View Full Version : Valentine's Day

Renee W
01-31-2012, 08:30 AM
Only 2 weeks to go until that wonderful day we know as Valentine's Day!!

I think that this year it will have different meaning to me since this is the first year that Renee will be celebrating along with my male self and my wife. I can't help but wonder if my SO will get me something special, you know, the kind of things only guys get for their wives. Will my SO get Renee anything femme???

In addition to what the day means for me and the wife, the day is also special for all those shy, closeted CDers out there. This is one of the few times of year where you can shop where no man usually shops, without fear of judgement at the checkout. Yes, you can go into the lingerie department, and what makes it even better is that the selection right now is awesome with all sorts of seasonal selections. Hurry, leave right now, go shopping, get that pink nightie. Get one, get two, get one you!

01-31-2012, 09:20 AM
I'm a bit of a contrarian in that respect. We invariably stay home on New Years Eve and go to bed by 10 - always considered it amatuers night. So instead of candy and lingerie, I always make a nice dinner for my wife on Valentines day and a hot bath with a bottle of wine.