View Full Version : problem with emergence

11-08-2005, 07:26 PM
Hey girls. As I have recently posted last night, I have reconsiled my feelings with my mother and am feeling much better about my situation. So I have decided to start becoming more brazen. I revamped my personal website to have a hot pink color theme. Hey, I like the color anyway, and pink is a color just as good as any other. The site didn't have anything related to this, it's just a list of what's going on. Sort of like a "Blog" format, but I didn't sign up for a Blog service. Anyway, I decided to go brazen and have my friend go to it in class. Well my friend thought it was silly but cool layout but everyone else got kind of disgusted. I immediately took it down as soon as I got home. I must get over this! I cannot allow myself to be ostracized for liking typically femenine things. Of course, the content of the site did not elude to this, but the fact remains that I got heat because of the colors, fancy fonts, etc. But I cannot... I must not hold back any longer! I must emerge as the woman I am! I should not feel afraid but yet I am. I don't think I am ready to emerge yet. Has anyone else gone through this? PLease, let me hear how it worked out for you.