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05-13-2012, 04:42 AM
I was thinking that when in man mode I spoke less and communicate lass than when in fem. Lately I will sit with my wife more and talk and compliment on lovely her new top is and shaving and other fem topics, In male mode or husbamd mode I would not say much about things. I would of course I tell her she is beautifull but would not ever say that looks lovely. Then there is this site. I like to talk about expierences and such.But when I was more manly I just read about sports and that was about it. Never communicated like I do now. I know females are more vocal than men but as you have grown do you see the changes in yourself with communications?

Maria 60
05-13-2012, 06:27 AM
My wife says that she feels that i am more relaxed in female mood and that she could talk to me more relaxed. I think when she wants to buy something around the house she will wait to ask Maria. Yes i do talk more to her and i believe it's because we have more in common, like how doe's this skirt look on me, can i try on your blouse, that top looks better on you, doe's this match. That's why she believes we have a better relationship because of Maria.

05-13-2012, 06:47 AM
I talk to other people a lot more since I've realized my Fem side. Idle chit-chat with clerks and smiling at people on the street and interacting with neighbors. I am also pretty active on this site. This is way more 'social' than I used to be. So for this question the answer is certainly 'yes'.

I talk with my wife at about the same level as before so here it is likely 'no'

My "new persona" is much more social and outgoing than the old one. A big change.


05-13-2012, 07:01 AM
I communicate pretty freely in either mode, with my wife and with others, including traditionally masculine and feminine topics. In fact, the first surprise I had for my now wife was the quite long email response to her initial contact. This was quite different from the usual one or two sentence grunts she received from guys.

I do find that I talk more freely with people in public now, including service providers at restaurants and stores, but attribute this more to relaxing as I get older than to more feminine expression.


Cheryl T
05-13-2012, 08:39 AM
Since the burden of my secret was lifted 7years ago I feel that I have opened myself up more to my wife. I express myself more on everything and encourage and enjoy her comments and suggestions.
We have become closer and more open to each other as a result of me not hiding this part of myself anymore. This is true on all subjects, not just femme things.

05-13-2012, 08:49 AM
Yes Kathy. We have more to talk about now that we are both comfortable with my femme side. Our taste in clothes are similar too so that leads to conversations.

Funny thing happened last night while leaving our casino. We spotted a pretty young girl in a miniskirt struggling badly in high heels. I looked at my wife and we both smiled. She said I could give that girl some walking lessons.:) It does open the door to more communication.

I am much more relaxed too so I talk more about everything.

Tina B.
05-13-2012, 08:50 AM
No, not really, but then I'm known as a talker, it runs in my family, none of us hold back much.
Tina B.

05-13-2012, 09:05 AM
absolutely, just love having a chat with my wife when cindy is out,and i agree completely with Maria, my wife also waits for cindy to come out before she mentions about buying things for the house lol

Diane Elizabeth
05-13-2012, 09:29 AM
I have been told by my friends that I communicate quite well. So, in reflecting back between male and female talking I would say that I have improved somewhat in talking. As a male I am a bit more reserved about talking than I am as a female. But then my 2 worlds are just now merging into one and I will have to wait and see if it is so.

05-13-2012, 10:42 AM
Hmmm, I am a female when my female side is here. Otherwise, when I am my male self, I am something of a pig.

I don't think I communicate 'more' as my female side, I consider myself entirely female when I am my female side.

I have been told by friends to 'surrender my man card' for supposed violations of the guy code, and I usually respond with sorry I don't have this man card you speak of.
They tell me I listen to chic music, and I respond with 'of course I listen to chic music'.
I don't mind being around ladies. Going to a Tupperware party appeals to me.
And I basically gossip like a woman (guys do this too of course, it's referred to as bullshitting though and is about them, not another woman).

Kate Simmons
05-13-2012, 11:44 AM
Yes, it's a strange phenomenon Hon, almost uncanny and unexplainable. When in femme mode if we truly get into the spirit of it, we do what most women do best, talk, talk, talk. It's not a bad thing it just is and personally I like that aspect.:battingeyelashes::)

05-14-2012, 04:25 AM
I still can't put my finger on it.All have some good feedback. Is it that men are just usually reserved and females just have so much more freedom in communication. Or is that they are really wired diifferently. And why would my communication skills change me that much just because I'm dressed fem. All i can say is I like the changes and hope it gets even better.
Yes, it's a strange phenomenon Hon, almost uncanny and unexplainable. When in femme mode if we truly get into the spirit of it, we do what most women do best, talk, talk, talk. It's not a bad thing it just is and personally I like that aspect.:battingeyelashes::)

Rebecca Star
05-14-2012, 04:36 AM
Super topic Kathy :)

That's certainly not the case for me. Hell, people say I could talk with a mouthful of marbles underwater or talk the legs off a chair.

I've always related a lot better to females than guys. While I've been a bit of a rebel in my youthful days, I always felt most comfortable hanging with the girls rather than the guys. Today I like to think as myself as kinda metrosexual hip, easy going, laid back guy who can communicate my feelings easily, be this en femme or in guy mode.

Cynthia Anne
05-14-2012, 04:45 AM
I communicate with females more freely when in fem! I agree being more 'relaxed' makes a big difference! Although I try to treat everyone the same it's more easy when I'm in a a more comfortable mode and feeling better about myself! Hugs!

05-14-2012, 04:52 AM
Well, Kahy, I've found that I feel much more relaxed and in my natural state when dress en femme, maybe because there is no internal crisis or tension going on at that time. I settle into a very calm mind-set, because I'm doing what I want to do. I feel that I can be more open about myself, and as a result, yes, I do tend to talk or chat more. My partner has noticed this too, and she has commented that we 'communicate' more when I am dressed as a female. Perhaps it's because as males, we feel the stress of always having to 'do something', rather than just stopping an smelling the roses. An interesting thought, thanks for posting.

05-14-2012, 07:29 AM
I still can't put my finger on it.All have some good feedback. Is it that men are just usually reserved and females just have so much more freedom in communication. Or is that they are really wired diifferently. And why would my communication skills change me that much just because I'm dressed fem. All i can say is I like the changes and hope it gets even better.

@kathy. I think if they are just clothes to you, then you might have more disconnect with 'feeling female' than those that wear female clothing because they trulely think they are female. Right now, I am female as far as I am concerned, and it is not my fault I have a man's body to deal with. So I don't actually consider myself to be 'acting' like a female any more than any female with a female body 'act's' female.
It's true this body has male wiring. It means to me, I can just relate easier to men than real females can. I have insider knowledge. A girl needs to spend years observing men to know what they think, I already have detailed knowledge.

I spent all day with my mom and my wife gossiping before and after the dinner I made for them. I wasn't talking like a man the entire day. If not for the fact mom is still new to my reality, and if not for the fact I didn't want to throw a spanner into the conversation, when she asked me what I would want, in response to my not having given the family any clue what I had wanted for my now past 50th birthday, I'd have told her about this very nice skirt I saw at Ricki's. The wife though, later, told me it likely would not have been available in my size (I never looked, better to feel like I walked away from an opportunity, rather than discover it had never been one).

I see guys standing around at Tim Horton's around their vehicles, and I wonder to myself WTF could they honestly find to talk about for hour?
Guys do the same thing women do (with regards to talking about nothing), they only differ in that men are bragging, while I suspect women are often just trying to drag down other women to lower than them. It's all done for the same purpose eh. To some how end up looking better then the competition.

With men it is 'look at my awesome stuff', with women, it's 'how could she wear that?'.

Rebecca Star
05-14-2012, 07:51 AM
Reading everyones posts, I have to say that even though our CDing may freak some women out, these little things surely must pale in comparision to the benefits of having an SO who not only is sympathic to his wife' / g/f's needs, but is more than happy to sit with her discuss or just listen.

Generally speaking guys are not overally sensitive, most guys brains are wired differently. However, least here in Australia, it seems more single women are saying next partner must be sensentive with his feelings and able to communicate these feeling too.

Because really, if it's established that when your CDing it's not becuase you have "gay" tendancies or becuase you want to change genders, but, you do it becuase it helps connect you to your female persona, then I really don't understand the harm or the threat in this at all.

Women have and are adpoting more and more clothes which, up until a few decades ago were primarily for "guys"... So effectively one could surmise most women are crossdressing themselves....

Sometimes I really do take a step back and ask myself, wtf?

Just some food for thought :)



05-14-2012, 08:24 AM
with regards to the question of whether i talk more in fem mode i can be honest and say yes i do.I now comunicate more with my so than i ever did in the male mode whether it is because i have got to grips with the fact that although i am still pre op i have the inner feelings that ii am in fact a female inside.And girls i would never want to change back to what i was before i took the step of giving in to what my body was telling me and trying to be what i was designated at birth ii/e male. I now am a very happy female so long may my life continue in this mode as it gives me peace of mind finally. davinaxx

05-14-2012, 08:40 AM
I have to say that in guy mode, and being that I have a demanding job, I may be lax in communicating completely at work. However when in my Veronnica mode, I have developed feminine characteristics and have become become a good listener and a fairly intelligent female conversationalist. I look at things more from the womans perspective, and many friends are impressed with the change in my personality. Some of my friends actually call and ask for Veronnica, which tips me off that they need to talk seriously. Some of my GG friends who know about me, like my perpsectives on personal problems that they need to discuss. They feel more comfortable chatting with me than with their G/F's or sisters. This also goes for my B/F, who has told me many times I am more of a female than his ex wife was. We talk together alot, and have become very compatable. Communicating is the most important aspect of us being who we really are. Verbal communication, (including humor), clothing styles also communicate how we feel, and most importantly are facial expressions and our body language. It all becomes a part of who we really want to become. For me, I am comfortable in my body shell, and truelly do enjoy being the feminine person I have become...Veronnica

05-14-2012, 09:57 AM
Finding Tina opened up a whole new ability to communicate for us because it was our desire to instill in Tina an understanding of what it is like to grow up as a girl and then to live as a woman. Thus, the communication in both genders has been enhanced, even to the point of reacting as Tina might, even in male mode, and I do believe my wife appreciates that ability.

05-15-2012, 03:34 AM
well written. As I keep thinking of this subject. I think my changes could be more from being more comfortable with who I am than being one or other. Maybe I was more reserved due to hiding my true self. As a man maybe I felt I had to show what others wanted. As I keep doing more fem things and getting some acceptance or tolerance I am being comfortable in communicating more. Maybe I am happier now than when I felt I had to hide things. So as kathy has evolved so I have as well. Kathy is a big part of me and I am happier that she is coming out more and more. So maybe the girl in me is helping me to communicate better after all. If this make sense?
@kathy. I think if they are just clothes to you, then you might have more disconnect with 'feeling female' than those that wear female clothing because they trulely think they are female. Right now, I am female as far as I am concerned, and it is not my fault I have a man's body to deal with. So I don't actually consider myself to be 'acting' like a female any more than any female with a female body 'act's' female.
It's true this body has male wiring. It means to me, I can just relate easier to men than real females can. I have insider knowledge. A girl needs to spend years observing men to know what they think, I already have detailed knowledge.

I spent all day with my mom and my wife gossiping before and after the dinner I made for them. I wasn't talking like a man the entire day. If not for the fact mom is still new to my reality, and if not for the fact I didn't want to throw a spanner into the conversation, when she asked me what I would want, in response to my not having given the family any clue what I had wanted for my now past 50th birthday, I'd have told her about this very nice skirt I saw at Ricki's. The wife though, later, told me it likely would not have been available in my size (I never looked, better to feel like I walked away from an opportunity, rather than discover it had never been one).

I see guys standing around at Tim Horton's around their vehicles, and I wonder to myself WTF could they honestly find to talk about for hour?
Guys do the same thing women do (with regards to talking about nothing), they only differ in that men are bragging, while I suspect women are often just trying to drag down other women to lower than them. It's all done for the same purpose eh. To some how end up looking better then the competition.

With men it is 'look at my awesome stuff', with women, it's 'how could she wear that?'.