View Full Version : Wanting to do a project on gender variance

kimmy p
03-14-2012, 05:09 PM
for my psych class. I would love some input and help. I know that somewhere out there, there is a chart that shows how 10% of people are either one sex or the other, and the other 90% fall somewhere in between. This sound familiar to anyone?

Thanks in advance.

Josie M
03-14-2012, 07:35 PM
Well, I did start this thread on my attempt to build a "Gender Diversity" mind map by "crowd sourcing" the community.

Didn't go very far for me, but perhaps you'll find it useful...


FYI - it helps if you collapse all the branches on the map first (that was the more consistent feedback I've gotten ;) )

Josie M
03-14-2012, 07:40 PM
for my psych class. I would love some input and help. I know that somewhere out there, there is a chart that shows how 10% of people are either one sex or the other, and the other 90% fall somewhere in between. This sound familiar to anyone?

Thanks in advance.

Actually, having re-read your initial post....that sounds like it could be a Kinsey study? Have you tried the Kinsey institute website?

Kate Simmons
03-14-2012, 08:16 PM
It's pretty much of a given Hon that we are all variations of a theme. We are who we naturally are despite the program we are in and the circumstances.:battingeyelashes::)

03-15-2012, 06:43 AM
Oh boy.
Firstly define 'sex' in the context you used it. Then set aside about three days to digest the next four pages of posts. Good luck.
Then you can relax for 24 hours while the labels and 'what is a woman' discussion falls apart. :)

You are a cynical b***h Scarlet.

That’s what I like about you.:devil:


03-15-2012, 07:06 AM
there's probably another chart out there that shows 34.6% of people being one sex or the other, 22.1% being somewhere in betweent, and the remaining 43.3% having no gender whatsoever.

03-15-2012, 06:51 PM
Just an observation but if you spend time with GOOGLE on the subject you'll get such a range of answers (or opinions) that you can formulate almost any statistical distribution you'd prefer. Even the "genetic" definitions blur if you consider an XY genome with complete AIS.

Gender definition is not an easy subject to pin down and the variability is enormous. At its core it is going to be how the individual views themselves. But then that is blurred by their environment or how they think they ought to view themselves.

You could easily make a PhD dissertation on this topic and not exhaust the subject.

Good luck,

03-15-2012, 07:26 PM
for my psych class. I would love some input and help. I know that somewhere out there, there is a chart that shows how 10% of people are either one sex or the other, and the other 90% fall somewhere in between. This sound familiar to anyone?

Thanks in advance.

It's more like everyone has a sex of m/f (except a very, very few where initial development went awry) and the eventually- imprinted gender usually matches the sex, but in a small percentage does not. Sex is assigned at the get-go, gender is imprinted through a process not totally understood.

kimmy p
04-04-2012, 12:53 PM
I am doing a research project for my Psych class on "Is gender fixed or is there a sliding variable between male and female"? If You would be kind enough to help me out by answering a few questions I would appreciate it. If you would prefer to answer me privately please feel free, and please note that no names or images will be used. I will be posting this for both the MtF forum, and the FtM forum. Thanks for your time.

1. Are you physically male or female?
2. Where do you perceive your ‘social’ gender (mentally and emotionally) on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is extremely masculine and 10 being extremely feminine.
3. In relation to the physical sex that you were born with are you heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual?
4. If you are bisexual does the physical sex of your chosen partner change with how you are dressed?
5. Do you participate in any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by others of your own physical sex?
6. Do you have any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by the opposite physical sex?
7. If it was an option would you physically/surgically change your sex?
8. Do you prefer the company of the opposite sex in social interaction?
9. Do you intentionally, on a daily basis, try to blur gender lines with your appearance. (example: wearing feminine jewelry or clothing, or having feminine hairstyles if you are physically a male, and vice-versa if you are female) even if you are not trying to “pass” as the opposite sex?

04-04-2012, 01:41 PM
Male. 5. Hetero. NA. I do not do stereotypes. No. No. Slightly more comfortable with females when younger, but at this age, does not matter. No.

04-04-2012, 01:48 PM
Most of the time yes

04-04-2012, 02:03 PM
Always interested in helping scientific progress...

3=Hetero (but really asexual due to prostate meds)
7=no, too old

Katelyn B
04-04-2012, 02:17 PM
1. Are you physically male or female?


2. Where do you perceive your ‘social’ gender (mentally and emotionally) on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is extremely masculine and 10 being extremely feminine.


3. In relation to the physical sex that you were born with are you heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual?


4. If you are bisexual does the physical sex of your chosen partner change with how you are dressed?


5. Do you participate in any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by others of your own physical sex?


6. Do you have any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by the opposite physical sex?


7. If it was an option would you physically/surgically change your sex?

Yes, but I don't understand the question, since it is an option

8. Do you prefer the company of the opposite sex in social interaction?


9. Do you intentionally, on a daily basis, try to blur gender lines with your appearance. (example: wearing feminine jewelry or clothing, or having feminine hairstyles if you are physically a male, and vice-versa if you are female) even if you are not trying to “pass” as the opposite sex?

No, but the question is rather narrow, there is no blurring, I may have been born with an X & a Y chromosome, but I am a woman, and since starting to transition I look like one every day (aside from work)

Gillian Gigs
04-04-2012, 02:18 PM
Answers to your questions:
1. M
2. 5, I sat that because it can move around depending on my mood and situations.
3. hetro
4. n/a
5. yes
6. yes
7. no, if I was 40 years younger, I would rethink the whole issue
8. yes, prefer talking and being around women, to many guys are too into macho crap
9. no

Who this helps you out.

04-04-2012, 02:34 PM
I am doing a research project for my Psych class on "Is gender fixed or is there a sliding variable between male and female"? If You would be kind enough to help me out by answering a few questions I would appreciate it. If you would prefer to answer me privately please feel free, and please note that no names or images will be used. I will be posting this for both the MtF forum, and the FtM forum. Thanks for your time.

1. Are you physically male or female? MALE
2. Where do you perceive your ‘social’ gender (mentally and emotionally) on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is extremely masculine and 10 being extremely feminine. 7
3. In relation to the physical sex that you were born with are you heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual? BISEXUAL
4. If you are bisexual does the physical sex of your chosen partner change with how you are dressed? NO
5. Do you participate in any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by others of your own physical sex? YES
6. Do you have any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by the opposite physical sex? YES
7. If it was an option would you physically/surgically change your sex? YES
8. Do you prefer the company of the opposite sex in social interaction? YES
9. Do you intentionally, on a daily basis, try to blur gender lines with your appearance. (example: wearing feminine jewelry or clothing, or having feminine hairstyles if you are physically a male, and vice-versa if you are female) even if you are not trying to “pass” as the opposite sex? YES

My answers are included within the quoted text

Barbara Ella
04-04-2012, 04:30 PM
1. Are you physically male or female? -MALE-
2. Where do you perceive your ‘social’ gender (mentally and emotionally) on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is extremely masculine and 10 being extremely feminine. -6-
3. In relation to the physical sex that you were born with are you heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual? - Heterosexual
4. If you are bisexual does the physical sex of your chosen partner change with how you are dressed? -NA-
5. Do you participate in any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by others of your own physical sex? - YES-
6. Do you have any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by the opposite physical sex? -YES-
7. If it was an option would you physically/surgically change your sex? -NO-
8. Do you prefer the company of the opposite sex in social interaction? -YES-
9. Do you intentionally, on a daily basis, try to blur gender lines with your appearance. (example: wearing feminine jewelry or clothing, or having feminine hairstyles if you are physically a male, and vice-versa if you are female) even if you are not trying to “pass” as the opposite sex? -YES - FINGERNAIL SHAPE AND LENGTH

04-04-2012, 05:04 PM
1. male
2. 5
3. heterosexual
4. N/A
5. yes
6. yes
7. no
8. yes
9. no

04-04-2012, 05:25 PM
Ooh! A quiz! :D

1) Male
2) 4
3) Hetero
4) n/a
5) I suppose
6) see #5
7) No
8) Yes
9) Yes (heavy on the clothing)

04-04-2012, 05:58 PM
OK here we go...

1. Are you physically male or female?
2. Where do you perceive your ‘social’ gender (mentally and emotionally) on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is extremely masculine and 10 being extremely feminine.
3. In relation to the physical sex that you were born with are you heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual?
4. If you are bisexual does the physical sex of your chosen partner change with how you are dressed?
5. Do you participate in any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by others of your own physical sex?
Yes - I am a rock guitarist
6. Do you have any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by the opposite physical sex?
I used to sew a lot, but not nowadays (though I still can!)
7. If it was an option would you physically/surgically change your sex?
No - not sure what the 'option' is though! Would I like to wake up with a female body and experience it for a year then change back - YES! Would I change permanently? Not with my current responsibilities and family commitments.
8. Do you prefer the company of the opposite sex in social interaction?
9. Do you intentionally, on a daily basis, try to blur gender lines with your appearance. (example: wearing feminine jewelry or clothing, or having feminine hairstyles if you are physically a male, and vice-versa if you are female) even if you are not trying to “pass” as the opposite sex?
No - I like to dress to fit the occasion... but, my body is shaved and so my arms and legs are nude. I also pluck my eyebrows and keep them short, but then having no hair to speak of this is normal behaviour these days amongst many men.

Not sure where you will get to with this. I am happy to support any research like this, but you are going to get some odd data patterns I suspect and will probably come to the conclusion that there is a lot of variance. It would be good to see the distributions when you are done! My work related research interests are in the social sciences (business and management) rather than Psych, and qual rather than quants is my preference... it is all in the context!

04-04-2012, 06:59 PM
Today 05:30 PM #17 Barbara Ella
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I was Babes, now Barbara


1. Are you physically male or female? -MALE-
2. Where do you perceive your ‘social’ gender (mentally and emotionally) on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is extremely masculine and 10 being extremely feminine. -6-
3. In relation to the physical sex that you were born with are you heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual? - Heterosexual; bi curious
4. If you are bisexual does the physical sex of your chosen partner change with how you are dressed? -NA-
5. Do you participate in any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by others of your own physical sex? - YES-
6. Do you have any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by the opposite physical sex? -YES-
7. If it was an option would you physically/surgically change your sex? -YES-
8. Do you prefer the company of the opposite sex in social interaction? -YES-
9. Do you intentionally, on a daily basis, try to blur gender lines with your appearance. (example: wearing feminine jewelry or clothing, or having feminine hairstyles if you are physically a male, and vice-versa if you are female) even if you are not trying to “pass” as the opposite sex

04-04-2012, 07:48 PM
It sounds like a cool project....

1. Male
2. Six to a Seven
3. Heterosexual
4. N/A
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. No
8. Yes
9. Yes

Josie M
04-04-2012, 08:36 PM
1. Are you physically male or female?


2. Where do you perceive your ‘social’ gender (mentally and emotionally) on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is extremely masculine and 10 being extremely feminine.

That's a tough one...... maybe 5?

3. In relation to the physical sex that you were born with are you heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual?


4. If you are bisexual does the physical sex of your chosen partner change with how you are dressed?


5. Do you participate in any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by others of your own physical sex?


6. Do you have any hobbies or activities that are stereotypically performed by the opposite physical sex?


7. If it was an option would you physically/surgically change your sex?


8. Do you prefer the company of the opposite sex in social interaction?


9. Do you intentionally, on a daily basis, try to blur gender lines with your appearance. (example: wearing feminine jewelry or clothing, or having feminine hairstyles if you are physically a male, and vice-versa if you are female) even if you are not trying to “pass” as the opposite sex?


Diane Smith
04-04-2012, 11:16 PM
1. Male
2. 8
3. Heterosexual
4. N/A
5. Only shopping! Hobbies are stereotypically male.
6. No.
7. Breasts and FFS, yes. Bottom surgery not likely.
8. Yes.
9. Yes.

- Diane

04-05-2012, 09:01 PM
1. Male
2. 5
3. Heterosexual
4. N/A
5. No
6. No
7. No
8. Yes
9. No but I do have long hair and pierced ears if you consider that a yes.

04-05-2012, 09:49 PM
1. M
2. 3
3. Het
4. not
5. yes
6. yes
7. no
8. yes
9. no

04-05-2012, 09:58 PM
Completely depends on your definition of "sex". If you mean biologically, the numbers will be 99.7% and .3%, not 10%/ 90%. If you mean behavioral traits, then after definitions (again) the numbers could be anywhere. Overall, it would be BS anyway. Unless you exactly defined (and not empirically- it will be some psychologist's opinion, who may or not be that intelligent) what is "male" and what is female" behaviorally and attitude-wise, then you cannot move forward. Depends on subjective definitions, which "soft science" people like psychologists and socialogists love to play with, and "hard" scientists and engineers abhor.

04-05-2012, 10:03 PM
1. Male
2. 5-8....pretty vague , eh?
3. Heterosexual.
4. N/A
5. I sail, my mom sails, my dad's second wife sails....we like sailboats.
6. Shopping for womens' clothes.
7. No....however enhancements like permanent hair removal do appeal to me.
8. I like people as they are, no matter what form.
9. Work is off-limits. I'll go anywhere/anytime at anyplace in the opposite gender. Been there/done that....been treated pretty nicely and fairly. That being said, the staff at CVS are too oblivious to realize that I am not really a woman.....not once, not twice, but every time I've been there.