View Full Version : Tending toward default

Dawn cd
02-04-2012, 01:31 PM
According to the creation myth in the Hebrew scriptures, the male of the species was created first and the female thrown in almost as an afterthought. However this may be just a tale made up by a patriarchal society; the winners are the ones who write the histories. I think it's far more likely that the female is the default gender. To put it another way, the female is the drink and the male is the straw that stirs it. After all, it only takes one stallion for a herd of mares. This may also be why there are many more MtF transgenders than FtM: We are tending toward the default gender. Does this resonate with anyone's experience?

02-04-2012, 01:43 PM
On the chromosomal level we are all female. Each gender has an X chromosome; males are XY and females are XX. So we all are partially female, i beleive that some of us have a stronger female side.

02-04-2012, 01:50 PM
I've heard that in reality the female is just twice as good and we wondeup with one short leg explaining the y.
But then again you know how hear-say is.

Beverley Sims
02-04-2012, 02:30 PM
I think it is default of the female.

Barbara Ella
02-04-2012, 03:28 PM
I have to go with the female being the default starting point. And I love the story about the short leg for the male.


Silentpartner GG SO
02-04-2012, 03:34 PM
I was having a similar discussion with my husband earlier - I dont think anyone is 100% or 100% female - I think some people have a higher percentage of one and some maybe are just one side or other of the middle -

02-04-2012, 03:40 PM
from what i found out medically, we are all female to start, then at a specific moment we get everything to decide what makes us male of female, and sometimes that gets screwed up so that males get too much female, thus a cd is born, since female is the default gender, there are more mtf than ftm born, at least that was what i was told by medical people

02-04-2012, 06:41 PM
This may be one of those answers that sends me to the corner to stay quiet. Technically, the egg, a single X, meets up with the sperm containing either an X or Y and from the beginning the two make the sex (noticed the avoidance of gender) of the baby either XX or XY or in abnormalities other combinations such as XXX or XXY etc. What happens after that is magic. :)

Alice Torn
02-04-2012, 06:47 PM
Just look at which gender is dominant today, in the colleges, universities, and work place, and it aint the men!

02-04-2012, 07:07 PM
There is a genetic element to this, but it has evolved how it has... YY would self-termninate as unviable and so XX, XY and the occasional 'extras' that happen with random events such as sperms and eggs meeting up and doing their stuff (XXY etc).

There is also a philosophical element... men have evolved to go off and provide a certain attribute to family life whether this be protection from external threats (fighting off bad guys) or looking for extra sources of food and shelter...etc... today this translates largely to the world of work and careers. Women have evolved primarilly as the homemaker, the nurturer, etc.. but when the men are away doing what they do, the women have historically fed, clothed and homed their offspring and kept the 'tribe' going.

This may appear sexist - it isn't - it is how gender roles grew in a society that is not about MacDonalds and flash offices on Wall Street and Taipei. Nowadays we embrace women in the 'career' world that was traditionally the male preserve and quite rightly so... after all... they evolved as the 'sorters' of everything. I am not sure about default postions, but women are generally, in my honest opinion best placed to everything in modern society except for manual tasks that are too difficult for them and for which males were probably 'needed' and hence evolved.

These days we only need men for sperm and muscle... it is why I always wanted be a woman... they can do everything I want to do. As a man I can do so little... and has been said, society (at least in the West) has shifted to an empowered-female centric society. Traditional 'alpha' men will always fight this trend. In many ancient scriptures they were ahead of us... if you do not limit women's freedoms, they will eventually dominate any society at every level.

Hmmm maybe this is default? I know which side I sit on! And it isn't with the neanderthals that wind up leading companies and governing!