View Full Version : The Beauty of Snow :)

01-02-2012, 08:08 PM
As I gaze from the warm, comfortable, safety of my home upon the crisp, cold outside world through a random, clear, winter time window, I cannot help but notice the beauty of the snow as it falls and gracefully collects upon the earth.

The encompassing white is magnificently innocent in appearance, and covers well the desolate, dormant ground, which is otherwise devoid of brightly engaging colors and life this time of the year.

Although I can do without the blistering bite of the cold, the falling snow invariably brings out the inner child in me. I cannot help but reminisce on times long since past, throwing snowballs at friends, sledding, and of course, building snow men. These are things that I now do with my beautiful, energetic daughter, as she shares my love for and passion of the snow.

While I watch, as my world is slowly transformed into a white, winter wonder land, I cannot help but appreciate further the beauty and magnificence of the transgendered. We take an otherwise colorless, drab appearance and affirmatively change it to the brilliantly elegant and colorful arcadia and sanctuary of femininity. True the snow is but an outer covering, whereas the female within resides throughout the entirety of our being, but beauty is beauty, is it not?

Angie G
01-02-2012, 08:31 PM
What a beautiful thought Anna. Very wll done hun.:hugs:

01-02-2012, 08:58 PM
Hi Anne!

That is a Great Story! You Rock!


01-02-2012, 08:58 PM
I'll try to remember this, the next time I have clean the snow off my 170 foot driveway.

Barbara Ella
01-02-2012, 09:07 PM
Anne you did a beautiful bit of wordsmithing here that truly provides yet another insight into our wonderful world that so few outside it can understand. Thank you.

Nothing nature can do has the staying power of the beauty within each and every one of us, thank you for pointing that out.


Cynthia Anne
01-02-2012, 09:22 PM
Another beautiful story from a beautiful lady! Thank you! Hugs!

01-02-2012, 09:23 PM
And here I was thinking you lived in one of those places that doesn't get snow. I am sitting here in Utah looking at the green grass. :sad:

01-02-2012, 10:00 PM
This year I have been learning to appreciate the beauty and the differences in each of us. Wish I could say the same about the snow. the first snowfall is indeed pretty but it gets mighty old after 200 inches of it.


01-02-2012, 10:39 PM
I like the analogy but personally, I can do very well without snow. After too many years of plowing, shoveling, blowing and salting, I've had enough snow to last me until I croak. Unfortunately, I live in the frozen tundra called Wisconsin and can't afford to move to a warmer climate.

01-02-2012, 11:19 PM
How wonderful, Annie! U seem to see things as a child mite! With wonder and awe! I hope u continue to see things that way. You should have a happy and joy filled life!

We had the kind of White Christmas I enjoy! My daughter and I went to see it on stage live at our music center last week! Lol!

01-03-2012, 08:03 AM
I'm a Houston resident, but a child of Minnesota. I miss snow!!!

Sara Jessica
01-03-2012, 09:41 AM
And here I was thinking you lived in one of those places that doesn't get snow. I am sitting here in Utah looking at the green grass. :sad:

And I was in the backyard yesterday cleaning the pool with temps in the mid-70's. Had to dip my arm in the water a bit and while it was chilly, it didn't feel half bad.

Part of me wishes I were in a place where seasons were described beyond hot, warm & cold but then again, I don't have to worry about heavy coats, rain boots and snow attire!

01-03-2012, 09:58 AM
Your posts r very positive and awakening!!!! And under that dormant ground thus come spring, Comes a new green world.....:battingeyelashes:

01-03-2012, 10:04 AM
Snow is all right to look at just as long as I don't have to shovel it. Snow is rare here in El Paso but we had a white Christmas. My old dog didn't like it.


01-03-2012, 10:22 AM
If I never saw snow again it would be too soon. To me there is no beauty in snow. Just a white back drop to a grey dormant planet.

01-03-2012, 10:45 AM
Ah, but do we not often describe the world around us in female terms? Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Suzy Snowflake (look it up), Lady Springtime, etc. Brides often wear dresses in snow white (hey, another girl name!), and the usual celebrations of Spring and rebirth (Easter) involve delicate colors and emphasize feminine attire.

Mother Nature is putting on her white dress.

Oh, and hey Sara....you're missing out on cute little fur-trimmed boots for winter! You'd love 'em!

Karren H
01-03-2012, 10:47 AM
After being woken from a peaceful slumber by the snow plow going by ... Twice.... My 4WD truck climbed beautifly up the snow covered driveway this morning....

01-03-2012, 11:10 AM
Ahh yes the winter season. Where you don't see or hear your neighbors for at least three months. That is until the freezin rain hits the windshield and then the scrapers come out. Now I don't mind winter as I get an excuse to bundle up a little more and break out the turtlenecks...... And then its off to the zamboni races...

And they used to call our state Winter Water Wonderland, but have gone to just the Great Lake State... didn't want to scare off too many tourists about the freezin cold white stuff....


01-03-2012, 11:19 AM
To all of you snow haters out there: :tongueout

01-03-2012, 05:56 PM
To all of you snow haters out there: :tongueout
And right back at ya, Anne! :tongueout: :heehee:

I could do without it nicely. My heart would be thankful, as it's white-knuckle time again while driving. I hate that I have hardly any control over my car when driving in it. What's worse is the morons that think that THEY can drive better in it than anyone else, so they tailgate and pass you at dangerous times and speeds.....:doh:

01-03-2012, 06:49 PM
That could be a wonderful opening to a Stephen King novel, lull the reader into a false sense of security and serenity, get then to reminisce about days gone by bringing with it a few tears that mix with the supposedly water proof mascara temporarily blinding them and than suddenly BEAR ATTACK as five hundred pounds of snarling rage comes crashing threw the picture window.............

Not that your words made me tear up or anything.........Anyone know who makes waterproof mascara?

01-03-2012, 08:36 PM
As I'm originally from Ohio I can remember getting up at 3 AM to break the ice on the driveway with a sledgehammer! (Before shivering and waiting to catch the bus to school!) I've seen ice on the road ONCE since I moved to Florida, and that was gone in half an hour. Right now, it's 34F and the only reason I'm not snug in my bed under an electric blanket is waiting for the last load in the dryer.

Tara D. Rose
01-03-2012, 10:02 PM
Anne, I’m with you. I love to see the falling snow. I love to oil paint mountain scenes of snow topped mountain peaks. To me, snow fall is another beautiful part of nature as is a colorful sunset or the awesome colors of an awakening early spring. I remember all the snowball battles and snowmen when I was a child. The winter of ’87. I awoke to go to work. I couldn’t open a door to go outside. The power was out and had been out for most of the night. We were cold, my wife and my new born daughter.
She needed warmth and warm baby food. We called neighbors one mile away and they had power and heat. They said bring the baby to us for we have heat and warm food for her. I climbed out the window, my wife handed me our daughter. The snow was up to my panties,(hey, it’s a CD site). We couldn’t move our cars. I wrapped my beloved precious one in several blankets. I pushed on slowly which was my only choice actually.

I trekked on as the hard snow was 2 inches deep on my head. After an hour and about halfway to my destination, in 3 to 4 feet of snow, out from the woods came a group of mixed wild dogs that had banded together. With them using the trail I had made for them they came up snarling like a pack of wolves with evil intent in their eyes and snarls, yes fear did come over me, I knew they sensed it, Where’s a stick? Well 4 feet deep somewhere, I continued to face them as I slowly pushed backwards into the deep snow. I kicked at one of them that got close enough. I feared for myself, but I feared more for my child. It went on that way for ten more minutes with me making more ground away from them. They eventually gave up on me.
I made it the other half mile and was in the road from the good neighbor’s house, I went to cross the ditch and WOW, it was at least 6 feet deep in that ditch, I sort of fell in all that, my baby began to cry. I uncovered her face and put her cheek to mine and spoke, oh so gently in her ear, using my gift to comfort her, She calmed. I struggled and pushed on, made it to the neighbor’s house, they had shoveled the snow away from their door for entrance. We got settled in, we fed my daughter, the warmth felt really good to my frozen feet and hands, but I felt guilty my wife was still in the cold home. I was offered some hot food, but declined, for I will not eat if my wife is hungry. I went back and got her, no dogs, but upon my return, I was packing heat my next trip back. All was well.
Later that night, I thought to myself, I would have walked twenty miles in that deep cold white stuff for the sake and well being of my little infant child.
I walked her down the isle of marriage last Oct. I said, “her mother and I do”, I sat and the tears flowed like beautiful snow in an avalanche.