel confident) causes them to assume that I am who I appear.

11-26-2011, 06:15 AM
Good for you Erin. Anywhere is good, just go an have fun.

Rachel Morley
11-26-2011, 01:22 PM
That's so awesome! I must admit, I totally understand how you were able to do it with your friend by your side (especially if "she" is a GG). I know that when I have to go anywhere real public where it's up close and personal with the general public, I would much rather have my wife at my side than be alone. My wife says I'm "hiding behind her skirts" (so to speak) and that I need to get out there on my own, especially interacting and speaking more .. but my en femme public experience is so much better and nicer for me if we are out there as "two girls". Anyway, if you friend is willing how about going out to dinner together with her ... your treat! :)

11-26-2011, 01:35 PM
That's so awesome! I must admit, I totally understand how you were able to do it with your friend by your side (especially if "she" is a GG). I know that when I have to go anywhere real public where it's up close and personal with the general public, I would much rather have my wife at my side than be alone. My wife says I'm "hiding behind her skirts" (so to speak) and that I need to get out there on my own, especially interacting and speaking more .. but my en femme public experience is so much better and nicer for me if we are out there as "two girls". Anyway, if you friend is willing how about going out to dinner together with her ... your treat! :)

It was easy with my GG friend, we stood side by side in line, but she paid and talked with guy behind the regiset. I do not have a fem voice yet, thats next on my list of things to do. We have talked about going to dinner in the past, but I never could do it, but I'm reedy now.

Rachel Morley
11-26-2011, 04:43 PM
It was easy with my GG friend, we stood side by side in line, but she paid and talked with guy behind the regiset. I do not have a fem voice yet, thats next on my list of things to do. We have talked about going to dinner in the past, but I never could do it, but I'm reedy now.
Yes, that's it exactly. Let her take the lead and you can be her "quiet girlfriend" .. that's exactly how my wife and I do it, then as you become more confident she can lead you into it more and bring you into the conversation and interaction with the SA or whoever it is you're dealing with. Going to dinner is a great way to do this as if you are feeling super shy, when the waiter or waitress comes over to take your order, she can order for you (that's what my wife does sometimes) or if you want to order yourself but not say too much, you can have the same meal as her and practice in your best femme voice "I'll have the same please" :) The more you do it the easier it becomes. It's also a good excuse to go out to dinner often!