View Full Version : Estrogen and orgasms?[NSFW]

01-15-2012, 03:47 PM
Ok so its been over a month on estrogen for me and
I have noticed something.
Me being a hypersexual means i got friends and... girlfriends... you know "brownchickenbrowncow!" /imature moment.

Anyways Ive noticed that its been a little be harder to get an orgasm.. but they are getting more and more intense.
before me and my SO would get each other off 3~5times A DAY, but the orgasm were NOTHING compared to the ones im having now.

Is estrogen supose to do this? I was glad to notice a small drop in my sex drive but totallly unexpected the much greater orgasms...

Me and my GF used to be everyday 3 4 5 times.. ok alot were both *****s......
But now, 2 times in a row and I i feel orgasms so powerful I have to make her STOP or else it feels like im going to blow circuts in my brain.

Is this normal? or what?

01-15-2012, 03:55 PM
Yes Myojine,

As a result of your ingestion of HRT your having some difficulty achieving an orgasm.

This most likely will progress to erection issues along with not achieving an orgasm at all at times.


01-15-2012, 04:01 PM
Yes Myojine,

As a result of your ingestion of HRT your having some difficulty achieving an orgasm.

This most likely will progress to erection issues along with not achieving an orgasm at all at times.


I was refering more to the intesitity of the orgasm.
Im not have any difficulty in having orgasm, its just been a little bit harder to get there, taking longer or what not.

Stephenie S
01-15-2012, 04:15 PM
You are absolutely right Myojine. Your orgasms may well become more and more intense. Is this due to estrogen? Maybe. But it could just as easily be due to the fact that you are finally on your way and you can let some things go that may have been holding you back.

I any case you are NOT the only one to have noticed this. It's pretty common.

Julia is right however. eventually enough estrogen for a long enough time may decrease your ability to have an orgasm at all. Or then again maybe it just affects your desire to have an orgasm.

Classic case of YMMV, know what I mean?


01-15-2012, 04:22 PM

01-15-2012, 04:45 PM
Well, I think this might need to be clarified? Are you saying girls on HRT are bound to be come senseless to orgasms? We are sexual beings and I think the body will adjust and although we might not have masculine orgasms, we can always achieve a different kind of pleasure and orgasms. I dont think estrogen will let one with any sexual desire or capability as long as the hormone are kept in a healthy level. We still need to allow our testosterone to occupy a little bit of space in our bodies to keep us 'in action'.

Melody Moore
01-15-2012, 05:16 PM
Changes to orgasm and developing erectile dysfunction and no orgasm at all are quite normal
and this is something you will have to expect. You have only been on hormones a month, just
wait and see how things are after 6 months. If you are able to still get an erection & ejaculate
then the chances are your testosterone levels are far too high & this can hinder feminisation.

01-15-2012, 05:38 PM
After being on HRT for 5 years I went through a bunch of different stages.. from difficulty to orgasm all the way to the inability to get an erection, to pretty much the loss of libido... for a time. When my libido did return I found that sex became more emotionally satisfying than physically. I didn't need to actually have an orgasm to feel sexually satisfied. 18 months post-op I have found that I can not only orgasm, but I can have multiple orgasms. As we ( who have had sexual experience with men) know, our partners don't always have the where with all to " finish" the game. As for myself.. I may not get the physical release, but I can still enjoy the emotional enjoyment that comes from the intimacy, and pleasing my partner. What you are experiencing is no different than a lot of us experienced when we started down this road, but hopefully things will change as you move forward.


01-15-2012, 06:29 PM
Are you saying girls on HRT are bound to be come senseless to orgasms?

It is difficult for me now. It was a number of months gap before I even tried recently, and that was just to find out if I still could. Getting started feels quite foolish now.

These days, "different kinds of pleasure" to me means changing up between Shredded Wheat or Wheatabix at breakfast.

01-17-2012, 11:19 AM
Well, I think this might need to be clarified? Are you saying girls on HRT are bound to be come senseless to orgasms? We are sexual beings and I think the body will adjust and although we might not have masculine orgasms, we can always achieve a different kind of pleasure and orgasms. I dont think estrogen will let one with any sexual desire or capability as long as the hormone are kept in a healthy level. We still need to allow our testosterone to occupy a little bit of space in our bodies to keep us 'in action'.

Girls on HRT are just like cisgendered girls when it comes to orgasms. Does every girl orgasm every time they step to the plate? Nope. There are plenty of girls that never experience orgasm and still love sex. For females(cisgendered and all), it is more about intimacy of the act then the act itself.

01-17-2012, 11:54 AM
My orgasms became more intense, and to this day still are after being on HRT for 8 months now. I do think estrogen has something to do with it, but not entirely. I also think this is true for me & could be your case as well:

Is this due to estrogen? Maybe. But it could just as easily be due to the fact that you are finally on your way and you can let some things go that may have been holding you back.

Also what Kelly said, (not post op though) they are on a more emotional level, and also where the emotions alone can drive you over, as opposed to actual physical stimulation..

Something odd occurred to me though, for the first 6 months of HRT I had no libido whatsoever & it was very very hard to orgasm. However for the past two months, when my HRT dose has been at the highest ever, my libido came back & has been almost to where it was before HRT (not quite though), & I can orgasm easily again, albeit each one more intense