View Full Version : Great First Time

12-14-2011, 10:07 AM
Yesterday evening my SO and I planned to go to a casino in a neighboring state, and she said she'd like it if I'd go as Krystal. Having never gone out en femme other than a couple Halloweens, I was pretty hesitant, but my SO, sweetheart that she is, kept encouraging me, so I took the plunge. She helped me with my makeup, and I wore a cute little yellow wool dress with matching jacket. I also wore tinted oversize glasses, 3 inch heels, wig, and some jewelry. When we entered the casino I was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. As we approached the lady who checks ID, she just smiled and said "Welcome ladies. Good luck". I was amazed!! We went in and had the time of our lives. No one paid me any mind, other than a couple of guys who my SO said turned and watched my rear view as I walked past them, and a couple of times I got an "Excuse me, miss" when people bumped my chair as they walked past. It was the most exciting time I've had in years, and we even came out a few bucks ahead for the night. Now that I've broken the ice, I'll be going out dressed a lot more.

Just wanted to share this fun experience with all the girls here. :battingeyelashes:

Cynthia Anne
12-14-2011, 10:29 AM
That is such a wonderful story! I bet you are shineing like crystal Krystal!(pun intended) Glad you both had a great time! Give your wife a BIG hug! Hugs!

12-14-2011, 10:39 AM
So glad you had a good time and make sure you give your wife a BIG HUG.

joanna marie
12-14-2011, 10:40 AM
Way to go!!!! I glad that everything went well
You are really lucky to have such an understanding Wife
Did you take pictures?

12-14-2011, 11:45 AM
Good for you and your SO. Its so fun to relax and enjoy an evening out as one of the girls!

12-14-2011, 11:59 AM
Good for you Krystal! The first time is the hardest but I imagine made easier by a thoughtful wife.

12-14-2011, 11:59 AM
What a great story Krystal! I have seen CDers at our local Casino. They blended in quite well, but I read them since I know what to look for. My first outing will probably be in a Las Vegas casino.

I'm sure you're going to keep enjoying your outings now.:)

linda allen
12-14-2011, 01:15 PM
If my wife knew about "Linda" and would go out with her, I would be out once a week or more. You are a lucky person. Hug your wife.

12-14-2011, 04:03 PM
The "bad news" is that you will now want to go out more often! How fortunate that you wife is willing to go with you.

12-14-2011, 04:37 PM
Fantastic...so tell us, did your wife have as good of a time as she thought she would?


12-14-2011, 07:51 PM
Happy to hear you both had fun Krystal. Next time though, try not to break things, ok?

Alice B
12-14-2011, 08:48 PM
That is a truly great story, experience and outstanding SO. You are a lucky girl.

12-14-2011, 08:54 PM
You are living the dream!! So nice to have a SO that supports you!! I wish you the best, and many more nights out together!! Big huggs!! Kimberly!

12-14-2011, 08:54 PM
Well now that long tailed cat is out of the bag! Congratulations!

12-14-2011, 08:56 PM
That's so cool! I've always wanted to do that. I spent about 15 mins alone at a Las Vegas casino playing slots, but didn't feel real confident, and walked back to my hotel. Thanks for sharing.

12-14-2011, 09:12 PM
I just spent the afternoon shopping with my SO and I wore 2 1/2 inch heels albeit somewhat conceiled by well tailored jeans. What a rush.

My SO still doesn't really like my cross dressing, but, I think she allows it because she knows i need it?

I find it amazing how something such as wearing heels all day would seem so weird to most non CD's, but the gratification it gives you after the experience is like reaching a long sought after goal.

I'm one who would / could never pass as a woman, and I'm not sure I want to.

If women wore combat boots, would we seek jump boots as the ultimate footwear?

Julianna Louis
12-15-2011, 01:25 AM
Very courageous, daring and I'm sure liberating. I to would/could never pass as a woman and not sure I want too either.

Tanya C
12-15-2011, 04:43 AM
What a wonderful SO to give you the nudge you needed to take the plunge.
The times I've spent out having fun with my SO are the best times I've had while dressed.