View Full Version : Need help.

12-23-2011, 07:20 PM
I am pretty new to all of this. I am only 19 and finding it hard to get my feet off the ground. would love if anyone would be interested in helping me come out of my shell with a bit of private help

(sorry if this is in the wrong forum)


Barbara Ella
12-23-2011, 07:32 PM
This can be very confusing, especially for the young. (65 here when it started). Read through the different sections of the forums and read about the people posting that offer some information you are interested in. Check out their profile pages, see what they are about. I am new also, only 4 months in, so my information will not have a lot of experience behind it, but there are a bunch of wonderful girls with a lot of experience and knowledge who will be more than willing to provide you with answers to the questions you seek. Do not be afraid to start a thread with a problem you wish to discuss. Dont be afraid to offer your opinions and thoughts as that can tell a lot about the person and help the members respond to your needs. We are all here for you to help you get through the start up and break the hell out of that shell. I feel there is a wonderful person within that shell.


12-23-2011, 09:46 PM
Welcome Jessie. It's a big world out there and you just stepped into a part of it that may well stay with you for many years to come, change along the way, create emotions you never knew you had, and so on. You have many friends here to help you along the way. Remember, only you know for sure who you are and how you feel about issues you may have. Ask questions along the way and take the advice as a guideline to assist you in your decision making process but never take any advice as being 'carved in stone'. We are all individual and that's what makes us so unique with a common feature, gender enhancements.

12-23-2011, 10:01 PM
Hi Jessie, like the girls said, there is a lot of information in the forums. Read what you can and when you have questions, please ask. Everyone here can offer some kind of help. One of the interesting things about this group, we all have a chance to learn something new almost everyday.

12-23-2011, 11:25 PM
Welcome - and so glad you have been able to find your way here.
Probably the first thing to do is go through some of the postings on this forum and also on the transsexual forum.
Look for yourself - if you could have ANYTHING you
Would you be living as a girl all the t wanted, and have it be reality within 3 years, what would it be?
Would you be a powerful and handsome man most of the time, but a beautiful girl once in a while?
Would you be a powerful and beautiful woman most of the time - but dress a bit boyish when you want to be casual?

Write out what you like about being in feminine mode, and what you like about being in masculine mode,
as well as what you dislike most about both.

Niya W
12-24-2011, 12:29 AM
I was 19 when I first started. I would sleep in feme clothes and I felt guilty .