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Erin Campbell
05-18-2012, 07:55 PM
A funny little story that maybe only funny to me from corporate America....

The worst part about working in a large corporation is being surround by many women that are dressed to impress and are on the cutting edge of fashion and the latest trends. Sitting in an office all day while these awesome outfits walk by every few minutes is enough to make a CD scream! At work, there are two women in particular that I am very good friends with and they LOVE talking about shoes, accessories, and clothes. For some reason, these conversations always happen in my office with me indirectly involved. They think I'm just a good sport for listening, but little do they know I am taking mental notes of everything they say and everything they wear on a daily basis, hahaha.

So, the other day, one of the women was talking about a new pair of shoes that she bought and how much she didn't like them. The other woman naturally asked what they looked like and the woman was struggling to describe them. Of course, I was listening intently while I pretended to act uninterested. Since we were at my desk, the woman said if you pull up the website, I can show them to you and she gave me the web address and then continued talking to the woman about the shoes.

I pull up the website and navigate straight to the shoes, probably a little too fast for my uninterested act to work. Anyways, I show her the shoes I thought she was describing and both of their jaws dropped. "Those are exactly the shoes" the woman exclaimed. Both were amazed at how quickly I was able to find the shoes they were trying to describe. If being a good sport about their daily conversations about fashion wasn't enough to give them an idea that I like to dress like them, I'm certain my "lucky" find of the mystery shoes on the first try probably was more than enough to give it away. The best part is I seriously considered running home and ordering the shoes myself, but they didn't have my size haha.

Whether they suspect or not, it doesn't matter to me. I will continue to be a "good sport" and when they walk back to their offices, I will make notes and reminders for my next shopping trip.

Simply Joslyn
05-18-2012, 08:00 PM
wow that must be quite interesting to have that kind of in site, and I'd figured they'd think your just really good at listening hope you find a pair like it in your size someday

05-18-2012, 08:06 PM
Some of the GGs at places of work are real clothes horses. I remember one gal who NEVER wore the same top or skirt for 3 months or more.


Kelly DeWinter
05-18-2012, 08:32 PM
It's funny that this thread is about shoes at work. Where I work, One of the owners gets 3-4 delivery's a week from Zappos.com and also ships back 3 times a week. I was kidding the receptionist about her getting a weekly delivery of high heels, She rolled her eye's and said " Oh please, Give me a break, size 13 is way to big for me." I must have had a puzzed look on my face, because she said, "Yeah, Makes me wonder too." I went away, and chuckled to myself. Mayby someone in upper management has a hobby ???

Rebecca W.
05-19-2012, 04:59 AM
Hi Erin,
I have a suggestion for you, start contributing to the conversations with complements and suggestions on what looks good so that you will be more than a passive listener. It should liven up the conversations as they already feel comfortable having you listen to them.:o
Let us know if you try this approach.

Take care,

Alice C
05-19-2012, 05:33 AM
Erin, I can fully empathize with you as a suit and tie guy at the global HQ of a Fortune 100 firm in NYC. The women dress to the nines all the time whether they are in their 20s or 50s. Dresses , shoes, hair and makeup are all there to impress.
A female colleague in her 40s came in to my office for a meeting and after a while, asked if she could take off her shoes as she was on her feet most of the day. She slipped off a pair od 4 in stilletos by CL, the red soles were a give away. I complimented her on them as I looked ar them and her painted toes. She said thanks but you guys have it easy, try waliking in these all day! I asked if they came in 12W, she laughed and said that would be a ladies 14 and she didn't think so.
When I got home that night, I dressed and wore my 3in sling back pumps. What's the problem?

Maria 60
05-19-2012, 06:00 AM
That sounds like fun having those talk's with women at work. For some reason for me it's my mother in law who's always asking me about fem things. When she buys new shoe's or cloths she comes straight to me for my opinion before she even asks my wife. One time she was going to a wedding and she came by to make sure what she was wearing was OK with me. I once asked her why is she asking me, she told me that i give her good advice and that i am very honest, i don't just say it looks good when it's not. I have fun with it.

05-19-2012, 06:42 AM
The worst part about working in a large corporation is being surround by many women that are dressed to impress and are on the cutting edge of fashion and the latest trends. Sitting in an office all day while these awesome outfits walk by every few minutes is enough to make a CD scream!

Oh Erin, I know exactly what you mean. I also work in a rather large corporation and on most days it is very distracting to work. At least at the end of the day I get plenty of ideas for what to buy and I can keep up with the latest fashion trends just by looking over my cubicle wall.

05-19-2012, 10:25 AM
Any chance she is your size? If she doesn't like them and you want a pair.....

05-19-2012, 11:34 AM
Good thing the girls were not talking about bras! :) I worked in an office where the women did not know how to dress for success. In a professional office they wore capri pants, sweat shirts, jeans. Now I am talking about meeting and greeting other professionals; business men and women, CPA's and attorneys. I always like the warmer weather when I could go for a walk at lunch or break time and view the 'heel clickers' going to and from Starbucks.

05-20-2012, 03:08 PM
That's too funy, loves it.
Definitely enjoyed reading that. :) thanks for posting it.
Hope you keep enjoying your girl talk with them :)
*hugs* Tiffany

Erin Campbell
05-20-2012, 07:46 PM
Any chance she is your size? If she doesn't like them and you want a pair.....

Lol, I wish she was my size, but no way I could get my feet into her shoes. I am lucky enough my feet are small enough to be able to buy shoes from many stores, but I'm not lucky enough to have petite lady feet. She hasn't told me what her size is but by looking at her feet nearly everyday now since I have worked with her (reading that makes it sound creepy, believe me it is in a non-creepy sort of way) I would say she is a size 7, 7 1/2 tops.

Leslie Langford
05-20-2012, 09:39 PM
Erin, I can fully empathize with you as a suit and tie guy at the global HQ of a Fortune 100 firm in NYC. The women dress to the nines all the time whether they are in their 20s or 50s. Dresses , shoes, hair and makeup are all there to impress.
A female colleague in her 40s came in to my office for a meeting and after a while, asked if she could take off her shoes as she was on her feet most of the day. She slipped off a pair od 4 in stilletos by CL, the red soles were a give away. I complimented her on them as I looked ar them and her painted toes. She said thanks but you guys have it easy, try waliking in these all day! I asked if they came in 12W, she laughed and said that would be a ladies 14 and she didn't think so.
When I got home that night, I dressed and wore my 3in sling back pumps. What's the problem?

Hmmm, now how would your Louboutin-wearing female colleague know that a men's size 12W translates into a women's Size 14? That's not something the average GG would know, as they wouldn't normally be shopping in that rarefied size range, nor would any stores except for specialty ones - and typically those catering to crossdressers - carry that size of shoe. :thinking:

Is there a crossdresser in her life that would have introduced her to such revelations? Maybe you need to drop some subtle hints and/or questions to get the real back-story here. This could be quite fascinating for you and open up a whole new dimension to your relationship with her. And bonus points for the fact that she has great taste in shoes and obviously rocks stilettos. ;) :thumbsup: :heehee: