View Full Version : Rant. Who are these people?!!!

10-29-2005, 06:00 PM
tongue in cheek stuff of course!

Halloween is upon us :) and many otherwise sad TG types will be jumping on the pagan festivities bandwagon as their annual opportunity to follow their harmless instincts outside of their own locked doors and closed curtans.
What contributes to festive throng for one night, is condemned as abhorrent at other times because that is what is taught by our "betters".

Who are these people? Hidden infidels, who seek to deny us all our basic genetic variations. Even down to our essential duality of gender. Given, if you happen to have tits and eggs, then you are likely to be able to grow and feed a baby. If you produce healthy sperm, you are likey to be able to produce viable progeny. But it is obvious that our species is not advantaged in any way by the self righteous pigs, that bid the approved ones "Go forth and multiply and to hell with the rest!!!

So where do they get off damning folks to eternal fires of hell, for living their lives according to how their DNA, their instincts and their individual bodies dictate? Who can deny, the right to be here, of any viable life form that has evolved through the great diversification of life on Earth? Such arrogance!!! To quote scriptures, written a mere 2,000 years ago. My heritage goes back way before then. If I am as their God intended, then leave me be!!!
Then they perpetuate this divisive polarity of gender and assign limited roles to each. It's not manly to do this. It's not ladylike or fenenine to do that. What right do they have to spout such rot?
Dammit, the only reason TG-girls have to wear false breasts, is because their imaginations have been so stiffled over the last two thousand years of brainwashing and persecution that they need prosthetics, as an aid to that imagination. The right to emotional comfort wherever it can be found in a world in pain. The desire to feel femenine is a right to all who seek it surely. And conversely, the right to feel manly as possible, even with prosthetics where deemed desireable by the individual, is not something that should be granted or denied by anyone.
Who is it that has poisoned minds and damaged the individual intelectual reasoning of so many around the world? What great crimes these are. We have arrived at where we are because of our diversity, not our beliefs.

I'm not angry... I'm mad!!!! ;)

Pass the bottle..

Happy Halloween everybody :)

10-29-2005, 06:07 PM
Well, I went out today in super-tight lowrise jeans and femme sandals. Nary a word. Evil is not about in the SiVal. No breasts though, although they are safely glued on right now ... mmmmmmmmmmmm.