View Full Version : May be going out tomorrow...

04-24-2012, 09:38 PM
Tomorrow night I might be going out in public dressed as a woman for the first time. Going to a CD friendly night club.

This has me a bit nervous. Having dressed only in the privacy of my home, I feel like there are likely some “unwritten rule” types of things that I will flub up.


-My voice is definitely NOT feminine
-I know I have zero fashion sense (as a male or female), thus, I am likely to be a bit non-stylish
-It seems most CDs tend a bit toward glamour (nice dresses, heels, etc). Most of my clothes and what I like wearing are a bit more casual (jeans and casual tops)
-I am not very good at makeup

So….I am a bit worried about offending/doing something really wrong.

Any advice?? Things NOT to say?? Things NOT to do?? Things TO do or say??


04-24-2012, 09:48 PM
No "No's", only "Do's"

- Do wash well and smell nice
- Do shave well
- Do use less makeup than you think is necessary
- Do dress with your best casual clothes, maybe with a special top
- Do wear comfortable shoes
- Do smile a lot and keep your head held high up
- Do look people directly in their eyes when talking with them
- Do smile a lot at everyone
- Do be friendly
- Do be careful
- Do try to hook up with someone you know or another CD as a sidekick
- Do enjoy yourself
- Do tell us how it went

I wish you the best, go with low expectations, be friendly and have a great time.

Cynthia Anne
04-24-2012, 10:39 PM
And do BE yourself! I think you will be fine Just have fun! Hugs!

04-25-2012, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the advice! I'll see what happens.

04-25-2012, 07:06 PM
Okay, what happened?

Let us know the get up that you made it out in. Were you trying to blend or get attention? How was the 'tude???


04-25-2012, 07:29 PM
Sorry I'm late to respond. My one tip is to get a makeover at MAC Sephora or similar vendor. Youll feel more confident and learn a few useful skills.

04-25-2012, 07:41 PM
there is nothing wrong with casual. 95% of the women you see on the street or in a mall are quite casual (the crossdresser's lament). Look at what the women are wearing and emulate that including jewelry. And SMILE. It really helps your feminine look. Confidence can carry the day.

Kate T
04-25-2012, 09:08 PM
I hope it went well for you.

just be yourself is my general advice and attitude.

linda allen
04-26-2012, 06:49 AM
Good advice above. I can only add, take photos of yourself if you can and then study them later. You'll get better at it each time you go out.

Remember, a woman has been a woman her entire life, you are just starting.

04-27-2012, 06:14 AM
Sorry for the lack of update. Actually did not end up going out...life things (namely, going and buying a really cool dresser off of CL) got in the way and just ran out of time.

But soon!