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03-19-2012, 05:57 AM
I saw an interesting article on TV this weekend. It was about a condition called Face Blindness. Some people are unable to recognize or remember any face.

It made me realize how finely tuned and complex our brains our. It turned my thoughts to GID and I wondered in the intricacy and sophistication that we the human animal are it could be very probable that our gender "chip" maybe be programed wrong just as the face recognizing function was in these people.

What irks me is for a condition like face blindness society accepts this as a variation and difference that people have no control over.

BUT!!! Gosh darn it!! If it has something to do with sexuality or gender you're a sicko!!!!

03-19-2012, 06:21 AM
Scarlet yes color blindness and dyslexia are good examples, bi-polar and tourettes syndrone also comes to mind.

03-19-2012, 07:03 AM

I can relate very well to details like this in other people as i have dyslexia major i allso relate to people with mental issues, its how we are wired or for us mis wired, so think along the lines of for my self some 50 years out of 64 years,

my life started with no memory of my first 6 - 7 years . blank ,
a simple thing i only found out i went to a school from age 5 & did not know till 1, 1 / 2 year ago & what school , so learning was a battle ,letters words writeing & explaining in writen is a major for my self .

yet .i have a photo graphic memory. so i can write in my mind with out any probs 3 / 1500 & more word essays & stand in front of 100's of people & talk. I can not do that if i have to read from a book or a writen paper,
The essays i process in a different manner, i can do it just dont ask how,

Heres another im learning some of my background Prussian / German & im doing better with that langauge even though the letters are in different sequnse & meaning & not like english .so we have a different set of how our brains work.or may be not. left handed as well .

Also Lernen ist anders nur wir anders lernen.

So learning is different just we learn different,


03-19-2012, 07:19 AM
Being CD or TG I think gives you good reason to look into how one's brain works. The fusiform gyri where facial recognition takes place is kind of a hard-wired area, like Broca's (language) area. And the BSTc area of the human brain- which in CD and TG is female sized, high correlation.
That's right- if you are looking for a physical sign or cause of why you are CD or TG - there is a high probability this areas of the brain, then this area, a.k.a. central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc), in the amygdala, a small portion of the inner brain (basic brain functions)- check out these two links- this should shed some light on what you are talking about-



we CD & TG are literally 'born this way'- so... if one believes what certain fundamentalists insist- that CD or TG or homosexuality is a choice- well, i guess they are saying that we were made wrong, and our creator is flawed... or there is a problem with somebody's logic. Personally, I'd put my bet on the side of whoever/whatever created us... :-)

i hope this helps, even if you don't like my little political/religious comment....
