View Full Version : Me just ramblin...

02-14-2012, 01:39 AM
:battingeyelashes: ok ya so omg i just feel so for real great right now, i've been on HRT just lil over a month right now, so no like major drastic changes, my arm since I was a male wore my hair clipper shaved, and its still real short, but alot of people have commented on how long my hair is, even though its not even over my ears (really its pretty tacky lookin & needs some help) never have had hair this longer before and found out my hair is wavy and darker than i thought so def need to get it colored. Anywho I've had a few heart warming experiences in the last week that really wouldnt i guess seem like big deal but at work today a guy commented on my demeanor say im very girlish asked why, we talked back in forth blah blah blah he was like its alright if your gay ur still cool either way just dont be feeling up on me and laughed, i told him im not gay (which im not, i am attracted to females (or girly boys :-P) i just like to let the the girl in me out, he was like dude i was askin a serious question and i said im givin a serious answer. but still i think hes oblivious , lol really probably i am the one that is oblivious .. either way i am just way over whelmed by the acceptance i am getting from everyone. I Put a few pictures of me up on my facebook all i was wearing eye make-up and lips, nothing but positive comments, i dunno i just feeeeell soooo greeeeeeaaaaaatt not hiding who i am , and i have been "at a glance" mistakin for a female which i dunno how cause i feel like look just like a real pretty boy. anyway ill cut this off sorry for the structure my english teachers hated me :-\ Goodday every one much love :)

02-14-2012, 02:13 AM
Congrats on your HRT anniversary! It sounds like you've had a great month so far!


02-14-2012, 12:03 PM
i told him im not gay (which im not, i am attracted to females (or girly boys :-P)

I assume you are on HRT because you are transitioning? Girls who are sexually attracted to girls are gay, but what's this girly boy thing? So you're bi then?

glad your feeling good!

02-14-2012, 12:15 PM

It's obvious by the way you look that you are presenting as a very girlish guy which isn't bad whatsoever.
Congrat's on your HRT use.
