View Full Version : MACorama

04-04-2012, 09:02 PM
Well, I'm back after a six month hiatus, so yesterday was spa day! Facial, nails, hair and, of course, off to MAC for a makeover. Things have changed a touch; some of my SA's have moved on, but there are of course fantastic new ones. My MAC has new management that requires a $50 purchase for all makeovers (used to be complimentary during the week). No problem - I bought the lashes I wore out, eye liner, lip liner and lipstick. Pricey, but it's the good stuff, and I'm worth it:battingeyelashes:

My new SA's worked tag team, advising me I was a rockstar and getting the Madonna treatment, that was fun!

Important - the makeover tipping issue has been discussed on this forum but I hadn't seen a definitive answer, so I asked. My SA said they were allowed to take tips. When I pressed, she said most of her customers tipped although it absolutely wasn't necessary, and 10% was the norm.

Hugs, Michelle

04-04-2012, 09:10 PM
Yay, Michelle!
I've had makeup done by SA's at MAC and the Dermablend counter at Macy's, but not a full makeover, it was mostly matching foundation & powder.....gonna wait till I'm done with beard laser & electro before I'm totally cleaned out by mid summer before I do any photos of me sitting in a chair at MAC.
I'm a guy, why do I do it? :idontknow:.......I dunno, I'm a girl, I guess. :c9:

Kristyn Hill
04-04-2012, 09:36 PM
Great information. Thank you!

Barbara Ella
04-04-2012, 10:10 PM
Six months is just too long to stay away, I feel like i hardly know you.......Wait, I've only been here a little over 4 months....nevermind.

Glad you are back, and so good to see you entering in such grand style. you are worth it, and you are a rock star. Hope you will stay around.


04-05-2012, 05:55 AM
Going to a spa on the first day back after 6 months of down time? How are you feeling today Michelle? Floating just a bit? :heehee:

Glad to see you back! I hope all is well.

04-05-2012, 10:43 AM
Hi Michelle, glad to hear that you're back! Now I feel bad....I spent $300 at MAC last time I was there, but I didn't think to tip the SAs....well, I'll give them double next time!

04-05-2012, 01:51 PM
Kim, not to worry...I also asked Christian (I'm sure you know who he is) if they were on commission. He said no, but they have monthly quotas they need to make, so you definitely helped out.

Our favorite MAC counter is under new management, that's why the complimentary weekday makeovers have been discontinued...Hugs, Michelle