View Full Version : Is the grass greener?

12-10-2011, 02:28 AM
I'm not entirely sure if there is a thread about this, I tend to browse the forums late night at work and before I head to bed to voice concerns or spread some love to adorable ladies who catch my eye. ;)

But one thing I've noticed is how we here lament about how some women don't do girly. How amazing it must be to own breasts or a vagina. How awesome it must be to do shopping and not have the fear of everything you ladies deal with, (i shop online as i'm a coward. that, and im 2xl in ladies with size 14 in ladies shoes so im pretty limited in my city of actual places to shop), to just being all around adorable as some of us, despite the support of you here, just don't manage to achieve, at least in our eyes.

But I often wonder if anyone takes in that saying about the grass being greener on the other side. For years women used to want what men have. Power of speech, power to vote, to have equal paying jobs, careers, education and lives. And they got it. And slowly, we're piecing our lives into what we want as, very slowly, the world will adapt to service our kind. The hybrid of perfection in males and females.

But I have no illusions of grandure. I have no secret fetishes nor do i want to be a woman. I was born a man, i was raised a man, and I AM a man, despite what you could take from my frilly pink silk panties might suggest. I get everyone is different, and situations warrent my viewpoint obscure. There will always be those who smudge the line to the point where eventually, there will not be a line.

But I suppose I've often wondered, do you take being a man for granted?

12-10-2011, 02:52 AM
Imeni, I have pondered this very point. As far as I can see the genders all seem to weigh in equally when it comes to advantage/disadvantage balances. And as far as blurring the edges of gender go, lots of girls are not girly girly ... lol lots of boys can be. This overtly narrow view of man vs women is slowly dissolving, or the very least, not adhering to the rules of your gender seems to be tolerated more and more. Rather than a hybrid, I prefer to think of myself as a third gender, our Heterogeneity defining us from either sex, although I accept that it's not always physical.

I agree the world will be a better place for future generations ... the question is how do we make it a better world for us?

I shop publically but must admit to be a total e-bay junkie.

I hope I'm on topic, can be a bit ditzy.


12-10-2011, 11:28 PM
But I often wonder if anyone takes in that saying about the grass being greener on the other side. For years women used to want what men have. Power of speech, power to vote, to have equal paying jobs, careers, education and lives. And they got it. And slowly, we're piecing our lives into what we want as, very slowly, the world will adapt to service our kind. The hybrid of perfection in males and females. But I suppose I've often wondered, do you take being a man for granted?

How can I take “being a man” for granted AND dress like a woman? I think once you dress contrary to your birth gender, you cease to take your male self for granted, i.e. you’re doing something about the unfortunate affliction that you are saddled with…

As far as I’m concerned, the grass is “pinker” on the other side – there’s plenty of green on this side, thank you, which is why I seek out a more interesting color, or a more interesting existence, that is contrary to what exists over on this side of the fence. “A hybrid of perfection” is something worth seeking, and I, like you, have no ambitions to actually become a female – all I can do is braid the genders together as best I can, and skip to my own gender-incorporated music…

I AM a man, which is a pity, but I can easily modify that condition… :battingeyelashes:

Cynthia Anne
12-11-2011, 07:39 AM
I love Frederique's comment here! Yes the grass IS pinker on the other side!:c9: You can keep the green!:faq: Afterall it turns me blue!!!:blah:Hugs!:heehee: