View Full Version : wardrobe wars

01-30-2012, 11:15 PM
My wife was semi-joking, semi-complaining that my girl wardrobe was starting to eat into her closet space. "How many floral dresses do you need?" she asked rhetorically. Three, I said to myself. Then she says, "you're going to need to buy some things each season so you need to cull,your wardrobe now and again.". Wow! I HAVE TO shop for more clothes. Um...ok. And last night she says I should get an engagement ring to go with my gold band so it looks like a natural woman's set. I love my wife:)

01-30-2012, 11:16 PM
omg so lucky!!! Good for you Jennifer :)

karren G
01-31-2012, 05:34 AM
i have the same problem my wife just keeps on coming home with a clothes present every now & again .Now my half of our warddrobe is full of my girly things,
soon i will have to have my own wardrobe just to cope with all my stuff she has bought me

Rita C.
01-31-2012, 06:53 AM
My wife is rasing h--l, that I have more girl things than boy. I told her not to worry that the boy is thinking about moving out and that will give us more room.

Renee W
01-31-2012, 07:33 AM
Thankfully I have a closet just for my clothes. I have my everyday guy clothes in our walk-in closet, but we each have our own extra closets in the spare bedrooms. I am slowly culling my extra guy stuff out of my extra closet and putting it in space bags to make more breathing room for dresses and such.

01-31-2012, 07:55 AM
Your wife is wise. But I'd be very careful about crowding her closet space - that could mean trouble ;)

01-31-2012, 07:56 AM
what a great wife, you are very lucky!! ring sets would be easy for me...i have a small box of wedding bands and engagement rings from my numerous divorces and break-ups, and there might even be a finger or two in there...

01-31-2012, 08:14 AM
Take some Tylenol 3's when trying to cull. The pain is unbearable. Good idea with the wedding band. I always wear my set whenever en femme. It not only keeps the pigs at bay, it also signifies to the s/o you are taken, by her. Sort of a comfort thing for her.

01-31-2012, 01:40 PM
Three little words"

Big Plastic Tubs!

I, too, need to cull occasionally but make it a several stage process. I take the less favorite things and fold them and put them in a large tub in the back of the closet. Later I take the tub up to the attic. Someday I will take them from the attic to goodwill. (haven't yet! :) )

This frees up the closet space as I need it, but allows me to retrieve that skirt when the perfect blouse (or shoes) appears on sale. (or when I finally lose that weight to make it look good)

Plus DSW (Dear Sweet Wife) will occasionally to borrow something that wasn't my favorite and would otherwise be gone.


Barbara Ella
01-31-2012, 02:06 PM
Love wives who think like yours does. My wife calls herself a power shopper, and i saw that last Sunday. She sees, she likes, she takes. This time i was along, and she inserted a you like it? in there somewhere, not sure where. So my closet space is growing, and she culled her closet Sunday night, and about doubled what I now have in my space.. I like this problem and am looking forward to more of it.
