View Full Version : Why Do You Shave?

12-11-2011, 06:01 PM
I have noticed recently around the forum many new threads relating to shaved, smooth legs. I myself am completely hairless from the neck down, and I love it. I would not have it any other way. But just what is it that compels some to remove the hair from one’s body, and in particularly, the legs?

Is it the soft, sensuous, warm, luxurious tactile feeling of smooth, frictionless skin that you so seek and desire?

Does removing your hair bring you closer to some inner sense of femininity, the woman within, thereby placing more distance between you and your own innate, congenital masculinity? It is, after all, difficult to argue that the removal of one’s body hair does not constitute an effeminate act in the extreme. At least in as much as the intent of the transgendered is concerned.

Perhaps, however, you instead find the actual act of removing your hair to be carnal, emasculating, sexy, and arousing. Does the act of denuding your skin of unwanted, unnecessary hair awaken and stimulate your sense of self, and your self’s sense of exciting, provocative inspiration?

Or are you a rule-breaker, where you enjoy ridding yourself of undesirable, superfluous hair in direct contravention of the unwritten rules of an otherwise disapproving society? Do you find the act of swimming against the current and cutting across the grain to be liberating, and a release from the hairy shackles of society?

Or maybe it is all of the above, or none of the above. For what reason(s) do you shave, epilate, or wax? Other than the obvious, that is . . . . ;)

Cheryl T
12-11-2011, 06:08 PM
I epilate everything below my chin for the simple reason that I hate all that hair. I love feeling smooth and soft and hated all the years I was in the closet and couldn't shave my legs and I had to look at those dark threads beneath my sheer nylons. Even without stockings I just love the way my legs look. I have been rid of hair for 7 years and will never go back.

Cherry Lynn
12-11-2011, 06:08 PM
Yes to all the questions.

12-11-2011, 06:29 PM
Me personally i would have to say the soft,sensuous, smooth feeling, nothing like putting a new pair of pantyhose on your smooth legs, The smooth chest feels nice. and it is feels better when cudding with my SO.

12-11-2011, 07:06 PM
Aside from the smooth feeling I love of freshly shaved body hair, a hairy body doesn't look right in shorts and tank tops.

12-11-2011, 07:20 PM
I do it because I find it disgusting to spread lotion on hairy legs.

Cindy M
12-11-2011, 07:36 PM
I've been shaving my legs for years. Since I cycle... it's a natural excuse.

Genifer Teal
12-11-2011, 07:50 PM
Body hair looks dirty to me. I don't like having it or seeing it on anyone.

Cynthia Anne
12-11-2011, 08:07 PM
Don't like it! Don't need it! Don't want it! 'Taint gonna' have it! I wouldn't be ME with it! And if I'm not me, who would I be!!! Hugs!

Alice B
12-11-2011, 08:12 PM
Once I shaved my legs that was it. Loved the feel and look and could never go back. Then after shaving my entire body it was the same. Can't ever go back.

12-11-2011, 08:21 PM
I love the little pain or removing it with the epilator, I love Pantyhose with hairless legs. It is forbiden and partof the compromise with my spouse so I cannot do it often, that makes it more desirable

drag n fly
12-11-2011, 09:37 PM
Add me to the bold and the bald..I entirely shave my body...with the exception of my eye brows (I keep them heavily trimmed) and my eye lashes..I just love to look and feel feminine..You're such a deep thinker, Anne..Very astute...Thanks smooches Jackie

12-11-2011, 09:42 PM
Gone cottin choppin.

12-11-2011, 09:47 PM
I groom....way down with one of those personal groomers. Works quite well, then i shave/clip the rest.

12-11-2011, 09:52 PM
Well, I think the main reason for us MtF's is that most women in developing countries do not have hairy legs. Most have been shaving since they were young. We are trying to emulate the female look and that does not include overly hairy arms and legs. Thus we remove it to get closer to their natural look. At least, that is why I do. To be honest I never really noticed that much difference between shaved and unshaved legs. That may be because I never really had a heavy covering of any body hair.

Barbara Ella
12-11-2011, 10:18 PM
today I shaved my chest and belly, used Nair on the legs. Will probably shave arms and underarms tomorrow. the feelings and appearance of clean legs and chest has me hooked, and will never go back. Just dont like hair. I am looking at my arms and hands, and then my chest as I look down at the keyboard, and there is no comparison. I like the look, and know I will like the feel as I experience it more. Now to convince the wife to do the back...hmmm


12-11-2011, 10:23 PM
Shaving your legs, and the new sensations especially with stockings, or pantyhose is amazing. Once you do it you are hooked.:) Took a trimmer to my armpits yesterday after seeing how long that mess had gotten, uck..

12-11-2011, 10:25 PM
I do it because I find it disgusting to spread lotion on hairy legs.

But don't you do that after shaving your legs?....:D

12-11-2011, 10:25 PM
Marleena is so right, its a terrific rush to have shaved legs and hose. :)

12-11-2011, 11:10 PM
Always liked having smooth legs. Especially while wearing silky pantyhose!

12-11-2011, 11:12 PM
Because it looks and feels good. It also saves time with tattooing, the artist doesn't have to shave the area, and tattoos look better when you're not viewing them through a layer of hair.

12-11-2011, 11:23 PM
I shave my head because I have male pattern baldness, and am going grey. Shaved head looks better and I look younger.

I shave my face because i don't like my beard. Also, it grows out grey, so it makes me look older.

I trim my eyebrows, 'cause if I don't, they get way too bushy.

I trim my nose and ear hair... do I really have to say it?

trim my genital area, becuse it looks neater, and i wear speedos.

I shave my legs because I like the look. And the feel. Also its much nicer with stockings.

I shave my pits because the sweat dries faster.

I'm soon going to get a total wax job below the chin, except for a neat triangle.

12-11-2011, 11:36 PM
Yes to all the questions.

That answer would also apply to me!!

Beverley Sims
12-12-2011, 01:03 AM
I have permanently hairless legs, but the rest of me is Veet or Nair except the face.
That needs shaving.

12-12-2011, 01:16 AM
First I did it to not look gross in a skirt, then I fell in love with how clean it felt.

12-12-2011, 01:19 AM
I just love the feeling putting on a dress or skirt with my body completely smooth. It feels divine, totally feminine to me. Even wearing guy clothes it feels better having smooth legs, body under my jeans, blothes, it has a fresh feeling that i never get tired of. Not to mention silky lingerie feels so much better after shaving, =) Also using lotions take some time and i have to time it just right so that burning sensation dosent happen. Had some bad experiences with that..heh.

Anna Lorree
12-12-2011, 02:18 AM
First off, I want to state that I HATE shaving. It doesn't matter where I am shaving, I hate having to do it. I shave my legs, underarms, chest, and well, a bit lower. I do it for a number of reasons. Part is that it simply feels feminine to do so. Next, I love how much more I can feel when I have no hair. It is amazing the difference in sensation. I notice that I'm less stinky when shaved. And, well, it's just so darned sexy to arch my legs in the bath or shower as I draw my razor upward. IDK, it just makes me feel girly and happy do be shaved.


12-12-2011, 02:24 AM
Is it the soft, sensuous, warm, luxurious tactile feeling of smooth, frictionless skin that you so seek and desire?

Oh yes

Does removing your hair bring you closer to some inner sense of femininity, the woman within, thereby placing more distance between you and your own innate, congenital masculinity?

Yes it brings me closer to my feminity, but I dont place any distance between me and my masculinity. Men's eyes love to watch epilated legs, and their warm hands love to cuddle them. My male self loves my female self to take care of herself.

Does the act of denuding your skin of unwanted, unnecessary hair awaken and stimulate your sense of self, and your self’s sense of exciting, provocative inspiration?

Do you find the act of swimming against the current and cutting across the grain to be liberating, and a release from the hairy shackles of society?

12-12-2011, 02:49 AM
It has to be cleanliness .......... and also the feeling of being freshly shaven , speshly with moisturised legs in stockings ...........
I've remarked on it before - men have been to the moon and back ( apparently) but no clever egg head has had the notion to produce a body moulting pill .
Just think , one a month take it on a Friday night , Saturday morning , you block the shower / bath plug hole .
Mind you knowing my luck I'd prolly end up mixing it up with the dogs vitamin pills , resulting in a shivering pink pooch and myself chasing the postman up the street .....

Better scrub that idea then .

12-12-2011, 07:30 AM
Body hair is just gross, so gross it's hard for me to really express it, and I've felt that way since it started growing.


12-12-2011, 08:07 AM
I shave because if I don't PETA throws paint on me and tells me I shouldn't wear fur ...lol

12-12-2011, 08:09 AM
Just got out of the bath after a good soak and shave:)

Always rub in a nice body cream to keep things supple and smooth.

I shave off all my body hair from November through to March, at least twice a week.

I hate having to let it grow back in the summer, but the wife is conscientious of me having shaved legs and shorts on.

Luckily I'm not too hairy in the first place (no chest or back hair!). If I could I'd ALWAYS have my legs and armpits shaved.

Like so many I love the feel of it and I do feel 'cleaner'???....now if I could only grow my hair long again:D

12-12-2011, 08:24 AM
For me it was when I discovered I was at a 5 star resort in Jamaica in my two piece bathing suit and I asked the gentleman next to me to put some sunscreen on my legs and he asked where my legs were. Well, it might have happened that way.
The senses/looks one discovers after shaving is the by product received from the need to present oneself as feminine. Think King Kong Feminine? NOT!!! Think Anne Margaret Feminine? Well hello!!!!!!!!!! dah!!!!

12-12-2011, 09:10 AM
i just like the way it feels to be a hairless wonder

Sara Jessica
12-12-2011, 09:15 AM
I have noticed recently around the forum many new threads relating to shaved, smooth legs. I myself am completely hairless from the neck down, and I love it. I would not have it any other way. But just what is it that compels some to remove the hair from one’s body, and in particularly, the legs?

Well as I've said before, in our world it can be all about the hair. The places we'd just assume have it gone (or shaped as with eyebrows) and the places we'd prefer to have it grow (like our heads).

There was an interesting thread recently that questioned why discussion of something such as shaving was so prevalent, that women don't necessarily discuss such things. I didn't chime in there but I'll express my opinion here in the context of your points Anne. On a base level, removal of body hair is a really big deal for most of us who didn't grow up as teenage females guided through such rites of passage as shaving of the legs and underarms (not to mention all the other places icky hair grows thanks to "T").

We come to certain self-awareness, whether from the POV of our inner being or simply to look better in the clothes we choose to wear, often in our 20's/30's/40's or beyond. These things are a big deal because we consider societal ramifications of our presentation along with what our SO's might think of making such changes in our appearance, not to mention how to best go about hair removal for someone who hasn't done so before. These things are worthy of discussion.

All that said, here is my own POV on the points raised....

Is it the soft, sensuous, warm, luxurious tactile feeling of smooth, frictionless skin that you so seek and desire?

Hard to argue with this one.

Does removing your hair bring you closer to some inner sense of femininity, the woman within, thereby placing more distance between you and your own innate, congenital masculinity? It is, after all, difficult to argue that the removal of one’s body hair does not constitute an effeminate act in the extreme. At least in as much as the intent of the transgendered is concerned.

Bingo, we have a winner.

But also a loser in my situation in that removal of body hair is a constant "in-her-face" reminder to my wife of who I am.

Perhaps, however, you instead find the actual act of removing your hair to be carnal, emasculating, sexy, and arousing. Does the act of denuding your skin of unwanted, unnecessary hair awaken and stimulate your sense of self, and your self’s sense of exciting, provocative inspiration?

Not so much. Any sensuality I derive from the removal of body hair is subsumed within your first two points above.

Or are you a rule-breaker, where you enjoy ridding yourself of undesirable, superfluous hair in direct contravention of the unwritten rules of an otherwise disapproving society? Do you find the act of swimming against the current and cutting across the grain to be liberating, and a release from the hairy shackles of society?

This isn't a conscious motivation on my part, more of a byproduct. And aside from not having a clue as to what others may or may not be saying behind my back about my visible hair appearance features (smooth legs, waxed brows, etc), I have no choice but to assume no one is questioning or disapproving at all, or so that's what the elephant in my room says to herself every day.

Or maybe it is all of the above, or none of the above. For what reason(s) do you shave, epilate, or wax? Other than the obvious, that is . . . . ;)

I really think you hit on the main reasons most of us do what we do. Bottom line, body hair is icky IMHO and I'm not caring so much if I ever see it again on my person. And strangely, being smooth has made me a little hyper-critical of men in general and their furry arms and/or legs, or at least in my own mind. Every so often I see a man who looks good with his hairy legs but more often than not, all I see is a dirty mess that in my opinion would look better if it were to be removed. Just a warped POV from the eyes of one who is TG, I guess.

12-12-2011, 11:34 AM
It is rare that my legs are completely hairless, and even rarer that my arms and hands are. My wife simply doesn't need the constant reminder in her face that I like to crossdress. I keep the hair on my legs cropped rather short, though, because I simply don't like having hairy legs, and hair under hosiery looks ridiculous and awful.

That said, I do so because of our social conditioning which requires women to have hairless legs. :D

12-12-2011, 11:38 AM
Why do I shave?
Grizzly Adams in a dress is just not right :heehee:

12-12-2011, 11:47 AM
Me personally i would have to say the soft,sensuous, smooth feeling, nothing like putting a new pair of pantyhose on your smooth legs, The smooth chest feels nice. and it is feels better when cudding with my SO.

My thoughts, exactly! :) Except I don't have a SO to hug and spend time with. *sobs*

Also agree with Genifer teal. To me, body hair looks dirty on me and I don't like having it.

x x

12-12-2011, 12:06 PM
If you're interested in a GG's perspective, I started to shave my legs because it made me feel grown up. It is what the 'big girls' did. I can't say that I remember any tactile difference when putting on nylons, but then my leg hair was not thick and coarse when I was a teenager. It still isn't.

As I grew older, I determined that men prefer shaved legs, so I kept it up. At various times in my life when sex was not a priority (early child rearing years, or at the end of my marriage), I didn't bother shaving especially in the winter, unless I wore a dress to go somewhere. I suppose the idea that a woman *must* have clean shaven legs in instilled in me, so I would feel as if I am committing a faux pas should I appear in public looking hairy, like smiling when I have spinach stuck in my teeth. But, no one knows if I shave my legs or not under my jeans, and so I often won't shave for weeks in the wintertime.

But, I can see why CDers would love to shave their legs. Men have a great deal more leg hair. There has got to be a huge tactile difference after shaving and it has got to make CDers feel a lot more girly.

drag n fly
12-12-2011, 12:12 PM
Because it looks and feels good. It also saves time with tattooing, the artist doesn't have to shave the area, and tattoos look better when you're not viewing them through a layer of hair.
Agreed April...hehehe Jackie

Claire Cook
12-12-2011, 12:12 PM
Once I shaved my legs that was it. Loved the feel and look and could never go back. Then after shaving my entire body it was the same. Can't ever go back.

YESSS!!!! All of the above!

12-12-2011, 12:13 PM
There are at leastthree reasons I shave my body:
1. There are now a lot fewer skin blemishes since there is the exfoliating action of shaving.
2. I like the feel
3. A real biggie is my body odor is a lot less. Summertime is really the time when it is best to shave oneself.

I really think it is none of anybody else's business if you shave your legs or chests. I am blessed to have a wife that has no objections to my shaving myself.


12-12-2011, 12:51 PM
I shave/epilate below the waist because it feels amazing and I really don't like body hair. Also, hosiery doesn't feel or look right with hairy legs and I find that smooth skin is far more sensitive which has obvious benefits. Luckily my wife is quite happy for me to keep my legs hair free, which obviously makes things much easier.

12-12-2011, 01:36 PM
A few years ago I shaved my legs for two reasons

1. It was easier to pick out the gravel out of the road rash when I dumped my bike

2. It was easier to get a better message after sitting hours on my bike

The first time I shaved my leg was shortly after I traded my favourite toy for a shaving kit my best friend had, I was around 7 yr old. Did I have hairy legs.. lol nope. But I wanted to feel what it was like.

12-12-2011, 01:41 PM
I shave because I rarely if ever wear pantyhose to work or anywhere else for that matter.

If my legs are showing of course I don't want hair on them.

I also shave because I hate hair on my body. I always did and always will.


12-12-2011, 03:46 PM
If you're interested in a GG's perspective . . . .

What a silly, silly qualifier, Reine. Of course, I am always interested in a GG's perspective. Even beyond that, I am always interested in your perspective. I have no doubt I speak for many, many here in this. :)

12-12-2011, 09:15 PM
Because I can,andwant to

12-12-2011, 11:23 PM
Because it's sexy smooth clean feeling a social no no because heels and hair don't match and of course because gg's do

12-13-2011, 12:20 AM
The main reason I shave is because it makes me feel more feminine, and I like the feel of smooth skin.....the same reason for painting my nails..because I like it..
Plus it pisses off my ex wife..

12-13-2011, 08:52 AM
all of the above, Anne

Sharon B.
12-13-2011, 11:58 AM
Like some others I hate body hair. Plus everything that I wear feels so much more comfortable without worrying about hair showing through my pantyhose or adhesive pulling what little hair I have on my chest off.

Sarah Doepner
12-13-2011, 12:06 PM
I shave because the damn stuff won't fall out on it's own.

Oh, and all that stuff about smooth skin and looking better and less odor and adhesive pulling hair and honestly, if I didn't shave my chest I couldn't wear most of the tops in my closet without someone looking at me and laughing until they pee themselves.

12-13-2011, 05:08 PM
Good question Anne!

For myself - all of the above too!
I grudgingly began shaving my legs and arms only last year after being certain I would never do so. Up until very recently this year I didn't tend to grow much in the way of facial hair at all, so that was plus in this case & probably meant that shaving was never usually on my mind.

I originally shaved my arms to look better in a short top, I found hairless arms quite attractive on me but swore I'd never do it again! Haha. I did. Then a few months later I decided to experiment with shaving my legs in the shower. I hated doing it & thought I'd make a terrific mistake. Until I had a bath, when the feeling of soft legs and hot comforting water felt awesome. Then I tried on my usual tights and found that my legs in tights felt amazing.

I had no idea I'd take to shaving so much. I originally worried about loosing my masculinity by doing so, & that I was in some way chastising my body for being male, which felt wrong. Odd ideals perhaps, but I'm more open minded now and soft legs, arms and torso is just wonderful.

I am also far better at balancing both my feminine and masculine sides of me, so I now feel confident enough and happy about myself to go to work & flirt with ladies whilst knowing that underneath my trousers are a pair of lovely tights. It hasn't damaged any side of me. Breaking down internal mind blocks definitely help.

Veronica Lodge
12-13-2011, 05:53 PM
It's such a part of my routine now that it's almost automatic. Having hairy legs seems like such a strange concept at this point that I could never go back. It's worth the effort imo.

I usually put on a podcast and set about doing it without really looking at it as a chore.

12-14-2011, 12:35 AM
Just three little words, I Llike it.


12-14-2011, 03:41 AM
I just wanted to get a jump on evolution.. Body hair is unneeded, and it is the natural progression of decent clothing for humans. It is a nasty home to bacteria, and their waste byproduct is the main reason for BO. I started with shaving, but as I was a regular in the Mexican 'Wolf boy' shows, it was required to live amongst our society. But shaving and stubble was just as nasty, so I soon turned to laser. I am now hair free from top to bottom, no stubble, no ingrown hairs, and can often skip a shower for two or three days and not get grossed out by my own BO!! Hairless is the only way to go, cooler, looks better, softer, and of course nothing between you and the person you may be snuggling with!!

12-14-2011, 06:59 AM
I think at the beginning it was just because I wanted to. As the year progress I can say that during the summer I sure luv the tan and shinyness of my legs with sun tan lotion on. It has been a year now. I get tired of shaving my face but do it so my face can be smooth for most of the day. The legs, arms, and pits I epilate. I can go two weeks and not have much hair down there now.My only wish now is to get it all off once in for all. Money is too tight so for now it is a pipe dream.

12-15-2011, 11:17 PM
Hello,at first an act of rebellous femininity,now I just love the whole feel of a hairless body,do'nt forget moisturize,moisturize,moisturize,when asked why I just simply reply "why not", where is it writen men must be hairy?

12-15-2011, 11:25 PM
I started shaving because I wanted my legs to look more like a womans. But once they were shaved, I fell in love with the way they felt and the way they look. Also no more scratchy hair. But now that I have an epilator, I use that as much as possible and shave less. But I still love the cool breeze feeling of freshly smooth legs.


12-15-2011, 11:28 PM
Just as an observation, I can't help but noticing how many Garden Staters are posting on this thread. This should be a clear sign to Gillette that they need to focus on converting more people in NJ to crossdressing. Just think of how many more razor blades you sell for full body shaving than for just your face.
Best, Christine

12-15-2011, 11:43 PM
Shaving is a classic Freudian symbol for castration. Clearly, the attraction of having a fully shaven body for a man who wants to appear (or be) a woman is obvious from that viewpoint.

Edit: I was thinking about this, and had the blinding revelation, only about a century after Freud, that just maybe the reason that female SO's get so upset about their CD spouses shaving their legs and body hair is because they understand the castration symbology, if not intellectually at least at a subliminal level.

12-16-2011, 12:01 AM
I don't shave,but I sure do wonder how it would feel! The more she worries about my crossdressing, the more my wife praises my hairy body and my male parts. I can't say that I wish she would get me an epilator for Christmas! But things are moving so fast and spinning in so many directions, that who knows what will happen in 2012. This thread emboldens me. Go, girls!

12-16-2011, 11:20 AM
for me shaving pre-dated my dressing. i'll shave occasionally whether or not i'm dressing.

12-16-2011, 11:30 AM
The first time I shaved my legs it was just to see if there was a difference when wearing stockings... I remember the night well and had bought some hold-ups... the impact was awesome! Lying in the bath and feeling my legs rubbing against each other - it was an amazing feeling.

I went back to being a hairy guy, but kept having to find excuses... them finally accepted my lot on life! It feels fantastic. As does having no hair on my arms, chest, and everywhere else... except my head, which sadly has little and I so wish it did!

So, for me it feels good... it also looks better when I am dressed. I would find it hard to go back to hairy though as it just feels so natural now to be hairless.