View Full Version : Dr.Jekyll and Ms. Hydie.

GenderCurious Andrea
11-27-2011, 09:44 PM
Since coming out to my wife I have noticed my subconscious mind following two different agendas. My normal agenda consists of typical male idiosyncrasies but is now split with new found feminine tendencies I have picked up over time. It has become painfully evident that these two half lives were doomed to conflict from the start... My wife accepts my transgender feelings and supports all my personal decisions but is apprehensive for me to change all the masculine things about me that she fell in love with from the start. We are taking things day by day and she doesn't mind me dressing on occasion but things like shaving my legs and looking for wigs make her nervous.

How many ladies out there have had there fem side interfere with there daily lives or vice versa? And in what way is it interfering?

11-27-2011, 11:37 PM
I suspect most of us have our drab side interfere with our femme side. I have been attempting to find some femme time for the last 2 days and find that tomorrow's obligations are already interfering, too.

11-27-2011, 11:49 PM
Like Susan said, I would suspect the majority of people here have had some interference.. With the possible exception of those who just wear under garments, and even they can experience some sort of interference..

As for your marriage, I hope that it doesn't have a lasting effect on your relationship. By that, I'm referring to her cringing at the idea of some of your masculine traits being compromised, like shaving for example. Im pretty sure you want to do that too, so I just hope you get the best of both worlds here.. Being able to go as far as you wish, and still keep your wife just as happy. Fingers crossed!!

Barbara Ella
11-28-2011, 12:01 AM
I am sure all have experienced interference from both sides of their life at one time or another. I know that even the underdressers, such as I am limited to until I can hopefully bring my wife into my femme life, have moments that they do not feel comfortable in public situations wearing certain pieces. I am happy that your SO is as supportive as she is, and hope that you both advance as far as you want.


11-28-2011, 09:02 PM
I agree with susan, you and only you know how much your wife will live with, i started shaving my legs a year ago, and now she doesn't mind, but she knew when we got married that i was a crossdresser, and still together after 21 years, by the way if you did not know there is a movie with the tidal of Dr. Jekyell and MS. Hyde, but i think anyof us with family have are time being interfere with.

GenderCurious Andrea
11-28-2011, 11:51 PM
It is kinda hard finding the time to be Andrea when everyone expect me to be Andrew all the time. But I guess the longer I go with out dressing the nicer it is when I can dress. I hope you find the time to enjoy being Susan soon ; )

11-29-2011, 12:05 AM
Andrea, my wife was not cool with the fake boobs part. That was kind of a boundary for her. When I told her I ordered them already she was not impressed. When I got them I put them on and asked her if I looked different. I had a sweater on and she didn't even notice. When I finally had to tell her I had boobs she burst out laughing! We both joked about it for days. It ended up not being a biggie at all. We had the talk previously as she saw me go all out dressing for Halloween. She knows my legs are shaved and I wear panties every day.

As for personalities Marleena is all girl. In guy mode I'm totally different and have no problem switching modes. I don't have any feminine qualities in guy mode, nothing has changed. A GG I came out to had no idea I was A CDer at all, I had to show her pictures. I guess it depends on the person.

GenderCurious Andrea
11-29-2011, 12:59 AM
Andrea, my wife was not cool with the fake boobs part. That was kind of a boundary for her. When I told her I ordered them already she was not impressed. When I got them I put them on and asked her if I looked different. I had a sweater on and she didn't even notice. When I finally had to tell her I had boobs she burst out laughing! We both joked about it for days. It ended up not being a biggie at all. We had the talk previously as she saw me go all out dressing for Halloween. She knows my legs are shaved and I wear panties every day.

As for personalities Marleena is all girl. In guy mode I'm totally different and have no problem switching modes. I don't have any feminine qualities in guy mode, nothing has changed. A GG I came out to had no idea I was A CDer at all, I had to show her pictures. I guess it depends on the person.

My wife tells me that I don't need her permission to dress up or physicaly alter my body. But I am more worried about pushing her comfort level than crossing boundaries. At the end of the day I think she just wants me to be happy to. thank you for your reply its nice to hear some other stories about overcoming these kinda speed bumps.