View Full Version : What to do?

03-30-2012, 01:19 PM
Hey all, I have been living as female or 3 years now and am wondering how some of you handle the employment situation.....I came out on my job then they closed the joint...unemplyed for over year...my profession is male dominated...I know I was discriminated agianst ..found work...got laid off...looking again....getting so tired of fighting the "system".....anyway I just need to vent and would love some feedback......

Dawn cd
03-30-2012, 01:57 PM
It's difficult to offer advice without knowing your profession, your experience, and the culture of the area where you work. But it occurs to me that if you can handle gender transition, you should be able to handle a change in professions. Any chance you could find a different sort of work?

03-30-2012, 02:58 PM
But it occurs to me that if you can handle gender transition, you should be able to handle a change in professions. Any chance you could find a different sort of work?

The idea is nice, but for some of us, what we do is what we are.

Imagine, for example, that you are a relatively known painter "because you have to be", because it flows through you. Switching to be (say) a real-estate sales-person might not be feasible for you, because no matter where you go, you are still a painter.

What I "am", what flows through me, covers computers (and technology), and science. I couldn't even become a nail tech without getting my name all over the nail tech forums, organizing information and making reference to research papers. The leopard cannot hide its stripes.

Elizabeth Ann
03-30-2012, 03:12 PM
The leopard cannot hide its stripes.

Was this humor?

My wife thinks I have long-term ADD. I seem to get bored with anything after about 5 years.


03-31-2012, 05:15 AM
Hi ,

Spos i come with a different background meaning i can turn my hand to many different jobs

i was trained as a builder / joiner & cabinetmaker plus i did painting & wallpapering .

Worked on farms & did all the maintaning of machinery if it broke i redid & fixed it, & keep it going, so as youll see all manual .

now this was over 46 years, as a percived male & as a woman.& it made & does not make any difference . because im accepted with my background,

Its a attitude of my self & what i can do, on the building site it makes no difference what you are or how you dress its about can you fullfill what is requiered of you that is the importaint issue ,
we have women who are builders & those who do govt dept gardens,

every trade we have very good working women it should not be a issue .

The issue is men not wonting to be upstaged by women thats the issue, so you have to be good & even better than men to show them we can & will do it better,

Now the down turn in the work force is world wide & yes its effects are being felt every were, so dont be discouraged look around at other oppitunitys that you can be comforable doing,or learn new ones,

As a woman i have been offered jobs & still do a few though i dont have to now because im retired , get known get out there, & ask thats what i had to some years ago when things went down , so iv been were you are,


03-31-2012, 05:18 AM
Was this humor?

My wife thinks I have long-term ADD. I seem to get bored with anything after about 5 years.


Are you living in my house? My wife says the same thing about me. 5yrs is about my average also but have been at this job for over 6 years now.

03-31-2012, 05:40 AM
Hi Jamie,

I transitioned on the job in Helena Montana in 2006.
Despite my half a decade of employment with them and earning employee of the month twice along with winning innovation awards I was laid off along with 20 new hires.
This was in a higher education funding and underwriting nonprofit atmosphere.

I moved to Denver Colorado where I had moved from 14 years earlier and found an atmosphere of tolerance.
I was hired in a medical administration capacity and did well.

In 2009 I moved to Pa for a relationship that did not work out.
I decided to stay and found employment again in medical admin.

The problem it seems Jamie is that you are in a male dominated profession and because of it you are having difficulty.
Retraining in another field combined with moving to a more tolerant city would help you immensely.


03-31-2012, 06:30 AM
The leopard cannot hide its stripes.

Was this humor?

Not when you are the striped leopard, no.

I have this certain style of verbosity that I can't seem to get rid of...

03-31-2012, 07:39 AM
Do you have a skillset you could market and work for yourself? I am self employed in the trades and have little trouble keeping busy even have some employees. I'ts a lot of work keeping up with but well worth it. I do have to answer to my customers but they just want a good job for a fair price. Gender presentation doesn't seem to enter into it. I've lost a few jobs b/c someone doesn't like my nails /looks or whatever but those are the people I don't wish to work for anyway.

04-03-2012, 09:34 AM
Hey girls...thank you all for some excellent advice...now the hard part..making it happen thru action on my end...i will not be defeated!

04-03-2012, 09:36 AM
That's the attituded! Good luck, Jamie!

04-03-2012, 11:37 AM
Hey girls...thank you all for some excellent advice...now the hard part..making it happen thru action on my end...i will not be defeated!

That is a wonderful attitude Jamie. You have already did something a lot of people can't do and that was to transition. Just used the same determination to find a job.


04-03-2012, 12:20 PM
Good luck, Jamie. You will prevail!

:) Lallie