View Full Version : Full Frontal Ma'am

05-11-2012, 05:37 PM
So, my dude self pulls into the car wash and rolls down the window. "What'll it be, ma'am" asks the attendant. Couldn't resist, responded in basso profoundo "full service wash, thanks". "Oh, SORRY!"

It's been 18 months between hair cuts and it's now shoulder length. And I'm clean shaven. Everything else about my dude self is, well, dudely. However, it's always nice to get little bits of feedback that when I get dolled up I have a fighting chance...Hugs, Michelle

05-11-2012, 05:43 PM
Isn't that fun! I like to do the same thing. In fact, what I like to do is go on You Tube and find Russian basso profundo soloists and sing along side with them.

And it will get more fun when the M2F HRT really kicks in and I start looking more feminine - estrogen does not raise the pitch of one's voice.


05-11-2012, 07:53 PM
That is a lot of fun when that happens. Hope the car wash was good. You do know that it will rain soon, always does.