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11-28-2011, 08:13 AM
I couldn't wait to get here and tell you all about my first time out! Saturday was an incredible experience for me. For weeks I had been thinking about going to this place in the local area where they have a LGBT community center. I almost didn't go and had several thoughts about canceling a "date" I had made with a TG aquaintance I had made. I'm so glad I didn't cancel!

I met her at the CC. I went to the private bathroom to change into my femme outfit. I was so scared to come out I called her on the phone and asked if she'd come down and get me! She came and got me and escorted me upstairs to an area of the CC where we could sit right in front of the window where all the passers by could see in. She wanted to get me out of this "shy" phase. I was tripping out I was so nervous. But I remembered what my father always told me about being scared to do something. He always would say "when you go somewhere and you're sort of afraid to do it, just walk right in like you own the place." My dad's been passed now over 10 years, but his words always are present with me. Anyway; so that's what I did. Some how I mustered up the courage, took a deep breath and went to sit down.

My friend introduced me to her roommate and before I knew it we were all gabbing away and having a marvously time. Then I noticed I had to put some change in the parking meter outside where my car was and thought, "what am I going to do?" I mentioned my delema to Michelle and she said, "come on were going to put some change in the parking meter." I thought at first I was going to die, but I once again just mustered up some inner strength and before I knew it I was walking (in my heels) with Michelle to the car all dressed.

As I walked down the street with attention focused on the location of my car, I couldn't help but notice how exciting it was! What a feeling! I didn't look anybody in the face/eyes, just kept my focus on my mission, but as I walked it felt so good! It was an amazing experience! I was so confident that later I left fully dressed and drove to another friend's house. I have a GG friend who's supportive of me. I presented myself to her and she loved it! In fact she had went out that day and bought me a whole bunch of make-up. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening making up my face real good and trying on different outfits. OMG! she was so cool about it and I was never more happy in my whole life!

What a day! Just wanted to post here for you my support group. Reading all your posts gave me the courage to do this. Thank you!


linda allen
11-28-2011, 08:29 AM
Well, that's great. I've been out a few times but by myself. Nobody knows about Linda, not even my wife. I've never gone to any functions or events, just walked around the city or the park. I was terrified the first time someone said "good morning" to me, but I managed a decent reply. It's happened since and I've been able to respond. I've been trying to work on a feminine voice. Also some outfits that are a little less "dressy" and more appropriate for walks in the park but still feminine.

Anyway, the first time is great and it only gets better after that.

11-28-2011, 08:30 AM
What a wonderful story Paulette. Sounds like you had a blast way to get out there and have fun

Claire Cook
11-28-2011, 08:39 AM
Wonderful Paulette, thanks for sharing this. The first time out always seems to start with trepidation, and end with "Wow, I did it and the world did not end." I hope it gets better and better for you. And treasure that GG friend -- you should send her some flowers!

bridget thronton
11-28-2011, 09:09 AM
Nicely done, hope you have many mor adventures

11-28-2011, 09:10 AM
What a wonderful experience. Isn't it funny how fearful we are of those first few steps out into the big bad world - then how exciting it is when we finally take them and nothing bad happens.

11-28-2011, 10:42 AM
Glad u had a great time!

11-28-2011, 10:54 AM
That is a fantasitic story Paulette!! I am so proud you were able to muster th courage to get out and about. Keep it up, it will get more comfortable.

CD Tammy
11-28-2011, 01:56 PM
I'll be the feeling was very exhilerating. I only have slipped out when no one was around but each time I found it to be very exciting going outside, dressed.

11-28-2011, 02:12 PM
Nothing to fear but fear itself...and tripping on your heels. ;-)

Rachel Mari
11-28-2011, 02:33 PM
Great experience!

I want to go out too and to do it soon. You have given me hope that the fear can be conquered and that it's not as overwhelming as I tend to think it is.

11-28-2011, 02:38 PM
That is an awesome story! I hope to go out soon as well. My biggest fear was my brother (who lives almost next door) seeing me drive off in femme in my car (which is unique too). Now that he knows, and is okay with it...I guess going out is my next target.

11-28-2011, 06:36 PM
Good for you, Paulette! I remember my first time and had the same "just go ahead and do it" thought that you had.

The next times you go out it will be easier and easier and even more fun!

Congrats, Eryn

11-28-2011, 08:52 PM
Congrats on your first time out, bet you can't wait untill the next outing.

11-28-2011, 08:57 PM
Reminds of mf the boy in the plastic bubble movie.... Glad you had some friends. I am going out in two weeks for the first time. Hope it works out as well for me! Best wishes :)

11-28-2011, 09:01 PM
Woohoo! I remember some of the first times I went out. The nervousness didn't last long before it was replaced by the excitement of being able to express a part of me in public!

11-28-2011, 10:07 PM
I think that is the first time I heard of a first time out that ended in a make-up party. Sounds like you have some great friends. If that is the warm-up, you are going to have some wonderful times going out!

11-28-2011, 11:33 PM
Glad I could help give you some "hope". That's awesome! I was never so scared in my life, but once outside and walking, it just felt so natural. I kept my eyes on where I wanted to go and really didn't make any eye contact with anyone. Next time, I'm sure I'll be a lot less nervous. The worst part for me is that my shoes don't fit right and after awhile my feet started to hurt walking on cement and brick that was layed out as part of the sidewalk. Other than that it felt amazing. It helps to be in a city that is supportive of the LBGT community and well known for it. So I guess I am lucky. Also, since I went to a community center I could dress there and didn't have to worry about driving out of my home driveway and being spotted by the neighbors. Get the courage and do it if you can, safely. Also; I spent some time preparing myself by going for walks in the neighborhood at night. That helped. Small steps are important.
