View Full Version : Interesting Coversation Yesterday

03-26-2012, 01:18 PM
Yesterday, after we got home from shopping and other errands, my SO and I were going about our business - me in the garage working on a woodworking project, she puttering around in the house tidying up, doing laundry, etc. A little while later, she stuck her head into the garage from the laundry room, got my attention to turn of the planer, and then our conversation went like this :

Me - what's up!
Her - just wondering, did you wear frilly thongs this past week?
Me - nope, all of mine are plain
Her - ok, then they must belong to the girl child (who is 17). I will have to ask her who she's been wearing them for!

By this point I had wandered up into the laundry room and could see the thongs in question

Me - hey, while your chatting with her, see if can find out where she got them, they're cute
Her - I know where she gets them, Walmart. Do you want me to pick some up for you?
Me - and that is why I love you!!!

Seems like yesterday was another day when my SO demonstrates how "normal" it is to her that I'm a crossdresser!!

03-26-2012, 01:24 PM
I've had similar conversations with my Wife. Before I told my 22 year old daughter, she would fold laundry and put all my panties in with my wife's, now she has to ask whose is whose!

03-26-2012, 01:40 PM
Hi Andrea, That's awesome you have a wonderful wife there.

03-26-2012, 01:43 PM
...nooo don't do that... they are her special thing... a parent wearing the same thing will probably ruin it. Not a CDing thing, but its like walking in to the room wearing the same dress as someone else. Besides, you will get them all mixed up in the laundry.

Cynthia Anne
03-26-2012, 06:01 PM
Great little story! How cool it must be to have a wife like that! Hugs!

03-27-2012, 08:01 AM
Thanks everyone. Yes, she is a pretty cool awesome catch, and I'm thankful everyday for finding her. I do ask her from time to time why she puts up with a panty wearing, nail polish wearing, body waxing partner when she could have got a "real man" - she always replies the same. "She isn't putting up with anything, it's just part of who I am and she doesn't even think about it. It just is what it is".