View Full Version : walking in heels

11-12-2005, 12:57 AM
What surface is best to learn how to walk in heels? 5 inch or better..:confused:

Angela Burke
11-12-2005, 01:23 AM

5" heels !
A smooth, hard, flat, surface with available cushioning on either side (for when you fall over !)
A phone to contact the paramedics (when you break your ankle !)
Only joking !
I've been wearing heels since my early teens and I've never been able to walk in anything higher than a 2".
Good luck with the 5".

Love Angela XX

11-12-2005, 01:52 AM
Listen to Angela, sounds like good advice. I have trrouble walkin in 2in heels. Good luck


11-12-2005, 04:37 AM
I have been out on the town a few times while wearing really hight heels(Not sure if they were 5 inch though) After a few hours my feet have been in so much pain i couldn't walk and all but one time i removed the shoes and just walked about in bare feet.

My feet always take days to recover and one time they were bleeding on the toes too.

I'll still do the same next time i go out though as i never learn and like they say no pain no gain.

BTW. I'ce is not a very good surface for walking with 5 inch heels. So rule that out to start with:rolleyes:

11-12-2005, 06:02 AM
2inch heels work for me. I tried 6 inch but could barely stand in them much less walk. I do love the sound of heels on hard wood floors.

11-12-2005, 07:13 AM
Stay away from high or thick carpet as the heel may get stuck. Indoor/outdoor carpet or just a plain floor without any covering is best for beginners.

Jamie M
11-12-2005, 07:16 AM
Probably better to learn to crawl before you can run , if you'll pardon the expression . Get to grips with smaller heels first then build up as you get used to it . personally i've never tried anything higher than about 2.5" . anything more and i tower over kelly and generally look a bit silly ;)

11-12-2005, 08:00 AM
Are between 5" and 6.5"
Since they were the first heels I ever got I figured that I might as well start with the big ones.


Deidra Cowen
11-12-2005, 08:02 AM
Learn at home and if you have a full lenght mirror practise in front of it. But I'd be careful about going out in 5inch heels till you really mastered them. Nothing worse than a Tgirl that wipes out and falls cause of heels. :D

11-12-2005, 08:21 AM
I agree here. I found a great shop specializing in size 10-14 heels that ships quickly and in plain package to get my heels. Great prices under $50 too...anyway, I spent several days over a long weekend wearing 3in heels--literally for everything I did (walking up and down stairs, getting dressed, cooking, cleaning, etc.) and it was quite nice, and fun too! It is important to work on seldom practiced activities (sitting down and standing up, turning around, stairs, and driving). On the second day, I had to do some shopping, so I put on a pair of tight boot cut jeans and a wore the heels too. I was en femme, so it was not completely wierd, and it helped to go to quiet and non-crowded places like to get gas (pay with card, but still have to get out of the car) the convenience store, and to pick up carry out. I have found that the training takes two elements: length of time in the heels, and dealing with versatile terrain like carpet, slick floors, bricks, etc... Once you have met some goals in 2-3in, then move up to 4in, etc. :)

11-12-2005, 08:38 AM
Learn to walk
Practise to walk everyday.
Even women can't walk in high heels with out practise.
Place heel and toe down together.
Learn to be girlie and walking like a woman .

Well done in your purchase of female high heel shoes and be determined to walk in a feminine style you know it makes sense.

I also own black 5 inch high heels its wonderful when wearing a dress and stockings to look and feel more feminine.
Enjoy you are walking on the right path girl.

Proud of you keep on skirting !

Candy Heels
11-12-2005, 10:26 AM
I so agree with Elinor. As a girl who has worn high heels all her life, it is so important to avoid being a "part-time" wearer of higher heels. Your feet will adjust and learn to relax as you walk.

Avoid deep carpets, soft surfaces like grass or dirt. Shallow carpets and hardwood floors are by far the easiest until the balls of your feet get used to heels. Concrete sidewalks are always very hard on your feet if you are going to be walking a great deal.

Good luck Teri and have fun:D

Rachel Morley
11-12-2005, 01:10 PM
Hi Terri,

I have 2 pairs of 5" high heels and I find I can walk in them fine...but not for that long (the longest I've been is 2 hours without sitting down). Personally, I found that carpet is the best surface to practice walking on. I found it easier when learning and getting your balance, especially when you have to turn.

I used to spend quite some time walking up and down (like models do on a runway) towards the bedroom mirror and back. At the end turn around like a model would do and walk back the way you came. Keep practicing and checking that your body is upright by looking in the mirror. Then progress to walking on your laminated floor when you get more confident.

Have fun..............

11-12-2005, 01:22 PM
My first pair of shoes were 4' heels (size 14 feet and that was all I could find).
Almost toppled over in the store trying them on.
My feet were used to construction boots so heels were quite a change in shape too, I got my feet used to the shape by driving with them on as much as I could. This seemed to help when I got to be able to wear them out.
I've worn 3" and 4" heels all night when out since the break-in period. Still hurt toward the end of the night but a girl' gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Good luck


Wendy me
11-12-2005, 01:46 PM
just put them on and go the more you think omg i am going to fall or kill myselfe the better your chances of doing that are .....i have more trouble walking in flat drab shoes than heels.............

11-12-2005, 02:35 PM
i started with a 5 in heel, just take it slow, i cant walk in a lower on it feels funny.Walk in front of the mirror is a good thing to watch but your feet will hurt after a while, but its so much fun...good luck

11-13-2005, 07:26 AM
I learned with 6 inch heels,sure was fun falling on my face every couple seconds.

11-13-2005, 07:48 AM
I would try the Hospitals emergency room hallway...preferably near the radiology dept. Just pulling your leg. Once you get past uncomfortable your natural female instinct will show you the way.

Kim E
11-13-2005, 08:25 AM
I have worn 2.5 and 3 inch heels for years, that's my limit. I learned on a medium carpeting and hardwood floors. Once you master heels, remember thick carpet and office building marble floors are tough in heels. If out, avoid those city sidewalk grates. Your heel can get stuck, break off or worse. Saw it happen to a young GG, it wasn't pretty.


11-16-2005, 10:05 AM
I wear heels every day and don't have any problems with 5" or less. If I'm staying home I usually wear 4" or 5" heels. However, when I'm going out it usually means that I'm shopping and will be on my feet for a while so I usually wear 3" heels for the comfort. The higher heels take some getting used to.

11-16-2005, 10:13 AM
Personally, I don't bother with 5" heels, but I like them 3-4" and I have really never had a problem walking in them. It just seems normal and natural. I like the feel of a high heel when I first put them on, and walking in them feels fine as well. I find that it forces one to walk "more ladylike", which is a plus when one is all dressed up. If they fit well, my feet rarely get sore even after several hours. I'm not bragging or anything. I've just never really had the problem others sometimes do with high heels.

11-16-2005, 01:06 PM
Walking on the lawn, then they would only be one inch heels.
Hugs, Christine

11-16-2005, 06:37 PM
My limit is 3 inches. Anything 2 to 3 inches, I have no problem walking in. I find pumps are the most comfortable and easiest to walk in -- almost feels natural and better than men's shoes, actually!!