View Full Version : Hormone Levels - Discouraged

02-22-2012, 06:16 AM
Dear friends,

I am a little but discouraged. My doctor called me to let me know about my lab results. All is fine, except that my T levels are super high. She shays somehow my body is converting the estradiol into testosterone. My T level is at 1003!!!!!!!
She says I need to increase the T- blocker medication. I have been in Finasteride for about 5-6 months since I started HRT. Now she has added Spiro, (half of the regular dosage) so now I am taking both. I hate to have to invade my body with meds and this is certainly discouraging to me, especially that i have never had to take meds in my life, it makes me very anxious and my mind stars going crazy about the whole transgender issue. I start thinking if this is really necessary. I start thinking about the dangers of having high levels of estrogen and testosterone at the same time. I am afraid and crying inside. Deep inside my heart, I don't want to stop HRT, as I said in other posts, transition doesn't make sense to me if stop taking hormones. My mind ( driven by fear) tells me to stop and go back to be the person I used to be ( male).

I think about the reasons why my body is creating more T and I could be related to stress, ( transitioning could be very stressfull ) and the fact that I am into fitness. I am 5'4" and weight 126lbs, lean and I run and do yoga and perhaps the physical activity is not helping. I don't know.... On the other hand, I am a vegetarian and my only source of protein is through lots of legumes. I understand eating meat promotes the production of testosterone and in my case I eat none.

I don't know what to do. I am certainly anxious, discouraged and sad.

Just wanted to share my feelings with you. Thank you all for reading my post.


02-22-2012, 06:54 AM
Good luck Jordie. I wish I knew what advice to give you. I also don't understand my hormone situation. Thank you for sharing your feelings. If I was near I would give you a big hug. Don't give up. Leanne

02-22-2012, 08:26 AM

I understand your sadness and concern but you haven't been on HRT for any real length of time yet.
You are well within the time frame where your T levels are in the adjustment period.
Listen to your doctor and take the spiro.

You have to stop thinking of HRT as an invading force and learn to accept it as the life giving force that it is.

This leads me to believe that you are taking bare minimum amounts of Finasteride and Estrogen to attempt transition with.
Take HRT levels that will enable you to see the growth your mind, spirit and body need to transition to the woman you are.

Concerning red meat. If one subscribes to the theory that red meat consumption has lead to a " feminization " of the American male due to hormone ingestion by bovine prior to slaughter then the statement that the consumption of said meat increases testosterone is contradictory.

Please see; http://www.livestrong.com/article/70189-estrogenic-foods-avoid/

This article by the Lance Armstrong Foundation contends that the consumption of non organic red meat leads to notably high levels of estrogen in the system.

Jordie, lowering your testosterone levels will take time and the ingestion of the correct amounts of HRT in order to see success.


02-22-2012, 08:27 AM
Everyone is different and responds differently to medications that is for sure. I would think what you eat has a lot more to do with it then what activities you do. Although neither should really affect your T levels to such a degree. However, I am no expert in this area. I am only an expert on how things I do effect me.

I am on both estrdiol and spiro. I am a runner and consider myself active. I eat meat, veggies, fruits, dairy and chocolate (the other food group) of all sorts all in moderation. My T levels barely show up and my estrogen levels are high so much so that my doctor reduced the amount of etrodiol I should take. I am also in my late 40's and perhaps that may also be a factor.

It will probably take time to figure out what the correct levels and dosages you will need. So, don't give up on your doctor yet :)

02-22-2012, 08:45 AM
Thank you Abigail, perhaps I need to have patience and take it slow. I love my physical activities as they are my only source of relaxation. I enjoy running a lot.

The whole issue feels as if I am going one step forward and then I take two steps backwars and remain with little progress in my transition.I won't give up to my doctor yet, she is a very nice, compassionate docot, and I love her office staff and the fact that she spends good amount of time with every patient and listens to you attentively and responds to all your questions.

Again, thank you very much for your time and input. It is highly apppreciated.

02-22-2012, 09:00 AM
Julia, Thank you so very much for your time and sincere words and advise. As I was telling Abigail, I need to have patience.

You are 1000000% right in your statement about HRT and the life giving force that it is. It is the fear of transition and the courage it is taking me to do it. I am overcoming all my fears little by little and i know I am on the right path, what happens is that as I am making progress, then I get this discouraging results and the entire world of fear collapses on me and then I get anxious and sad. Jordie is real, she is blossoming and she does not want to die, she wants to live and recover perhaps all the years she was dormant and doped by the influence of society, but she is afraid, very afraid but at the same time she is very courageous and is willing to keep trying cautiously, little by little at her own terms until she is free in the world. I feel like I am ver near to the half of the tunnel and after that it is all an exit to the light.

Yes I'm taking half doses of each, but I will increase the dosage as per my doctor. She wantsme to take another labwork next month and see my progress.

Again,your posts is so to the point, you just nailed it my friend. I love you and I wish you all the best always.

Thank you!


I understand your sadness and concern but you haven't been on HRT for any real length of time yet.
You are well within the time frame where your T levels are in the adjustment period.
Listen to your doctor and take the spiro.

You have to stop thinking of HRT as an invading force and learn to accept it as the life giving force that it is.

This leads me to believe that you are taking bare minimum amounts of Finasteride and Estrogen to attempt transition with.
Take HRT levels that will enable you to see the growth your mind, spirit and body need to transition to the woman you are.

Concerning red meat. If one subscribes to the theory that red meat consumption has lead to a " feminization " of the American male due to hormone ingestion by bovine prior to slaughter then the statement that the consumption of said meat increases testosterone is contradictory.

Please see; http://www.livestrong.com/article/70189-estrogenic-foods-avoid/

This article by the Lance Armstrong Foundation contends that the consumption of red meat leads to notably high levels of estrogen in the system.

Jordie, lowering your testosterone levels will take time and the ingestion of the correct amounts of HRT in order to see success.


02-22-2012, 09:25 AM
Finasteride is not a suitable T-blocker on its own. It does prevent T converting to DHT and affecting hair loss. You really needed (as now) Spiro or Androcur or something. At least it looks you're going in the right direction!

A lot of people do take Finasteride or Dutasteride with another T-blocker and in that case it can do good work. :)

02-22-2012, 09:29 AM
What Julia said. The "invasive force" in my life is this horrid body! Whatever amount of chemical warfare is needed to defeat the maleness, bring it on! Jordie, I know your scared but only you can decide if you NEED to transition or not, if not forget about the HRT.

My understating is that finasteride only blocks DHT. Finasteride is not blocking your T so no wonder its still really high! Most Drs like to baby step HRT, basically to cover their ass, so its going to take a long time if this is your Drs approach. I'm with a friend right now who just had her bottom surgery last week. Her Dr had her on Finasteride, no Spiro, for a little over a year now, she had lowish T to begin with. Her T was in the 200s at the time of her surgery, below a males but still higher than a females, i suspect in a week or two shes going to feel it when her T finally drops! Conversely I've been taking Cyproterone for a little over a year now. I don't know what my T was before I started but it must have been pretty normal. I never had problems functioning sexually and I was pretty strong. At 6 months on HRT my T was 18, at 9 months it was 0.5!! Cypro is brutally effective at blocking T. I'm glad to hear you're on Spiro now as it will be much more effective than Finasteride and you will start to see results.

02-22-2012, 09:43 AM
Your very welcome Jordie.

I only wish beautiful and loving things for you sister.

I love you too!


Kaitlyn Michele
02-22-2012, 10:17 AM
The conversion of E to T is something that occurs naturally in your body under certain circumstances... Dr McGinn (a well known TS woman and TS doctor) tried to explain it to me but in a nutshell, if you take TOO MUCH estrogen the body overdoses on it and converts it to testosterone... this can be because your body is poorly absorbing the E or it could be your delivery of estrogen in wrong for you...(too much? wrong delivery)... also because you weren't taking any T blockers (which i can't believe you were advised this), there is no reason for your T to go down anyway...

For what its worth...i had a 6 month problem too...my compounding cream was not delivering its estrogen to my system... the spiro worked great.. so i had super low T and super low E.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried and cried just like you ...

but i started taking shots for my estrogen and months later i had the right figures.. it felt like a nuclear explosion at the time, but it was a blip..

02-22-2012, 11:43 AM
sorry to hear you're stressing over the hormone levels. I haven't any advice to offer, just encouragement that you stay with it for a while longer and do whatever you can to relieve your anxiety and stress levels.

Melissa Jill
02-22-2012, 12:12 PM
Life is for living. You only live once so make sure you actually enjoy your life, to live a miserable life is pointless.
Sometimes you gotta take risks and maybe Im reckless but I would rather live to be 40 and get twice as much living done than I would if I were to live to 80.

Melody Moore
02-22-2012, 02:28 PM
Finasteride is not a suitable T-blocker on its own. It does prevent T converting to DHT and affecting hair loss. You really needed (as now) Spiro or Androcur or something. At least it looks you're going in the right direction!

A lot of people do take Finasteride or Dutasteride with another T-blocker and in that case it can do good work. :)

Bingo! this post is the best reply to the OP here.

Finasteride is not a T blocker, it only stops testosterone from being converted to
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes male pattern baldness. Spiro or Androcur
is what is needed to ensure the success of any hormone treatment regime.

02-22-2012, 03:27 PM
Thank you all for your kind replies. It is very important to me to know that I am not alone and that I can always share my feelings with all you .

Thanks a lot dear friends and have a wonderful day!

02-22-2012, 04:20 PM
...My mind ( driven by fear) tells me to stop and go back to be the person I used to be ( male)...

I know this is not the answer you seek, but should it ever come to this. Reverting back to living as a male would not be the worst thing in the world.

I use cross dress years ago and for a time I took hormones. I wasn't on them long. Just enough until my breasts started to bud. I very much like my feminine side, but I knew I could never really be the sexy tgirl I wanted to be. So I reverted back to living as a male.

There were things I just didn't want to do to fake being feminine. I don't like make-up in any form. Don't like it on women and like it less on myself. I'm not a fan of wigs. If I can't have that natural hair, then I'll have to live with what I have. I wanted breasts, but wanted natural breasts. I'm not a fan of breast implants for women or tgirls. And although I already have that slender body, I have man hips. I would never have the natural curves of a woman. The final straw for me was shaving. Since I refuse to ware make-up, I would always have that man face. Smooth, but still a man. Now mind you, I wish no disrespect or ill judgement towards others. These are just feelings I had about myself. Not how I feel about other cross dressers. The yearning to be that girl, but stuck with the body I have.

I make the best of my situation. Still a guy, but in touch with my feminine side. I'm not flamboyant about it. I'm just down to earth with my feelings. Although I may not dress, I still associate with the cross dressing and transgender community. I try to be grate-full for what I do have. It's not so bad.

02-22-2012, 04:48 PM
First of, Finasteride is not a complete Testosterone blocker but stops certain processes which convert Testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), dht is much more potent then T it self and is responsible for help in creating secondary sex characteristic in males.

Finasteride Does not block T! But your results "1000" are in the upper range of T, you are probably genetically predisposed. No worries mate!

Spironolacton is a very potent T blocker and goes directly where its needed, with T levels you have I would opt for full dose but I suppose your doc is very cautious and so go with the flow. I bet you T levels are gonna reduce drastically within next 3 months.

Other option is to have your useless "you know what" removed, a bit costly procedure but it does a fantastic job, but then.......

Transition is extreme, life altering experience, we die and are reborn again, we walk through gates of hell to emerge on the other side, with hope for happiness.

Reasons plenty to never set on this journey, but those are reasons and not SELF! Within self lie truth, within truth lie path to wholeness, one body one mind.

What you are feeling within your heart is the truth, what is making you anxious is intellect which calculates your place within environment and society, it wants you to fit in and any deviation from norm will set it turning its wheels relentlessly.
Slow down and take a deep breath, look within your heart and listen to the eternal song of infinite wisdom and image of real You!

Kaitlyn Michele
02-22-2012, 04:58 PM
I know this is not the answer you seek, but should it ever come to this. Reverting back to living as a male would not be the worst thing in the world.

I use cross dress years ago and for a time I took hormones. I wasn't on them long. Just enough until my breasts started to bud. I very much like my feminine side, but I knew I could never really be the sexy tgirl I wanted to be. So I reverted back to living as a male.

There were things I just didn't want to do to fake being feminine. I don't like make-up in any form. Don't like it on women and like it less on myself. I'm not a fan of wigs. If I can't have that natural hair, then I'll have to live with what I have. I wanted breasts, but wanted natural breasts. I'm not a fan of breast implants for women or tgirls. And although I already have that slender body, I have man hips. I would never have the natural curves of a woman. The final straw for me was shaving. Since I refuse to ware make-up, I would always have that man face. Smooth, but still a man. Now mind you, I wish no disrespect or ill judgement towards others. These are just feelings I had about myself. Not how I feel about other cross dressers. The yearning to be that girl, but stuck with the body I have.

I make the best of my situation. Still a guy, but in touch with my feminine side. I'm not flamboyant about it. I'm just down to earth with my feelings. Although I may not dress, I still associate with the cross dressing and transgender community. I try to be grate-full for what I do have. It's not so bad.

I'm glad it worked out for you..

You are not "still" a guy...you were always a guy! and you did a smart thing for yourself.
HRT for crossdressing is almost always going to run out of gas when you realize all the new found femininity is not a magic pill...

02-22-2012, 05:19 PM
When your TS/IS and need to transition reverting back to male mode can and does kill.
This is not a cross dressing situation and to compare it to such is not only faulty but dangerous.
I sense the sincerity in your post however it has nothing to do with this woman's situation nor will it ever.


I know this is not the answer you seek, but should it ever come to this. Reverting back to living as a male would not be the worst thing in the world.

I use cross dress years ago and for a time I took hormones. I wasn't on them long. Just enough until my breasts started to bud. I very much like my feminine side, but I knew I could never really be the sexy tgirl I wanted to be. So I reverted back to living as a male.

There were things I just didn't want to do to fake being feminine. I don't like make-up in any form. Don't like it on women and like it less on myself. I'm not a fan of wigs. If I can't have that natural hair, then I'll have to live with what I have. I wanted breasts, but wanted natural breasts. I'm not a fan of breast implants for women or tgirls. And although I already have that slender body, I have man hips. I would never have the natural curves of a woman. The final straw for me was shaving. Since I refuse to ware make-up, I would always have that man face. Smooth, but still a man. Now mind you, I wish no disrespect or ill judgement towards others. These are just feelings I had about myself. Not how I feel about other cross dressers. The yearning to be that girl, but stuck with the body I have.

I make the best of my situation. Still a guy, but in touch with my feminine side. I'm not flamboyant about it. I'm just down to earth with my feelings. Although I may not dress, I still associate with the cross dressing and transgender community. I try to be grate-full for what I do have. It's not so bad.

02-22-2012, 09:15 PM
I know this is not the answer you seek, but should it ever come to this. Reverting back to living as a male would not be the worst thing in the world.

I use cross dress years ago and for a time I took hormones. I wasn't on them long. Just enough until my breasts started to bud. I very much like my feminine side, but I knew I could never really be the sexy tgirl I wanted to be. So I reverted back to living as a male.

There were things I just didn't want to do to fake being feminine. I don't like make-up in any form. Don't like it on women and like it less on myself. I'm not a fan of wigs. If I can't have that natural hair, then I'll have to live with what I have. I wanted breasts, but wanted natural breasts. I'm not a fan of breast implants for women or tgirls. And although I already have that slender body, I have man hips. I would never have the natural curves of a woman. The final straw for me was shaving. Since I refuse to ware make-up, I would always have that man face. Smooth, but still a man. Now mind you, I wish no disrespect or ill judgement towards others. These are just feelings I had about myself. Not how I feel about other cross dressers. The yearning to be that girl, but stuck with the body I have.

I make the best of my situation. Still a guy, but in touch with my feminine side. I'm not flamboyant about it. I'm just down to earth with my feelings. Although I may not dress, I still associate with the cross dressing and transgender community. I try to be grate-full for what I do have. It's not so bad.

Thank you very much for your input. I'm glad it worked out for you. My case is perhaps a little different. Mine goes beyond clothing, it does not matter what i am wearing. I can be on top of a roof fixing a wood joist in jeans, hard hat, tools around my waist and steel toe boots and I would feel the same, gender in my case is in my heart and soul, and perhaps I could play the role perfectly, however, It would not be authentic and after all this is what I'm trying to accomplish. Jordie is real and she needs to live. She is afraid perhaps, or even confused, but is real and that makes a big difference.
Again, thank you so much for your input. Have a wonderful night.

02-22-2012, 09:25 PM
First of, Finasteride is not a complete Testosterone blocker but stops certain processes which convert Testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), dht is much more potent then T it self and is responsible for help in creating secondary sex characteristic in males.

Finasteride Does not block T! But your results "1000" are in the upper range of T, you are probably genetically predisposed. No worries mate!

Spironolacton is a very potent T blocker and goes directly where its needed, with T levels you have I would opt for full dose but I suppose your doc is very cautious and so go with the flow. I bet you T levels are gonna reduce drastically within next 3 months.

Other option is to have your useless "you know what" removed, a bit costly procedure but it does a fantastic job, but then.......

Transition is extreme, life altering experience, we die and are reborn again, we walk through gates of hell to emerge on the other side, with hope for happiness.

Reasons plenty to never set on this journey, but those are reasons and not SELF! Within self lie truth, within truth lie path to wholeness, one body one mind.

What you are feeling within your heart is the truth, what is making you anxious is intellect which calculates your place within environment and society, it wants you to fit in and any deviation from norm will set it turning its wheels relentlessly.
Slow down and take a deep breath, look within your heart and listen to the eternal song of infinite wisdom and image of real You!


Your post has giving me a great sense of peace, and somehow strength to keep on going. I loved they you put it. Thank you so very much dear. I never thought transition was going to be so hard, never occur to me that the fears I always heard or read about where going to be so paralizing to me. Your last paragraph is so liberating in a way. As I said before in this thread, the woman in my is alive, is real, and she is perpahs tired of being in prison for a crime that she did not commit because it did not exist. I have the responsibility to set her free and this is what I am doing. I appreciate or time and efforts. Your message has helped a lot tonight and I know all is well, I am loved and saved.

Thank you beautiful Inna and God bless my dear. You have a great night !!!

02-22-2012, 09:28 PM
When your TS/IS and need to transition reverting back to male mode can and does kill.
This is not a cross dressing situation and to compare it to such is not only faulty but dangerous.
I sense the sincerity in your post however it has nothing to do with this woman's situation nor will it ever.



Thank you. You know exactly how it is and how one feels. It is so wonderful to know that i am not alone. Tonight I feel much more at peace and I have regain my enthusiasm and willing to be more patience with myself, willing to love myself more and be compassionate. I know I will make it. I know it will all be fine. Thank you so much Julia.

Enjoy your evening beautiful - Sweet Dreams