View Full Version : A new life

03-30-2012, 07:33 PM
I like many others here have hidden out my whole life, and god forbid have a neighbor see me. Well it has taken some time for it to sink in that life is short and it is now or never and damn the neighbors, it’s my life not there’s. I also got a kick in the gut about four years ago that I had cll, (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia) from Agent Orange.

I went and saw my therapist on Wednesday enfem. It’s not my first time to see her dressed, but what is different is that I dressed at home the last two times I have seen her. It is about 45 minutes from my home to her office.
My last visit has left me floating, like a giddy schoolgirl. When I get there she almost always moves her chair just a few inches closer after I set down and I love the feeling I get which is a feeling of acceptance.
At our last meeting I said something like “I wish that I could really pass as a woman”. Her response to that was if she didn’t know me she would think I am a woman. My response was that real women don’t dress like me, and here is the best part for me, she said that I had my own style like all women do, and it is great taste.

I don’t want to keep rambling, so I will stop here, Thank You for listening.
Love Karen

03-30-2012, 08:03 PM
Im sorry to hear about your health fissure related to agent orange. I had a close friend/coworker who developed severe and chronic health problems from that crap. But I congratulate you on gaining a new perspective on how fleeting life is and realizing that its too brief and uncertain to live in half measures. Two friends upon learning of my transgenderism made the same comment - life is so short so do what makes you happy!

Maria 60
03-30-2012, 08:30 PM
That's great, and you should take your dressing to what ever level you feel comfortable with and not what level your neighbor feels comfortable with.

Alice B
03-30-2012, 08:54 PM
I think that that is great and your therapist is making things much better. She is right, sogo with it and enjoy it.

03-30-2012, 09:35 PM
Well it has taken some time for it to sink in that life is short and it is now or never and damn the neighbors, it’s my life not there’s. I also got a kick in the gut about four years ago that I had cll, (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia) from Agent Orange. Love Karen

Four (4) things, Karen: 1) Welcome to the forum, you have done the right thing by coming here, that's for certain; 2) And maybe this should have been first, but thank you for your vital and patriotic service to our beloved country, it is "greatly appreciated" by those who "really" do know of such sacrifices; 3) I have great "empathy" for your coming to grips with "Life being short, so live it to it's fullest;" even though, and especially, at such a late date in your life (i.e., Been there, done that!); and 4) Now that you have finally come "out," may your future life bring the blessings that you have so badly needed, wanted and so rightfully deserve. :drink:

And finally, best of luck in the fight to conquor your health problems... L&R,


03-30-2012, 10:17 PM
Likewise thank you for your service to our country. Like you I am beginning to realize that life is indeed short. Enjoy yours.


03-30-2012, 11:12 PM
I also got a kick in the gut about four years ago that I had cll, (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia) from Agent Orange.

Love Karen

I hope you put a claim into your local VA office; I was in Nam also, and was doused with Agent Orange
myself. I now have Neuropathy, diabetes, and other things that gave me a disability claim.
PM me if you need any further information.