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View Full Version : Thank you! (From Marie GG's husband)

05-29-2012, 01:15 PM
Hi. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'll do a proper introduction soon, but I am Marie GG's husband and I just wanted to say a quick 'thank you' to everyone that has been responding to her recent posts. As a group, you have been incredibly supportive of her, and I really appreciate it.

Her meeting you all has helped her to understand this cross-dressing thing a great deal better than she did before, and has really helped open up the lines of communication between us as a couple. Something we both desperately needed, I think.

So, THANK YOU!!! Thank you for being there for Marie GG when she needed you (and by extension, being there for me, too.)

05-29-2012, 01:19 PM
I hope and know you will find this to be agreat forum. We are all here to help each other.

Kimberly Long
05-29-2012, 01:22 PM
I have been married over 30 years and have a very understanding wife like you. I am now retired and live 24/7 as a woman and have for going on 4 years.. My wife and I have so much fun with the openness we have with each other. I wish you and Marie the best on your journeys.
Love Kimberly

Kathi Lake
05-29-2012, 01:28 PM
Thank you for allowing her to come on here and learn and grow with us. She's an amazing woman, we all love her to pieces, and think you're a very lucky individual!


(oh, by the way - stop lurking!! I'm sure you have many valuable insights that we can learn from)


Barbara Ella
05-29-2012, 01:41 PM
Marie has been a joy here, and i think you will also, so get it in gear and give us an intro. And give Marie a big hug from me.


05-29-2012, 02:02 PM
Well it's about time! Since Marie's first post I have enjoyed her. In the short time she's been here, she has become one of my favorite GG's and a friend. She is a fantastic lady that you should be very proud of. She said she wanted you to post and I am very happy to see you here. Please don't be a stranger. I can almost see her smiling just knowing you finally posted. Welcome aboard!

05-29-2012, 03:33 PM
Welcome to the Forum, As like your wife, you also shall learn allot here. I know I did.
Hope to see more of you.

05-29-2012, 04:01 PM
Jump in and enjoy... we don't bite... we are a strange mix of mechanics, students, lawyers, doctors, bus drivers, lots of engineers (LOL), academics, people between jobs/careers, IT geeks, do we have librarians?, etc, etc... Many of us are happily married, kids, etc.. Many of us are less happily married, kids, etc... many of us aren't married at all... some of us are gay, most of us aren't (normal distribution rules applying), BUT...

We all have one thing in common...

We like it here! :)

Whoops forgot to add... Marie is one brilliant GG! You are a very lucky person!

05-29-2012, 04:12 PM
Hey, nice to meet you Doc, glad you're posting too.

It's rather like a breath of fresh air, isn't it, when everything gets out in the open so it can be discussed?

I'm sending you both my best wishes that you will travel this road together as peacefully as possible. :hugs:

05-29-2012, 06:43 PM
Hi DocB, thanks for unlurking! As you know we all like MarieGG and think that you're quite the lucky lady to have her at your side!

Hugs, Eryn

05-29-2012, 08:25 PM
Thanks again, this time for the warm welcomes.

It's odd, I've been reading this forum on and off for a long time (just never felt the need to post), so I almost feel like I already know some of you regulars. I imagine it's similar to how people feel like they know a famous actor or actress, because they watch them all the time on the TV screen(*) when, of course, they don't really know them. I don't know that I will post here as often as some of you, but it will be nice to have some two-way conversations and get to know all of you "for real".

I do consider myself lucky to have found someone that is understanding (or at least trying to be). And yes, Reine, it certainly is a breath of fresh air for us to be able to talk about things more openly, without the obligatory mortifying embarrassment--on both our parts--that has accompanied this topic up until now. Her getting to meet so many of you has allowed her to discover that she is not alone, and that life with a cross-dresser is not so terrible; it has started her down the road towards accepting it, and her acceptance means the world to me.

This really is a great site. I am glad that I found it back when I did, and I am even more glad that my wife has started coming here now. Those of you that run it (both formally as moderators, and informally as regular contributors) should be proud of what you have accomplished here. I can't imagine how many people you have helped.

(*) Oh yeah, pun totally intended.

05-30-2012, 12:37 AM
Thanks again, this time for the warm welcomes.

It's odd, I've been reading this forum on and off for a long time (just never felt the need to post), so I almost feel like I already know some of you regulars. I imagine it's similar to how people feel like they know a famous actor or actress, because they watch them all the time on the TV screen(*) when, of course, they don't really know them. I don't know that I will post here as often as some of you, but it will be nice to have some two-way conversations and get to know all of you "for real".

I do consider myself lucky to have found someone that is understanding (or at least trying to be). And yes, Reine, it certainly is a breath of fresh air for us to be able to talk about things more openly, without the obligatory mortifying embarrassment--on both our parts--that has accompanied this topic up until now. Her getting to meet so many of you has allowed her to discover that she is not alone, and that life with a cross-dresser is not so terrible; it has started her down the road towards accepting it, and her acceptance means the world to me.

Yes, that embarassment is a bit tough to get by, but I was surprised to find that it became much easier for me to talk with Mimi once all the cards were on the table.

I think that it is extremely important for GGs to be able interact with other GGs in their own situation. It's really unfair to tell them "Here's a life-changing revelation but you can't talk about it with anyone but me!" This forum is a very important resource in that regard. If possible, it is also very helpful if your wife could get together with other CDers wives IRL. It's not as though they need to talk about anything specific to CDing, but the ability to socialize with someone who knows and understands their situation is very helpful. It makes the entire concept more "normal" for them.

05-30-2012, 01:02 AM
Welcome, DocB!!

Marie is a wonderful girl!!! She is already growing leaps and bounds with her acceptance!! We love her dearly! I am so happy to have both of you here! I wish nothing but the best for your relationship!

I could add a few more !!!'s for good measure!!! LOL!

Marie GG
05-30-2012, 09:52 PM
Thanks everyone for being so nice to my husband!
I think possibly everyone's efforts to make me feel welcome may have helped encourage him to make his first posts here after about 2 years of lurking ;)
I am happy we found a community that is so warm and friendly. I probably should have listened to him the couple of times he suggested the forum in the past, I think it would have really helped me.

Kate Simmons
05-31-2012, 05:08 AM
What I like is when everyone is on the same page and there are no assumptions or misunderstandings. These are human feelings we are dealing with, nothing more or less.:)