View Full Version : That special walk

Lauren Richards
10-27-2005, 05:36 PM
I have noticed that sometimes it helps to put a little sway in my walk if I concentrate on sliding my thighs against each other with each step, and limiting stride length. Being able to walk "naturally" is one more way to be at comfort when out, and I have found that some focus on one thing at a time (like walking) brings wonderful results!

Anyone else do stuff like this?


10-27-2005, 05:37 PM
I have also found that walking with one step in front of the other helps quite a bit.

10-27-2005, 05:38 PM
All the time ^_^ I have also noticed that male standard walking tends to keep the feet about shoulder width apart, while female walking tends to put feet in front of one another. ^_^

In doing so, you can transform a swagger into a sway. ^_^

~Viv the Minx~

Faye Emmette
10-27-2005, 05:47 PM
If one walks on an imaginery straight line, it helps with the sway and soon becomes natural.

10-27-2005, 06:25 PM
Men tend to clunk along and let momentum propel them. Women use their thighs to pull themselves forward.

By putting one foot forward and pulling with your thigh, then the other foot almost in front of the first and again pulling with the thigh, you will attain that little wiggle. Also keep your elbows in, palms slightly turned out, and don't swing your arms the full length. Actually your arms should swing very little.


10-27-2005, 09:42 PM
Women swing their legs through their hips, like ya'll were saying, more one foot ahead of the other then men. It's not politically correct, but I've heard hiker friends refer to it as "Indian walking." I believe that was actually in the Complete Hiker. It's more efficient a gait, and, um, hotter.

10-27-2005, 10:10 PM
Hey! Were you spying on me today???? I was actually doing that very thing, practicing walking and checking me out in my studio mirrors. I need some more practice and some of you are right about placing one foot in front of another and slightly tucking in the elbows and not swinging your arms too much. I was checking out some younger gals today and I'm not sure I saw too much of "elegant' walking. Most of them seem to be "clunking" along and I hate that especially if one is attractive. Yep, takes practice, and one more thing, in my high heels it seemed easier to do so...hmmmm...figure that! Love all!:thumbsup: XXX

Angela Burke
10-27-2005, 10:54 PM
If one walks on an imaginery straight line, it helps with the sway and soon becomes natural.
If one walks on an imaginery straight line one shall soon start walking into furniture, lamposts, etc.

Love Angela XX

kimmy p
10-27-2005, 10:55 PM
All the time ^_^ I have also noticed that male standard walking tends to keep the feet about shoulder width apart, while female walking tends to put feet in front of one another. ^_^

In doing so, you can transform a swagger into a sway. ^_^

~Viv the Minx~

Have you seen the way most GG walk in heels nowadays? They look like sailors on shoreleave. Young ladies are not taught how to be female anymore. I really think that we have an advantage since we need to be aware of these things.


10-27-2005, 10:57 PM
...and I'd like to volunteer to teach them. :D

10-27-2005, 11:03 PM
ohh Tammi, count me in too!!!! Trainers we can be!!!!:D

10-27-2005, 11:34 PM
Funny, I was noticing the same thing. Lately, I've been practicing my feminine walk, even in drab. Visualizing that straight line and placing one foot in front of the other. It does create more of a swing in my hips. I hadn't noticed the elbows and I'll pay more attention to not swing my arms.

But back to what I have noticed is that not a lot of women are walking in what I associate as the classic feminine walk. A few, when wearing skirts and heels, but I don't see that many women at work wearing skirts and heels, either.

10-27-2005, 11:55 PM
Years ago I watched something on the Discovery Channel about two guys that were transformed into women. When they were teaching them how to walk it was pointed out over and over again to make sure to keep the thighs together for an effective femenine walk. That and walking in the "straight line" help w/ hip movement.

Faye Emmette
10-28-2005, 07:23 AM
If one walks on an imaginery straight line one shall soon start walking into furniture, lamposts, etc.

Love Angela XX
So that's why I'm always laddering stockings & falling over !!
I'll have to start walking in a curved straight line :cool:
Cheers Dear:cute:

10-28-2005, 08:01 AM

Try this girls! It helps me learn to relax as well.


Marlena Dahlstrom
10-28-2005, 11:27 AM

FYI, I've found it's really helpful to open up this site in two browser windows side-by-side so you can compare the movements. Helps you pick up some of the subtlies.

My own tips. Men tend to lead from the chin, while GGs lead from the chest or the hips. GGs do swing their arms, but the movement comes more from the elbow than the shoulder. Brushing your thighs will produce a wiggle without looking like you're doing the samba. Crossing over your feet is something runway models do, not ordinary GGs typically. In heels you walk toe-to-heel, not heel-to-toe, which give you more of a gliding motion. Also pay attention to your hands, GGs tend to talk more with their hands. And don't neglect feminine posture when sitting, which is often quite different.

10-28-2005, 12:16 PM

Try this girls! It helps me learn to relax as well.


Wow, awesome link. I could watch this for hours. *takes notes*

Angela Burke
10-28-2005, 06:14 PM

Try this girls! It helps me learn to relax as well.

What a great site!
Iv'e been playing various moods of music and trying to match the figure to them.
Great fun.

Love Angela XX

Gale R
10-28-2005, 06:52 PM
Another thing to take note of is the shorter steps GG's take, try striding in a pair of heels and see what i mean.;)

Luv ya, Gale.

10-28-2005, 07:04 PM
In addition to what you gels have noted so far, that bit about placing your feet on an imaginary straight line?

Seems to me, as heel height increases, it becomes more and more a necessity to point the feet straight ahead and place them on that line, for stability... I suppose I'm saying that heels "force" that walk. Anyone else notice that?

...Still doesn't keep me from walking like a giraffe with scurvy, though... except now it's a female giraffe!

Lauren Richards
10-29-2005, 10:24 PM
The tips everyone has posted are great! This weekend I got another one from my SO while I was modeling a few outfits for her, doing a little runway walk in our room (there is a lot more coming on that adventure, including photos..later) in a vacation lodge. She said "Point your toes straight". My toes had been pointing out a bit, and she thought pointing them straight ahead would give me a more feminine walk. Now, practice, practice, practice..


10-30-2005, 09:43 AM
I have found that good posture also will make your stance and walk more femme. As a guy I slouch all the time. One nice reminder from the clothes and heels, is to correct my posture, difficult to do without it looking forced.

I have practiced my walk so many times, even en drab. I just find walking that way soooo comfortable. I have to be carful as to not just "do it" at work and when out. It seems as though its kinda getting natural.

10-31-2005, 05:27 PM
In all the pictures of GG females standing or walking I haven't seen any with their knees perfectly straight. They always have their knees bent just a little. When I practice walking in 3" heels I find myself pushing forward with my stomach, knees bent , and it feels like im gliding along. I dont have a full length mirror big enough to notice but it seems more feminine than my normal walk.


11-08-2005, 12:15 AM
I read on the internet that a good way to walk like a woman is when you put your foot down, straighten the leg and jut the hip out a little and back, and the other leg will bend. Then repeat. I have been practicing this.

In between classes I try to observe and pick up on feminine traits. I have been observing how girls at my college walk and they tend to keep their feet close together, pant legs brushing.

I have recently formulated that women walk with their legs and men with their bodies. What I mean by this is that men will typically (and I catch myself doing it) thrust their upper bodies forward and use their feet to catch themselves, whereas women more often than not, walk with their legs (probably as nature intended). They also have their backs more straight up while men hunch over (contributing to the lean-and-catch walk).

Although I still have to make a conscious effort to walk femme-style, it is becoming easier and I find I am walking better because of it. Does anyone else have any ideas or tips? Discuss!

11-08-2005, 12:24 AM
I found that my heels and corset trained me to walk properly fairly quickly! The heels forced me to take smaller/mincing steps, while the corset forced my back to arch and my chest to stick out.

11-08-2005, 12:26 AM
Ooh yes I forgot to mention that! Small, dainty steps! That and to take stairs one at a time. It's more lady like.

11-08-2005, 12:27 AM
You know what's hard is having to learn all these things that GG women grew up doing right since they learned how to walk. It's tough, but I won't ket it discourage me!

Rachel Morley
11-08-2005, 12:51 AM
I agree that high heels "make" you walk more feminine. I don't particularly walk "that" much like a girl in guy mode but the moment I'm in my high heels somehow my mind just switches over and I can't help myself but walk (and act) in a much more feminine style.

I'm pretty stable on high heels even if I do say so myself :)

11-08-2005, 02:21 AM
Keep your knees together when you walk, and cross your legs as you walk ie if there was a straight line you were walking down, your right foot would barely land on the left side of the line, and your left foot would land on the right side of thel line - also your hose brushes together when you do this :). mmmm mmmm!


11-08-2005, 05:24 AM
one thing i have found to help with the posture issue is to lay on the floor on your back for about 10-15 mins a day with a pillow under your legs (helps back probs too) but also you will find it corrects posture gradually so that you dont have to work as hard at it

11-11-2005, 05:43 PM
Mark Twain wrote of Tom Sawyer (remember him ?) when Tom was in drag and talking with a farmer's wife.....
"..... women's arms are hinged different at the elbow. Move the lower part of your arm and sort of hold your wrist out..."

That is only from memory... could be slightly out

Extra Sorry, but when I try and brush my thighs, my knees tend to knock and they are not knock variety. The legs (and joints) and thighs are "straight".
Getting thin or something.