View Full Version : Seeking Counseling

Amanda S
12-15-2011, 07:11 PM
Tomorrow I'm going to see a counselor/therapist. This was my choice and not prompted by my wife or anyone else; I need help further figuring out who I am and it's not fair to put that burden squarely on my wife. She's supportive of my lifestyle and also my choice to seek some counseling, so I'm hoping that this turns out well. :)

12-15-2011, 07:15 PM
That's great Amanda. Good luck. I admire you for wanting to learn more.

I'm in the boat and doing much of the same thing. I've call scheduled with a gender specialist next week so that I can gain some further clarity for myself.

Everything is a path to enlightenment!

Tania D
12-18-2011, 01:07 PM
i have just started my counseling sessions which I undertook with the encouragment of my partner.Like you I need to know where I fit in and what the future holds for both of us. I can only say after the second session it is the best thing I could have done and the relief of talking to someone who is neutral is overwhelming. I hope it works the same for you.