View Full Version : Being an out-and-about crossdresser carries a certain responsibility...

Leslie Langford
01-11-2012, 02:26 PM
...and that includes acting in a socially responsible manner which reflects positively on our community at all times, while at the same time helping to build bridges to the "mainstream" world.

What do I mean by this? Well, perhaps it's time to address one of the big elephants in the room here, which includes the proper protocol to follow when trying on women's clothes when out shopping - and especially with regard to intimates.

I have been prompted to raise this issue because I was very troubled by a recent post in which another member here described his very positive experience trying on women's' clothes in a store with the help of some very accepting and supportive female SA's. All well and good, but at the same time, he also went into some detail describing his sexual arousal as he was trying on those clothes, and how he attempted to manage and diffuse this awkward situation.

My first thought was - TMI, but on the other hand - it also pointed to something that we crossdressers all need to acknowledge and deal with realistically.

Being in that poster's situation was something that I had always feared before going out in public en femme for the first time, and especially when I began openly trying on women's clothes in stores. I was particularly terrified that I would have a similar "accident" when trying on lingerie and leaving some tell-tale traces of my arousal behind. Not only would that have been totally gross, but also an insult and an affront to any GG trying on the same garment afterwards.

After all, there is a reason why stores ask that customers leave their undergarments on when trying on intimates or bathing suits, and that caveat would apply doubly to males who might leave accidental "evidence" of their visit behind. Clearly, we need to put ourselves in the position of a GG who might come across this, and then think how we would react if we were in her place. Better yet, suppose that this happened to our wife, girlfriend, or SO...Ewww! Not exactly the way to gain goodwill for our community or our particular lifestyle...

Truth be known, I had always assumed that this possibility would have been at the forefront of any SA's concern when encountering a crossdresser who wanted to try on women's clothes in her store, and for the longest time avoided asking to do so to prevent any potential awkwardness to both parties. Yet oddly enough, this never came up as an issue, so you have to wonder if GG's truly appreciate the erotic arousal component that crossdressing has for many of us.

I have found my own solution for this conundrum, and now routinely wear a something a little extra whenever I go out en femme. It may not be the exact purpose for which they were designed, but the principle is similar. It also gives me the peace of mind that I am "doing the right thing", and has helped me overcome much of the guilt that I used to feel over intruding into the GGs' domain in this manner.

Something to consider for the future, and with that said, does anyone else have their own thoughts on this topic?

01-11-2012, 02:41 PM
You tactfully define a problem for some members. SA may not be aware of the problem. From a public health perspective, it is doubtful that one would catch something but the "yuck" factor is not as bad if we think of those ladies who be the next customer.

01-11-2012, 02:53 PM
It is absolutely clear and should be an iron clad rule that "if you break it" you must buy it, so that nothing of that sort remains in the store for someone else to find.

01-11-2012, 02:54 PM
Well, it surprises me that they let anyone try on panties. I understand what you are saying. That being said, even GG's can have accidents when out in the public and even when trying on clothes, like at that time of the month or for whatever other womanly issues. My opinion is that everyone, man and woman need to be careful when trying on clothes, for the reasons mentioned and for getting makeup on new clothes that one does not end up buying. There is no need to single out the transgendered here. That responsibility you reference in your title applies to everyone. Period. So, if a male needs to take extra precaution, then he should, and the same applies to a female.

01-11-2012, 03:09 PM
But the question of responsibility is very important. We are constantly trying to tell our SO's and anyone else who knows about us that we are not perverts, weirdos, or anything like that. So it's incumbent on us to act like the decent, upstanding people we say we are, especially in public. If that means you have to eyeball the panties and guess at the size instead of trying them on, so be it. If trying them on is a sexual thing, do it at home....

01-11-2012, 03:24 PM
I'm in agreement, you "mess it up," you buy it! But, that would also be embarrassing when you took your purchase up to the check-out, and it would certainly generate negative stories about "The Pervert" who messed up some lingerie.

I would suggest that before visiting a store, that just about anyone, (just to be sure!) would make a pad of Kleenex, Seems like you would save yourself a lot of embarrassment! Seems like you would not want to embarrass our whole community, and generate BAD Public Relations.

Peace and Love, Joanie

01-11-2012, 03:31 PM
6 posts and already 3 have had to be edited because people don't read the rules


Thread closed