View Full Version : Transography 101

12-16-2011, 11:10 AM
Well, I thought about it a while and thought I will ask you gals, especially those from around the world, your perceptions of your own countries openness or blindness towards transgender, crossdressing translife style.

I was born in the communist Poland, yeeeeees, that long ago, (but I don't feel one day older). Poland had changed in the past years and actually months!!!!
It was unimaginable to see a transwoman being elected to the parliament. I was dumbfound when I learned that my personal friend, Anna Grodzka was a new member of Polish government. Slowly the country folks are embracing the difference in lifestyles and TV shows are more exploratory towards this subject rather then showing the taboo side of it. We are still, way back behind western European mind set but that is my personal opinion and hopefully we will learn in this thread about the inside scoop from folks living or native to those regions.

So how is your country treating YOU????

12-16-2011, 11:18 AM
I'm fine, but my country doesn't really notice me. However, I would like to note that Houston has a Lesbian mayor, Anise Parker.

12-16-2011, 12:10 PM
This is a good question, Inna, and unfortunately I really can't tell you anything about my country, Ireland. Ireland, of course, has an image as a very Catholic, conservative country, but in many ways that's in the past now. The behaviour of certain priests has made people take a look at things.

In ways, Ireland is still conservative. Abortion is illegal here. But in other ways, it's opening up. And the Irish have something of a rebellious streak about them. They will think for themselves at times in surprising ways. They will ask hard questions about certain topics.

But as for the experience of us "girls", I can't say, because I've always been deep in the closet. In a small town such as I live in, I don't think people would take too kindly to CD'ing. But I believe that in the larger cities, you'd probably be about as OK as you'd be anywhere. I know that there are girls out in the open in the cities, and I've never heard any huge outcry about it. I'm trying to change my own attitudes these days, and who knows, perhaps some day soon I'll test the water myself. If so, I'll let everyone know.

Best wishes, Annabelle

12-16-2011, 10:55 PM
Canada is treating me just fine, thank you for asking. A few of the rednecks can be a handful when taking stabs at us with names, but other than that, life is good overall. Provincial insurance plan here now covers the cost of sex changes deemed necessary by doctors, even for people in prisons. There are many discrimination protection laws in place and are working. I think the leaders overall however in acceptance are in Europe.