View Full Version : Silk fog and dangerous equipment

02-03-2012, 10:04 AM
Many have alluded to the pink fog that overcomes some (all?) members here at one time or another and leads one to see nothing but heading to the closet to get dressed or out of the closet and show the entire world how you look with caution tossed to the wind.
But is there another phenomena, the silk fog, that sneaks in in a pair of heels when least expected? Thought about this today when ripping a board on the table saw and fingers were headed for the blade. Not a good way to get a manicure. Had been thinking about some new clothes and what the next time would be like instead of focusing on the saw and task at hand. This is not the first time catching self with mind wandering to the closet. Are others affected this way?
Ps finally have avatar. Paint and body filler go long way on this old chassis.

Barbara Ella
02-03-2012, 10:17 AM
And I thought 6" heels were dangerous. Cross dressing should come with a Surgeon's General warning laabel not tooperate heavy equipment or drive vehicles until completing a dressing session.

Lovely avatar. I can see a great smile there. HOpe you get a closeup you like for your profile pic.


02-03-2012, 10:24 AM

First great avatar beautiful legs. I have found myself sitting at my desk dreaming of when I will be able to dress. The issue is people at work have walked up and asked if I was ok and why am I just staring at my monitor. It can just take me over with no notice. I do love it but I also need to work.

02-03-2012, 10:37 AM
100% UNDERSTOOD, Laura. Thinking about CD is a really strong emotional thing- it hijacks your mind a bit, until you get a little more used to it.
Funny you should mention the table saw, i have a history with them... Nothing lost, just an occasional nick- i tend to do some fine cutting and 'carving' with the saw- it's a great tool despite the inherent danger. Never due to CD being on the mind though. A few times a bug got inside my glasses as my fingers were 1/4" or so from the blade- i jumped a bit and the piece i was cutting kicked out- got a nick or two in the fingers- now i'm really over cautious - actuall, one might even interpret my actions as that of a woman who is less familiar with power equipment working on the table saw. not an altogether bad thing...

Avatar: NICE heels! nice background too- looks like you took some time to do a good fashion photo- awesome!

Btw- i do sometimes still trim my nails with a dremel and sanding drum... you have to be SO careful though... :-/

02-03-2012, 12:33 PM
About twenty years ago while using a shaper head on a piece of black walnut I almost became a woman for real when the cutter hit a knot and kicked the piece of wood back and out. It tore a big gouge in the palm of my hand and hit me in the naughty bits part even though I was standing where I should of. I can't even tell where the wood hit me in the hand anymore. I was making a high chair for a Cabbage Patch Kid and thinking about what I would be dressing the doll in when it was time to put everything together. For the most part I think about TSism and CDing quite a bit.