View Full Version : Do you dream in color?

Beth Mays
12-20-2011, 07:40 AM
Last night I had an awesome dream of about myself fully dressed on vacation. Just wonder do others dream in Girl Mode, Boy mode, both or even the transition between the two?

12-20-2011, 07:44 AM
Yep, all the time. Actually for the last few nights running, I have been at least somewhat girl-mode dressed in my dreams.

12-20-2011, 08:37 AM
Over the past 10 years or so, I've been dreaming as first person female much more frequently. I can only suppose that it's because I no longer have a female mate in real life, and have pretty much given up hope of having one. So I guess my mind is just 'adjusting' to what appears to be the reality for the rest of my life, which may very well last another four decades. Of being alone... it's a bit hard to imagine that. So, I kind of automatically fall back into the most comfortable self identification I know: Female.

12-20-2011, 08:37 AM
Yes, and on a regular basis. I dream I am fully dressed and/or transitioning, and out and about in public, with nowhere to hide. I am initially quite nervous, before recognizing that others do not see or view me as a man, but rather a woman. Then I relax, and my dreams take me where they may. :)

12-20-2011, 08:40 AM
Gone cottin choppin.

Cynthia Anne
12-20-2011, 09:42 AM
I do quite often! Such as my sister catching me in one of her beautiful dresses! A recuring dream! Hugs!

12-20-2011, 10:20 AM
I do dream in color, but my dreams only rarely include myself in the mix. It's even rarer that they involve crossdressing. But every once in a while.....

Crissy Kay
12-20-2011, 10:23 AM
Oh yes!!! But, I dream of the work I used to do, and the guys I used to work with. I don"t have any fem dreams.

Karren H
12-20-2011, 10:27 AM
I dream in technocolor... Panavision.. Sterofonic Surround sound 5.1... But not about crossdressiing. I figure I'm livin the dream! :)

Suzy Parker
12-20-2011, 11:07 AM
Yep.....RGB and in stereo.

12-20-2011, 11:19 AM
Nope. I never dream as Suzy. I have even stuffed myself with strong cheese before going to bed but that just helps me sleep without any dreams at all!
Can someone help me out here?


natalie james
12-20-2011, 11:33 AM
i had a dream not too long after i came out to my mom that she was forcing me to transition. lol!

12-20-2011, 03:28 PM
When I was less committed to being totally out with myself all the time, I would have dreams from time to time that didn't involve transition or anything process-oriented, simply me in social situations as totally female and relaxed, doing quite ordinary things with friends and family. I always took them as a sign that I needed to open the closet door again and deal with it.

Now that I'm more routinely out, I still have them sometimes, especially involving being/going back into the setting of the job I had for five years while living full-time, in a professional office setting in San Francisco. I take those as a sign that, whatever the struggles I had in those days, the experience was pretty cool and gratifying, and that I need to credit that life experience for helping deliver me to where I am now.

Now, as to dreaming in general, yes, vivid color. Recurring theme of being somewhere and not being able to find my car to go home. It's gotten so routine that I actually have semi-lucid control of where the dream goes. I sort of tell my dreaming self that we're doing it again, it's just a dream, and if that's where we are, it's probably time to wake up.

Then I have these exhausting epic dreams that are like living through a long movie. In fact, I have a semi-lucid awareness that this looks familiar and I know the story. They are fun, but I wake up tired. Had one just the other night. Seemed to be some sort of trek through, oh, Nepal or some similarly exotic place, following some other people. At one point I was following a red-dirt road through a canyon. The road petered out in this beautiful pool of water with waterfalls cascading down red-rock walls that evoked Bryce Canyon. Up beyond the walls, there was traffic on a highway. I remember levitating, and jogging home across town (couldn't find my car...).

I believe that dreams are a vitally important component of our consciousness.

Annie M
12-20-2011, 03:33 PM
Color mostly as best I can recall. I have just started recalling a dream I have been having from time to time, where I am in public with just my bra on top feeling so very exposed.

12-20-2011, 03:37 PM
Always have, hopefully always will,


Cheryl T
12-20-2011, 07:55 PM
I dream in both and in color....

Anna Lorree
12-20-2011, 08:00 PM
Last night I had a dream that got me thinking. In my dream, I was looking at my medical records and found that I had been born intersexed. In the dream, male had been selected for me at birth.


12-20-2011, 08:03 PM
Most of my dreams are in black & white. Recently my dreams, this dream as been reoccurring a lot of the last year or so, have been about me being persued for something that I done, but what that is is never spelled out.in these dreams Im always a female, in at least those that I remember and working in an office. :eek:

Mrs Roads
12-20-2011, 08:09 PM
Yes - I definitely had multiple dreams being in full girl mode and also had dreams where I actually was born a girl (love when that happens :) I mean the woman in my dreams doesn't look like me, but I know I'm her in the dream as I'm experiencing the dream through her perspective - very wonderful dreams I must say.

12-20-2011, 08:12 PM
Yes, I had some dreams, where I did crossdressing or someone dressed me up and even once a nightmare with had a happy end, at least until I woke up (monster chasing me, had a magic ring, the thing the monsters wanted, gave it to a friend, to get rid of the danger and told him to do me a last favour and turn me into a girl ^^, damn here I woke up and was upset).

Has someone ever tried to enforce dreams of crossdressing or womanhood? I tried hard, just by propose thinking was such things all the time, before falling asleep, and of course by wearing girls clothes and also false breasts in bed ^^, but it does not really work so easily ^^

12-20-2011, 09:35 PM
In my asleep dreams, no color, no Sherry! What a relief!

I have all I can handle with my WAKING DREAMS of Sherry and her many colored outfits! So many looks, so little time!

12-20-2011, 10:06 PM
Just wonder do others dream in Girl Mode, Boy mode, both or even the transition between the two?

I dream in color, and on occasion I dream in CD mode – not as a girl, but more like a girly boy, which is what I happen to be. Just last week I had a dream about being amongst my fellow CD’ers from this site – I could “see” them as they appear in their avatars, and we were all sitting around a table, engaged in light conversation, getting ready to go somewhere together. This is rare, though, since more often than not I’m just ME, walking around the dream landscape my brain cobbles together from disparate memories (in COLOR, of course). Am I wearing anything?

12-20-2011, 10:13 PM
As a rule I almost allways have some form of dressing in my dreams if only just wearing heels as I go thru my subconscious wanderings."A dream is a wish the heart makes",who said that was that Walt Disney ?

12-20-2011, 11:06 PM
Last night I had an awesome dream of about myself fully dressed on vacation. Just wonder do others dream in Girl Mode, Boy mode, both or even the transition between the two?

Yes I do, in color and BandW. Yes girl mode, boy mode, running sometimes downhill, serious street fighting/defending myself sometimes, shopping, intmate with my s/o, childhood/teen years mostly en femme.

12-21-2011, 03:24 AM
Very rarely,... I can probably count the number of times this aspect of my life crosses over into my dream state on one hand (and maybe an extra thumb or other digit if I think really hard about it).


12-21-2011, 03:37 AM
Also rarely, here, but when I do, it's being crossdressed, not being female.

The only time I remember color in my dreams is when the color happens to be a prominate part of the dream, then I can remember the color vividly.

Brittany CD
12-21-2011, 01:33 PM
I have had many dreams where I've dressed so convincingly as female. Although, I once dreamed that I dressed up and walked around town an eventually realized my makeup had come off. How embarrassing if that actually happened :o

Niya W
12-21-2011, 01:50 PM
I dream in color and as a girl. I'm in the fact that if I can remember the dream I can control it. Often time I'll be like I don't like who that went. Most often correction my dreams is when I'm called by my boy name or reffernce somne thing from the state of mind of a man .