View Full Version : Tired

01-16-2012, 09:28 PM
Any ideas why I feel so spent after dressing up, I feel GREAT during and even before but after I turn back to myself and leave Bella behind I feel sooooo tired!!!!!!!! Why?

01-16-2012, 09:43 PM
Well it depends how much work it takes. For some of us like me, I'm in the outfit in about 30 minutes but then in front of the mirror for another 90 minutes. Then I'm out shopping in the mall in 4 inch heels. Back home and out of the outfit in about 20 minutes, shower, remove nails, put stuff away... yeh I'm tired too.


Karren H
01-16-2012, 10:46 PM
Any ideas why I feel so spent after dressing up, I feel GREAT during and even before but after I turn back to myself and leave Bella behind I feel sooooo tired!!!!!!!! Why?

Your out of shape!! You need to start exercising! Lol.

01-16-2012, 10:53 PM
Karren said it best! Now get out there and shop.

01-16-2012, 11:01 PM
Could be a crash after the endorphin rush and saying goodbye to a friend.


01-16-2012, 11:01 PM
Any ideas why I feel so spent after dressing up, I feel GREAT during and even before but after I turn back to myself and leave Bella behind I feel sooooo tired!!!!!!!! Why?

For me, I take such joy in getting to be a woman for even a brief period of time that it is kind of depressing when I have go back to drab. It never seems to be long enough.

That, and the fact that it is a LOT of work!


01-16-2012, 11:06 PM
Karren said it best! Now get out there and shop.


When I first went out to my Tri Ess meetings a couple of years ago, I couldn't contain myself, and couldn't fall asleep for days because I was so excited.
Now I'm, relaxed and normal when I go out.

01-17-2012, 01:28 PM
Could be a crash after the endorphin rush . . .
Or coming off an adrenaline high

01-17-2012, 04:12 PM
For myself my natural movements and energy is soft and fluid like a Willow Tree instead of the Oak Tree or like water instead of granite. Intuition(feeling) instead of intellect (analytical), Receptive instead of active so the female clothing complements this energy better. I like being up on my toes that heels afford and the freedom of a skirt over pants. My skin is very sensitive to touch so I have strong opinions about what feels comfortable. Also seeing myself dressed as a female allows my mind to see what I intuitively feel I am because of my natural energies, energies that I have seen expressed in women but rarely to the degree that I have in another man.I am even more feminine than many women if that makes sense. If I go to long living with the dissonance of not having the outside match the inside it leads to mental exhaustion because my mind is working at living in an unnatural state (fish out of water).

If you are new to dressing you may have experienced this first release from what I call an emotional prison so it is like crawling back into slavery to revert back. It is different for everyone depending on their disharmony between body and mind. These are my opinions in how I have always experienced it and my thoughts on the reasons why. Feeling the crash for me would come from living as what I am not because it is painful and pain is exhausting