View Full Version : I promise this is not a fantasy.

05-22-2012, 01:36 PM
I know this might sound like a troll at least for the first paragraph.

When I was very little my parents were divorced. I Spent a lot of time with my grandparents and my aunt Angie. I am half italian, extended family is like immediate family. I can see you all rolling your eyes lol. I managed at least three fictionmania flags in the first scentence. Bear with me, this recolection of mine is about falling in love with all things girly.

Aunt Angie was an over the top girly girl. When she returned home from work in the evening, after dinner with the family she would go to her apartment which was upstairs. I remember quite vividly sitting with her after she had showered watching her go through her routine. Setting her hair, touching up her nails, getting into her night gown and choosing her outfit for the next day. Occasionally she would let me brush her hair (because I had asked) and she always answered my questions about what she was doing and why.

Once she was getting ready to go out and she was in her underwear. She asked if I liked her pinkie's as she called them.

I always remember those moments fondly.

I never dressed up with her. Once it was a bit chilly and she gave me a nylon bed jaket to wear. It was ivory and had a little lace trim. Other than that and the occasional sprits of perfume in playfulness. I was just her young nephew keeping her company. And I loved every minute of it.

Sadly Aunt Angie passed away when I was sixteen. I inherited her clothes some at least and it was in those clothes I began to discover who I really was. I wonder what she might have said if she knew.

PS by inherit I mean spirited away before they left for goodwill. I still have some of them.

05-22-2012, 01:45 PM
I can relate to that a little. Most of the people who have had a real influence on my life have been women; aunts, grandmothers, teachers etc. and I've always been facinated by women. Not much of a surprise that I actually have a good bit of "woman" in me! lol :P

Cynthia Anne
05-22-2012, 02:05 PM
Such a shame you didn't have a few more years with her! I think she would've been your biggest fan if she was still around! But you still have fond memorys of her, and that is to cherrish! Hugs!

05-22-2012, 10:50 PM
Such a shame you didn't have a few more years with her! I think she would've been your biggest fan if she was still around! But you still have fond memorys of her, and that is to cherrish! Hugs!

Thank you Cynthia, you know she was a wonderful lady but she found comfort in the normal. She was from a different era. But I did lover her very much and still miss her.

05-22-2012, 10:58 PM
that sounds like a pretty cool story, with a few changes it would be the ultimate fantasy for some

05-23-2012, 12:53 AM
Im sorry to hear that. I think its cool that you seem to have a good attitude about the whole thing. Although i can't really relate the story per se, i can say that i like how you handled it. :D

05-23-2012, 01:23 AM
That is actually a very heartwarming story. I actually have a similar story except with watching my older sisters get ready ( they are 5 and 10 years older) I remember one time It was picture day in Grade 1. And I was supposed tow ear a white shirt. i accidentally spilt My cereal on my shirt shirt and My sister snuck me into her room and put me in a similar shirt of hers. Execept hers had a lace trim at the bottom of the shirt. I remember all day sitting in class with my had in my pocket feeling the lace through my thin pocket material. The memory is one of my most vivid early cd moments.

Anouther one was watching my eldest sister get ready to go out with her friends in the 90's as she was a very girlie girl. I remember sitting on her bed listening to early 90's dance music, watching ehr and ehr friends play with makeup and talk about boys and do their hair. she would have been about 13 and I was about 3.

I also remember having to do a dance with my sister "fake band" and i was too little to learn the actual moves so my sister made me lipsinc inf ront of my mom and her friends in a dress and makeup thinking it was funny. The song was " never to hot" by Alannis.

I love those early memories. and I think your aunt made sure you would get those clothes. She is your angel. And I can guarantee she is your biggest supporter!



05-23-2012, 05:41 AM
Listening your story gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, it made me sad to hear that she's not around anymore. It is true that people go through life affecting others without even knowing it, your Aunt Angie must've felt a connection to you and vice versa, hence the both of you bonded so well. It is a beautiful story... Wearing her clothes must bring back a lot of fond memories. How did she die might I ask?

05-23-2012, 07:57 AM
It's nice having someone in your life that meant so much to you. I had an aunt that influenced me greatly. She could see right through me and understood my need to express my feminine side when no one else did. I loved her so much that I took her name [Katherine]. I am sure she would approve.

I am sorry for your lost. She must have been an amazing woman!

05-23-2012, 08:42 AM
I too was moved by your post. I think there's something very gentle, caring and warm about fem things and activities such as those moments you shared and I know for me I was attracted to such soft lovely things when I was younger because gave me something I wasn't getting that I needed emotionally in my home and I can see why you would have felt close to your Aut for perhaps similar needs and been attracted to the same things as a result. We never know how moments in our young lives will shape us and in my case at least, it's taken a very long time to begin to have the courage be OK with this part of me and to tell my spouse.

Thanks for sharing this memory.

Tina B.
05-23-2012, 08:54 AM
What a wonderful childhood memory, I can see why you miss her.
Tina B.

05-23-2012, 09:51 AM
Thank you all so very much!

She was a very special lady quite selfless realy. She was my fathers best friend, a caregiver to her parents, she took on the role of a mother to my younger brothers and myself, and carried herself with a confidence and elegance rarely seen. All while working full time.

She taught me how to cook, sew, garden, and cut and style hair. I also learned by watching her, the way she carried herself, the warmth in her eyes when she comforted me, the way she took care of my ailing grandparents doing everything for them and still managing to be their daughter and maintaining their dignity.

Before she got sick even into my teens she would invite me into those private moments. Asking for help with zipping up her dress or setting her hair.

I have her picture in a frame on my vanity, she is a strong influence on the woman I aspire to be. Far beyond hair and makeup. If indeed she is watching from above. I hope she is proud of me. I wish she here so I could ask.

@Sarah She died from a very rare immune system disorder. Basically her Immune system began attacking her. It was the most brutal thing I have ever seen. She was forty seven.

@Darla This is my reality! My recollections about a woman I love very much and miss to this day. Please don't cheapen it with references to that sort of thing.