View Full Version : hello chicks!

02-18-2012, 06:31 AM
Yesterday, I was a boy. Last night I was a girl. Today am a girl. Tonight im a boy.

You gotta keep life interesting somehow...

Beverley Sims
02-18-2012, 12:18 PM
The hardest part is forgetting your name and explaining to others that they were talking to your brother/sister last night.
I met a girl one night and we hit it off well. Made a date for next weekend....
The next night.."What are you doing dressed up like a poof?" "I beg your pardon," after a little more conversational exchange I convinced her
she had met my twin brother. Oh! she was a blonde girl.
Next week I let my beard? grow for three days so my face looked less feminine.
But did I get the cross examination, sniffing and smelling for scent, and anything that would give me away.
I never did introduce her to my sister, explaining that she was a bitch and all the other un-niceties I could think of.
I think my sister left the country for the duration of our relationship.