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Terri Semes
12-29-2011, 09:38 PM
About a year ago I brought up cding to my SO. at first she was amused and said it sounded like fun and would help me picking out things to wear and makeup , but after thinking about it for an hour or 2 she said she would not like me dressing .
So I decided not to bring to matter up again and stay in the closet.
Well here recently I have been looking at house slippers for me and told her one night that I could not find any real comfy slippers for me in the men"s dept. but saw some I really liked, but they were women"s shoes . Her reply was ,go ahead and buy them if you think you would really them.
I am wondering when I get the slippers what would be the next thing to try and get her approval on me wearing ?

12-29-2011, 09:41 PM
Hi Terri

You might try panties. After all there are a number of men's and women's styles that aren't all that different.:)

Terri Semes
12-29-2011, 09:44 PM
Thanks Collen
That confirms what I was thinking myself ,using the comfort reasoning to justify my wearing panties.

12-29-2011, 10:52 PM
Panties is the next good step. After that it could be more things like a dress, wig and shaving....The key is patience.

Barbara Ella
12-29-2011, 11:06 PM
start wearing mens jockey elance bikinis, You will probably have to order them, and order a set of womens jockey elance bikinis. Honest mistake. Been there, did that and my now accepting SO did not know they were womens, even when i was wearing them in front of her.


Annie D
12-29-2011, 11:25 PM
The next cold front that comes into Mississippi buy some pantyhose or some leggings. Don't buy the traditional black but get some wild colors. Next step would be to get a manicure and remove the hair from the back of your hands. Whenever you look at your own hands, you'll realize what you are missing.

Danni Renee
12-29-2011, 11:53 PM
You might also try jewelry next. An androgynous necklace or bracelet might be nice.


12-30-2011, 09:07 AM
I'll be different. She said that she wouldn't like you dressing. Now she is letting you wear woman's slippers. Is it possible that she isn't connecting those to crossdressing? Maybe she just sees that as letting you get something more comfortable. I wouldn't jump the gun too quick and start pushing things. If you feel you want to see if she is open to small amounts of dressing, then talk to her. Remember, communication is a huge key here. If she feels you are trying to slip things past her, then you could very well get the opposite effect of what you are looking for.

Karren H
12-30-2011, 09:37 AM
I'd go for matching pink satin PJs! You did get pink slippers? Lol.

12-30-2011, 09:59 AM
I think you need to return to the conversation about your interest in CDing, rather than trying to incrementally seek her consent. That doesn't mean you can't add items if and when she's ok with it. My thinking is that the two of you need to focus on communications - more than just touching on the subject.

If someone can share the link for the thread on How to Tell Your SO, that would be a good place for you to begin preparing yourself for that conversation.

12-30-2011, 11:09 AM
I'd go in an entirely different direction :) With apologies to Karren, my first experience with wearing obviously feminine clothes started when I lost some weight and needed new jeans (in drab). I bought a pair that I thought felt great and my wife just hated the way they looked. They were baggy in spots so I said that women's jeans wouldn't be baggy there. She said, "try it". I got online and ordered what is still my favorite pair of Blue London button-down pocket (four of them) jeans, low rise! They fit perfectly (using the hip measurement since they were low rise) and my wife thought they looked great.

I haven't bought a pair of guy jeans in years, and the last statistic I saw was that 1 in 10 jeans sold for women are worn by men.

Have fun!

P.S. And kimdl93 is correct in that in the long run your feminine self is not going to disappear. The sooner your wife can embrace this part of you (with all its advantages to her) the better it will be.

12-30-2011, 12:33 PM
Rather than stab at the issue, I recommend a sit down and deeper conversation. Don't ask,don't tell didn't work in the military and it won't work at home. This may be an open door to a new conversation. Good luck

12-30-2011, 01:36 PM
I gotta go with Sue and Kimdl93 on this one. Let's say she says o.k. to the slippers (I can't imagine buying that excuse, but sure) next you go to panties and let's say... nighties are next. Do you think at some point in the future she'll reflect on the time before you started wearing women's things in her presence and start to realize she was being subtly manipulated?

Terri Semes
12-30-2011, 08:30 PM
You have a point Sue, and thanks for bringing up this part of the situation that I have not thought about,communication is key .Don't want to make her feel like I am purposefully trying to manipulate her .

Terri Semes
12-30-2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks everyone for your replies ,will certainly have a disscusion with my SO before moving forward and even remind her of her past view of cding.