View Full Version : Another way dressing can be good?

03-07-2012, 02:37 PM
After a long wait, I was told by my wife that I should dress up because she needed to talk to Jessica about something. I was at first, nervous to say the least. I took a shower and put on some satin pajamas with some of my girly house socks! Just went the comfortable route, and applied just a little makeup to hide a few things. I came out, and this is the first time I really WAS Jessica with her. Usually, I talked like me. I moved like me. I used my voice, mannerisms, and the walks I have learned from her.

After sitting down on the couch, she began laughing saying "You are so ready to go out! Nobody would know!" We sat talking until some things were brought up about girlfriends and things. She was having trouble with a friend she has known her whole life. After talking about these things, she tells me how thankful she is for me, and that Jessica was more understanding about those girly things than Jeremy. We looked through Avon books. Online stores. We laughed and had a great time. I never thought though, that dressing as Jessica, would actually help someone else. She said she likes to talk to Jesssica because she cares....(harsh)...:eek:. Really, she said "Jeremy doesn't want to hear about girl problems. That's why I like talking to you!" I never thought about it, but girls tell their best friends everything. That's what happened with her and Jessica tonight.

03-07-2012, 02:41 PM
Sounds like a good girls night in :) I have to admit though that treating you as two separate beings leaves me a bit worried as I don't think I would personally want to be treated that way but hey, if it works for you ;)

03-07-2012, 03:23 PM
That is a touching story. It is great that you and your wife can connect that well
with each other. My wife and myself have a very close relationship; but we do not
dress to just talk. After all, she is my best friend. And we can talk anyway we are dressed.

Kate Simmons
03-07-2012, 03:42 PM
Well, I think Jeremy does want to hear about girl things and problems. Any man who is truly in touch with his wife (being dressed notwithstanding), knows he has to first be a good listener, not a problem solver.;):)

03-07-2012, 04:30 PM
It's wonderful that your wife feels comfortable talking intimately to you in either persona. It's quite possible that it's more of a matter that she's more comfortable talking with another gal about her problem than that you act so differently - unless you have some serious schizo going. But accept her need and enjoy it.


03-07-2012, 05:31 PM
I'm glad that you can shift gears and while "Jenn" present a side of Jeremy that I'm sure really exists, but otherwise isn't exhibited. I would say its a real benefit to your wife and good for you too in that you're allowing yourself to be a more complete partner to your wife. Win :Win deals are the best deals.

03-07-2012, 06:04 PM
I too like to think of my wife and me being best friends, and thought the request to dress as Jessica somewhat strange. However, as always, vive le difference. If that works and all are happy, there is no problem as far as I see it.

03-07-2012, 06:11 PM
I would assume that you would have been able to give her the same advice no matter how you were dressed, but if your wife likes to simulate talking to a girlfriend, there's no better way than for you to be that girlfriend, I reckon :) What ever makes her happy, right?

Jacqueline Winona
03-07-2012, 06:16 PM
Great story, Jessica- glad you found common ground with your wife. :)

03-07-2012, 06:25 PM
I never thought though, that dressing as Jessica, would actually help someone else. She said she likes to talk to Jesssica because she cares....(harsh)...:eek:. Really, she said "Jeremy doesn't want to hear about girl problems. That's why I like talking to you!" I never thought about it, but girls tell their best friends everything. That's what happened with her and Jessica tonight.

I'm glad you enjoyed a girly night with your wife!

But (there's always a "but" ... :p), I've got to say that I'm so happy I can have the same conversations with my SO no matter how he/she is dressed, whether it is talking about troubles I may have, or looking through the newest catalogues and commenting on the styles, or asking an opinion about how something looks on me. I tell my SO a lot more things than I tell girlfriends, but this is a function of the closeness we share in our relationship more than anything to do with gender. My SO knows absolutely everything about me, the good, the bad, and the ugly. :)

I do have a girlfriend whose husband CDs and she told me a long time ago that she loved talking to him in femme mode because when he was dressed he never lied to her whereas he often lied in guy mode. I would have found this worrisome.

03-07-2012, 11:42 PM
hiya Jessica!

I guess your wife is smart and a cutie ^ ^ she is bringing the two of you together, exploring another level of intimacy, reinforcing a bond — as well as signaling a couple of important issues about "the guy".

maybe that's the workaround? and she even feels more at ease talking girly things to a girl (even better, knowing her SO and herself are having a great time)? to me it sounds a nice (sparkly, shiny) plan. but I bet this will make Jeremy more attentive and patient and get the communication even better in either dress mode. not sure if she had that intention, but in any case you better pay attention and take good care of your SO, because she seems like a gem ^ ^

loved to read your story, thanks for sharing! now go spoil your bff! ;***

03-09-2012, 02:13 PM
Thanks to all who replied! I have been bed ridden the past few days (sick) and I am just now able to return to work. I am alright with her treating Jessica as a different person because I feel.....like a different person when I am her. I don't like talking with my wife about certain things because I know she doesn't enjoy it. She doesn't like listening to stuff like how my parents brewed their beer, my job talk, or how my car isn't running right and why. Same goes with me too. I honestly can't sit and listen to gossip. She loves it, and I hate it. Who is sleeping with who, who is in jail, who is pregnant with someone else's kid....I just don't like it. Of course, Oprah, Ellen, and talk shows like that....there aren't many guys in the audience either....unless their wife is on stage. Something about being Jessica, makes that stuff not only tollerable, but interesting. We have great communication, down to things I could never discuss here. If it is a problem between us...we discuss it and work through it. As for some things that affect us as individuals, would I be wrong to say a girl's best friend knows some things her own husband doesn't? What about the other way around? Does a guy's best friend know about some things his wife doesn't?

03-09-2012, 02:23 PM
My wife and I have a girls night every so often. We plan to do it more often. It is a great time for both of us.
Hope you feel better.

03-09-2012, 03:50 PM
While I think it is great that your wife is omfortable seeing you in girl mode, I find it odd that you think it's a good thing that your wife can talk to girl you and not boy you. Why are you so in attentive as a man? You are the same person. I believe the best relationships allow for open communication, period. I would bet that virtually all women would rather talk to their husbands, rather than to the girl versions of them, about deeper issues.