View Full Version : Moody!

12-16-2011, 08:43 AM
Well it's official, cross-dressing is my emotional crouch!

If I can't dress more than twice a week, or events conspire against me, when I expect a least few special hours of NOT being that man I know, well I'm just down right MOODY:sad:

The wife has pointed it out to me, and to be fair I feel it inside. Without 'girl' time I'm just that little bit more irritable, stressed, uptight...well you get the picture.

So slipping into a skirt and putting on some 'lippy' levels me somewhat.

Sure beats Prozac!!!!!

12-16-2011, 09:33 AM
I think this is a pretty common experience, Sally. To me, it suggests that we're into this for more than just the cute outfits...its allowing that often denied and repressed part of ourselves to at least momentarily escape confinement.

12-16-2011, 02:29 PM
Yes; I have to agree with you. When I get Moody, or Irritable, My wife says " Why don't you go put on a bra
or something" It works every time.

Gillian Gigs
12-16-2011, 02:36 PM
Amazing isn't it how the moodyness goes away because of a little "girl" time. Underdressing 24/7 has helped me level out my moods also. Once you have the clothes, it is cheaper than smoking, or drinking, and Prozac. Problem is that you now have to control your shopping habits,LOL.

12-16-2011, 02:52 PM
Sally I know exactly what you mean. I don't get to dress nearly as often as I'd like. It's hard and brings down my mood. I agree with Kim that for a lot of us I think it goes beyond the clothes. At first I thought that's all it was for me, but as time is going on I am realizing that it has more to do with the feeling of fully being myself I get while dressing.

12-16-2011, 03:16 PM
Yep, you're normal. Who's next!

Cynthia Anne
12-16-2011, 04:03 PM
Yep, you're normal. Who's next!

I guess that would be me next! I would get so uptight that I would kick me out!:brolleyes::hugs:

Suzy Parker
12-16-2011, 04:35 PM
OMG I am a moody grumpy pain in the @ss right now. It's been months since Suzy had some Suzy time. All I want for Christmas is to put my legs in some stockings. My only comfort is retail therapy right now.


12-16-2011, 10:18 PM
I guess that would be me next! I would get so uptight that I would kick me out!:brolleyes::hugs:

lol, yep, you're normal too. Not to be confused with IMS which I experience every month according to my s/o.

12-18-2011, 08:23 PM
I don't know what limits your wife has with put on Sally,but if you can try underdressing during the day and maybe some silk boy style panties at night for that good nights sleep.Try ChapStick for that "lippy" feeling anytime.Keep a stiff upper lip,carry-on.

Maria 60
12-18-2011, 08:46 PM
As my wife say's i can't believe it, if Maria doesn't get her time, that time of the month applies to Maria too. Moody is not the word.

12-18-2011, 09:07 PM
My wife has commented many times how much happier I have been since she discovered my dressing. I am now able to express my feminine side much more than I used to. No more hiding, sneaking, or lying. She has only asked that I don't wear a skirt, dress or makeup when she is around. It's wonderful to have my toenails painted all the time! I also only have a couple of pairs of men's underwear for Dr. visits, etc. I need my girl time, it helps to keep me sane. It really makes me feel complete. Early morning when I am watching the news and drinking my coffee is my skirt and pantyhose time (wife is still in bed), workout time is for sports bra and capris. Lounging around the house is for yoga pants or capris. Toenails are always painted, I sleep in nighties, and I wear panties 24/7. Life has been so much better lately...I wish I had told her years ago, instead of her finding out the hard way. When I was unable to dress like I can now, I was very moody; on the verge of needing anger management therapy.

12-19-2011, 04:34 AM
All I got to say about this is that is very true. I know I will be in a funk and moody for the next several weeks. I got a haircut to make the wife happy. She's happy but I'm not.Been almost six months since my last shape up and hair was past the bottom of the ear. She hated it and been wining about getting it cut like when we were married. It is a shame we can't be happy at the same time.

Beverley Sims
12-19-2011, 05:12 AM
Wife support is a great thing, I can get moody if I an unable to change regularly.
At the moment dressed 24/7 if only a bit androgynous.

12-19-2011, 10:05 AM
My cder SO can get soooo moody when he can't dress. He drives me mad at times.

When he gets moody I just go get the nail polish and I paint his toe nails, well who else is gonna see them. He does on occasion wear panties, suspenders, stockings and bra under his male clothes when things are getting too bad.

Every little helps when the moods kick in. :)