View Full Version : Caught up dressed in a toilet with no wig surrounded by GGs.

Beverley Sims
12-30-2011, 02:48 PM
I paid my 10 sek and went to the toilet.
There was no one there when I went in. I used the stall and when I came out the place was full of women. There must have been about 15 with babies and young children. I engaged a gg in conversation about the train services and another asked me to hold her bag while she got a nappy out to put on her baby. This is Sweden and I must have misread the signs. No urinals in sight and me looking sort of fem, just no wig but the hair is long and curly enough only short. While holding the bag for the lady another young gg asked where I was from. I was obviously a tourist. (I think I am a man caught in a womans toilet.)
She was interested in areas of the US. I was attracting unwanted attention but I am still holding this bag for the other lady, TRAPPED, breaking out in a cold sweat, no one seemed bothered and I am extolling the benefits of home. Then two men walked in!!!! What a relief it is a unisex toilet at Stockholm Central Railway. I had realised this when I came in but when I saw all the women and getting bailed up I thought I had misread a sign. Swedish is not even a second language for me.
Have you had anything like this happen to you?

S. Lisa Smith
12-30-2011, 03:07 PM
Thank God no! I've never been in a coed bathroom. I would have freaked out!!

Nikki A.
12-30-2011, 03:43 PM
I think that is a great idea. No mater how we are perceived we are perfectly ok there.

12-30-2011, 04:28 PM
never been in a coed bathroom either, it seems pretty interesting though.

12-30-2011, 05:06 PM
Having Unisex washrooms in Europe have been around for a long time, a few years ago I was holidaying in Spain when I needed to go, found a Toilet and went in, no urinals ,just toilets ,did my business then heard the click of heels on the tiled floor , thought OMG I'm in the ladies dressed as a male in a foreign country , ( going to end up in jail ) I must have waited over half an hour ( heels clicking in and out) till the coast was clear legged it out and the people I was with asked if I was OK, I told them I must have been in the wrong one and had to wait till it was empty, they laughed then told me it was a unisex.


12-30-2011, 11:51 PM
Years ago in Houston several women had to go and lines were long at the Astro Dome. They went in to the men's. A few were given tickets or something for using the wrong sex restrooms. So many women raised cane that I think all the charges were droped. I've seen it happen elsewhere when there were not enough women's facilities.

12-31-2011, 01:25 AM
Ha ha! It's our Puritanical upbringing! I traveled around Western Europe A LOT when I was young. (About a million years ago!) Nowhere did I run into young women that were uptite about sex. (Except those from the US). Even the under 20's would talk about the most personal topics with no hesitation. And, it didn't stop with talk. Sleeping with u was no big deal if they liked u! They tended to treat sex as simply another bodily function. Like, going to the toilet. One of the reasons I kept going back!

12-31-2011, 02:02 AM
I haven't in the past at all, but I know for sure I will in the future be in a similar situation. Japan has LOTS of unisex bathrooms. I dunno about other Asian countries though.