View Full Version : Outreach opportunity and I took it!

Jamie Burton
01-29-2012, 11:05 PM
This past evening I spent a few hours speaking and answering questions about being transgendered with the teen group at a local church!

The pastor had contacted the Quad Citians Affirming Diversity (of which the local support group is a part of) about having someone come to speak about being TG with their teen group. The kids had apparently requested the opportunity to learn about something they did not know about.

As the leader of the group, I felt that I HAD to be one of the people to go: how can I ask someone to be that out in public if I myself am not ready to do so? So I agreed to go and asked the group to see if anyone else wanted to: one other person did, we we arranged an evening to go and talk with these kids.

I fully admit that I was incredibly nervous about this. I have been out in a few select spaces but have never done anything like this before. I would be very much on the spot and very much the object of attention for what turned about to be a group of fifteen to twenty teens and a few parents. There was no slipping in and out quietly, not making a fuss, not engaging with other people.

So Jessyka and I arrived at the church and met the pastor and the kids and it proved to be a very positive and interesting time. They had many questions to ask and were all very polite about asking them. We talked in some detail about the difficulties of growing up as TG and how we come to grips with this aspect of ourselves. We also talked about the ways that they can help those who are TG they will meet in the future - two people there acknowledged that they already knew TG persons through their school or work.

It was an affirming experience to take part in. My nervousness left very quickly, despite being under much scrutiny the whole time. I think I represented our community in a positive manner and I know that these kids learned a few things as well.

So, ladies, if sometime down the road you find an opportunity to engage with the public and help our community, please take the chance. With luck, you'll find it as positive an experience as I did!

01-29-2012, 11:06 PM
Thats wonderful Jamie, keep up the great outreach hon.

01-30-2012, 01:51 AM
Jamie, that is very cool. Several of the Seattle girls that I know, have conducted similar sessions at several community colleges, in our area.

Jacqueline Winona
01-30-2012, 02:11 AM
Good for you, Jamie, thanks for making a difference.

Phylis Nicole Schuyler
01-30-2012, 03:26 AM
Now that's paying it forward for us. Thank you for your bravery to go out and explain the who, what and why of being a CDer. Was the church still standing after you left?

01-30-2012, 03:40 AM
Very cool, Jamie! Thank you for being willing to go out on the line to education others!


01-30-2012, 05:34 AM
I'm always so impressed when people like you do this. Thank you for being a role model and a positive force.

01-30-2012, 06:28 AM
Congratulations Jamie! That was a wonderful thing you did!

I also am happy that the church reached out for it's teens. My last church, a Southern Baptist, actually had someone from the local young gay and lesbian community speak to our youth group. It's always encouraging to see churches begin to open up to diversity.

Renee W
01-30-2012, 06:37 AM
It's always great when someone takes the time to relay a postive message and portray a postive image about us. What's even better is that you had an audience that was truely interested and it sounds like they kept open minds about it.

01-30-2012, 06:49 AM
That is wonderful glad you had such a chance and took it . Keep up the great work

01-30-2012, 06:52 AM
Kids are amazing when they are treated with respect as you did. They will also give that respect back. You enable one small step forward for at least one community and who know, maybe within those kids was one who had the same struggle that we deal with. Good show!

01-30-2012, 11:27 AM
I have never actively sought out an opportunity but if I was ever offered one by a school or church group, I wouldn't have any qualms about appearing before the group. I would consider any legitimate group seeking information about transgenderism a learning experience for me and them.

01-30-2012, 11:47 AM
That was really great, Jamie. it takes a lot of courage and you did a tremendous service to those teens and adults that participated. And you did us all a service by sharing your expereinces and humanity with others!

Princess Chantal
01-30-2012, 11:50 AM
Now that is awesome to read! Thank you for sharing and a huge thank you for stepping up to the plate for the tg community.

Barbara Ella
01-30-2012, 12:32 PM
Several amazing things happened here. First it was the kids who wanted to discuss this issue - awareness is increasing. Second the elders in the church agreed to host this event - awareness and tolerance is increasing. Thirdly the parents attended with their children - parental involvement still exists, and you educated at least two age groups. fourth, wonderful people such as you and Jessyka made yourselves available, willing to appear and openly talk about our issues - positive appearances by thoughtful and intelligent people tears away the veil of the unknown more quickly than anything else. Fifth, a potential future amazing thing, these kids could talk to their peers who will want their group to learn more, and pusht their elders to help them learn more about our society.

What a wonderful set of occurrences you two wonderful people have set in motion. I am so proud and happy for you, and I hope you really feel the same for yourselves. Thank you so very much.


01-30-2012, 01:59 PM
I think it's awesome you took the time to answer questions, and educate them. They need to know we are normal people and not sideshow freaks.

We need more ladies like you to interact and help educate people about us. Nice job Jamie!

01-30-2012, 02:07 PM
That was really great, Jamie. it takes a lot of courage and you did a tremendous service to those teens and adults that participated. And you did us all a service by sharing your expereinces and humanity with others!

I think it's awesome you took the time to answer questions, and educate them. They need to know we are normal people and not sideshow freaks.

We need more ladies like you to interact and help educate people about us. Nice job Jamie!
All i can say is thank you, it very important to reach out to teens and at a church setting, that is wonderful, i bet everyone learn something that night, including you.

01-30-2012, 04:22 PM
Congratulations! What a great way to increase understanding and empathy!

Lynn Marie
01-30-2012, 04:31 PM
Well done Jamie. Good to hear there are church going teens and pastors out there with open minds and hearts for those of us who are just a little different. Churches are in dire need of truly having a heart for the non-perfect!

Daphne Renee
01-30-2012, 04:39 PM
Glad you had such a great time. I think it great that you had confiedence to speak .

01-31-2012, 09:41 PM
Another great sign for the future. Thank you for doing that Jamie! Sometimes it takes some gumption to put yourself in front of others like that. When some are children and anything could happen, it makes it more difficult at times. We need more churches like this!