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Niya W
03-22-2012, 10:46 PM
I had to go to Vallejo to help out my out my aunt. I took her to another relatives house in Richmond. While I was there cousin asked me to take her to the store. Well my cousin is 10 years older than me and she was joking with me omg you are turning into a girl. You have better skin then me. Look at those pretty nails Next thing thing you know you will bringing a guy home. I thought I said this in a joking voice. Oh no hun I'm a conformed Lesbian. Even the hormones didn't change that. Life long lesbian even after the sex change. She stop laughing. Dead silence. I said I'm joking. Silence till I dropped her off at the house.

Marcia Blue
03-23-2012, 10:00 AM
I am so glad I put my coffee cup down, before I read your post. I would have had to get a new key board, for sure. Love your stories.:hugs:

Niya W
03-23-2012, 10:34 AM
Yeah some times I go on auto pilot and give out glib response if I think you are saying some thing stupid, condescending or if I don't like you.

03-23-2012, 11:04 AM
That silience could be a very busy mind, mulling things over. Seems you handled the situation pretty well....now its her opportunity to think about what she's learned.

03-23-2012, 11:06 AM
Good for you Niya. You gave them something to talk about over dinner.


03-23-2012, 11:11 AM
Maybe she was debating on asking you to go with her to a L bar????

Niya W
03-23-2012, 11:14 AM
I took my aunt bake to Vallejo. I was not trying to give them some thing to think about, that was me just being me and responding. I mean I came close to saying No I'm not a tranny, I'm a women with a birth defect.

Maybe she was debating on asking you to go with her to a L bar???? THere was always rummors about her being a lesbian. God knows what they think of me.

03-23-2012, 02:03 PM
I took my aunt bake to Vallejo. I was not trying to give them some thing to think about, that was me just being me and responding. I mean I came close to saying No I'm not a tranny, I'm a women with a birth defect.
THere was always rummors about her being a lesbian. God knows what they think of me.

Well, maybe that's what caught her attention - and it could be true. I'll be very interested in hearing more about this episode in the future. Keep us posted if anything happens!

Laurie Ann
03-23-2012, 11:53 PM
Nita remember silence is often seen as a sign of higher intelegence

Niya W
03-24-2012, 12:03 AM
You don't know my cousin. When I was 13 and she was 23 she went on a vacation with me my aunt and my dad. We got into a discussion about computers. She wanted to show how smart she was. At 13 I was just being 13 and I just like talking about computer. She did Know much about computers and felt like I was trying to make her look stupid. Instead of driving back with us she took a flight back home cause her feelings were hurt.

Joann Smith
03-24-2012, 03:07 PM
LOL ..loved it nyia ....think i will use your line on my transphobic brother who thinks i am undercover gay because I like to take baths...

Niya W
03-24-2012, 03:53 PM
When people ask me am I gay I say as in homosexual ? Of course I'm gay duh. I like women.

Well, maybe that's what caught her attention - and it could be true. I'll be very interested in hearing more about this episode in the future. Keep us posted if anything happens!

Turns out she is not gay, just that her mother runs off every guy she brings home so she stop telling the family. Mommy has sever co dependencies issue that would scare Norman bate .