View Full Version : I hate being tall.

06-04-2012, 02:26 AM
Hey everyone. I just wanted to know if everyone else hates being tall?

I'm very tall for an Asian, I'm about 6'1" so I'm taller than the majority of people of all races. And when I'm in boy mode, it can be handy.

But when I'm crossdressing, I hate being this tall. I think I could be very passable if not for my height.

Any experienced crossdressers have any advice to turn my height into an advantage? It's especially hard since I only date males.

06-04-2012, 02:48 AM
I'm an even 6'. I've been told many times as a guy and as a girl that I look like a model. Believe me if done right your height (how passable you are) wouldn't even be an issue. You'd get more compliments than you think. I still wear 4in heels despite my height. Just stay confident!

06-04-2012, 03:13 AM
Thank you Antoinette, I'll try giving it more sass!

Sometimes, guys just expect me to be petite just because I'm Asian and it gets very irritating sometimes.

Shannon C.
06-04-2012, 03:21 AM
Im 6'1" too and yeah maybe being tall makes us stand out more especially if we are wearing heels, but I'd rather be tall with nice long legs than short. I love rocking 5" heels because I think they are sexy and makes me happy when I wear them. Just be yourself and act/dress in whatever way makes you happiest. :)

Andi 1
06-04-2012, 03:25 AM
I agree, I am tall too and I hate it (6'2"), I am sure if I was shorter I would have the confidence to leave the house.

06-04-2012, 03:49 AM
Im 6'1" too and yeah maybe being tall makes us stand out more especially if we are wearing heels, but I'd rather be tall with nice long legs than short. I love rocking 5" heels because I think they are sexy and makes me happy when I wear them. Just be yourself and act/dress in whatever way makes you happiest. :)

I do love my long legs. And wow, 5" heels make you 6'6"! I love heels too but not sure I'm confident enough to wear something that high.

I agree, I am tall too and I hate it (6'2"), I am sure if I was shorter I would have the confidence to leave the house.

I can relate.

Beverley Sims
06-04-2012, 03:56 AM
I assume you still look very elegant even as a tall Asian.

06-04-2012, 04:06 AM
I assume you still look very elegant even as a tall Asian.

I would like to think so. Haha.

06-04-2012, 04:37 AM
Date really tall men...?

Could work, or at least draw less attention to *your* height.

Remember, some men (and some women) find tall women especially attractive.

06-04-2012, 04:51 AM
Date really tall men...?

Could work, or at least draw less attention to *your* height.

Remember, some men (and some women) find tall women especially attractive.

I love tall men! But men over 6'2" are very rare.

I do have a minimum height requirement for dating though. They have to be at least 5'10". I just don't want to tower over them!

Cheryl T
06-04-2012, 07:18 AM
I'm 6' and felt the same way when I first started going out.
Firstly, being asian you probably have much less facial hair than I do and wear less makeup so you're on a good path.
Secondly, accepting your height and realizing that there are so many tall women these days is a key.
Thirdly, be confident...don't be the deer in the headlights thinking everyone is staring at you because you are a tall crossdresser....they are looking because Everyone looks at a tall woman. The height is part of her beauty. Be confident, stand and walk tall and be proud of your height and that will be noticed and nothing more.

06-04-2012, 08:11 AM
lots of tall girls here, WrymQueen. I'm over 6'2" although my height fairly commonplace for men of Scandinavian heritage. Even women in Oslo average around 6'!

When you worry about your height, just think about Uma Thurman and dozens of other prominent and beautiful women of height.

06-04-2012, 11:19 AM
My sympathies for the tall. Given a choice of attractiveness and too much height, or being bland of appearance, and essentially short , I'd rather be short (like I actually am).

Easier to convert bland to beautiful, than it is to shrink down several inches.

Sure there are tall women, but they are rare and with so many CDers, it seems it is important to get the look right.

I'm 5'7" and I don't need to worry that heels will just make an already 6'+ person that much taller and hard to explain.

Might be fun to wear heels to the game in an outfit relevant to heels, and finally be able to look my buddies in the eye at their eye level finally :)

06-04-2012, 11:32 AM
I'm six foot even now. I'm into the shrinking years, but, I know I will never shrink to a more desirable height, five foot eight. Yes, being a tall male is of great benefit. However, as a cross dresser I feel i would stand out. Another big issue of being tall is the smaller selection of affordable dresses. Most women are way shorter than six foot. Try finding an affordable assortment of dresses with a natural waist to fit a six footer. Yes, there are tall shops, but, they are even limited in choices. Therefore, my choice of styles is basically a dress without a natural waist. That's empire waists, wraps and sheaths. I am not complaining, but, it would be nice to be able to find more dresses with a natural waist. Not until this year was I able to find a lovely floor length maxi dress that hit the top of my foot, a rarity. Fortunately, on eBay most sellers give the length of the dress so I can figure where it will hit on my frame. Usually an intended ankles length becomes a mid calf on me. A mid calf becomes just below the knee.

If I were shorter I would attempt daylight strolls and not leave my strolls to nocturnal adventures.

06-04-2012, 12:03 PM
There are a ton of tall gorgous GG's in the world. I am 6'3" and it is just another thing about me that I learned to accept. The biggest difference is wether you showcase it as a strength or hide it as a weakness. It is about your attitude and how others see your feelings about it that influence their attitudes. I am tall and love it. I am learning how to modify my cloths to take advantage of my hight. Even Wendy Williams is 6 foot. Embrace it and show it off.

06-04-2012, 12:07 PM
Thanks for the input girls. I think I'll start going out at night more. Just to build up my confidence. Might be a good idea, right?

I am currently talking to a guy who is 6'5", so if it works out, it might work OK.

lots of tall girls here, WrymQueen. I'm over 6'2" although my height fairly commonplace for men of Scandinavian heritage. Even women in Oslo average around 6'!

When you worry about your height, just think about Uma Thurman and dozens of other prominent and beautiful women of height.

Maybe I should move to Norway then! I might fit in better! =P

Alice Torn
06-20-2012, 08:39 PM
At six foot six, here, there are almost zero tall gg's. I have heard that European women are much taller! If i could afford it, maybe import one! If i was less than six foot, I would surely go out more, but my lowest heels are 2 1/2 inch, making me almost six foot nine! Bein this tall makes it very hard to find a gg close to my height, in the region wqhere i live, and very tough fot going out in public, as every eye on me. Would have liked to be much shorter, but having my legs shortened does not sound fun! Shorter men are not as disadvantaged as they think! They have lots of gg's their height to date. Us super tall men don't, and going out dressed up, is tougher. I feel with the OP.

06-20-2012, 09:18 PM
I'm 6'2" and don't have any magic formula for you. In the US, I'm at the 99th percentile for GGs, which means that one out of 100 women is my height. It's always amusing when I encounter one of these women because the involuntary reaction is for each of us to look down at the other's feet, check for heels, look up, and then smile as we pass by. Tall girls have a kind of kinship.

A lot of it is attitude. Tall GGs don't worry about passing. They don't have an option. The same attitude works for us.

Tabitha Storm
06-20-2012, 10:13 PM
I am 6'3 and it can be tough to find clothes. Luckily I like dresses and skirts so its ok if they are a little short lol

Ms Mira
06-20-2012, 10:45 PM
I mean, I can see some of the potential troubles... But, personally, I like wearing heels and being an amazon. Just work with what you got.

Plus, hey, you get all the male life advantages of height.

06-20-2012, 11:06 PM
Well you could go for the tall model look? I'm 5'10" the average male height in the U.S. It's a little tall for a girl but I work it. Plus I have seen many beautiful women over my height. It may cause more attention but not what makes you look good or bad in my opinion.

06-21-2012, 03:46 AM
I'm 6'4" and height is another reason why I stay in the closet. But last week I did see a woman who is 6'1"; with her heels, just as tall as me. Is it becoming more common, 6 feet tall women? If I make my best effort to fit in with the other women in my vicinity, would height matter? Well, probably not.
Unless someone says otherwise. But who cares?

(Pardon the messed up typing because I'm on an Android tab and it's not serving me well.) :(

06-21-2012, 11:15 AM
I love being tall. I'm 5'10" and unapologetically wear very high heels. I'm working it and I look good doing it...short people be hatin'...

I do think that I get more attention being tall. Skirts and shorts tend to look more provocative on me...this sucked when I was in high school and couldn't wear anything without the teachers going ballistic...but, now, it's pretty awesome. I've also noticed that being tall and on the skinnier side really opens up your clothing options...things seem to just fit you well. The only problems that I run into are shirts being too short for me. (I have long legs, but I also have a long torso for some awkward reason....I'm like a snake, I guess).

So, I think being tall is nice...you DO get more attention, but I think this can be pretty nice. (Depending on the type of attention).

06-21-2012, 02:14 PM
As far as men go, I think women are too hard on themselves. Personally, I am a male and I prefer women much taller than I am, and my former girlfriend towered 8" over myself. Ok, I am not a guy with "average" taste in women (a bit of an understatement perhaps), but I can't think of the last time a guy around me has said he found a woman unattractive because of her height. Of course, for a trans passing and height is a whole other issue, especially when basic survival is involved; however, I don't see why one would consider themselves unattractive because they are tall.

...and Shananigans, good for you! Wear your heels and be proud of your height!

06-21-2012, 02:27 PM
How about being tall AND having a beak for a schnozz to boot! Not exactly feminine. Oh well. Work with what you got, it ain't all bad. At least my legs are long and slender due to the height.

06-21-2012, 02:53 PM
I use to be self insipid about being 6 feet tall but not any more! Thanks all!

06-21-2012, 03:13 PM
I am tall, 6’4 to be exact. I actually love my height. As a child, it was one thing that set me apart from my peers in a positive manner. My height has made it difficult to find clothing that fits properly (both genders). I will recommend a book for all you tall ones out there “The Tall Book: A Celebration of Life From on High” by Arianne Cohen. It will certainly make you feel good at being tall.

06-27-2012, 12:13 PM
I'm 6'2" and feel the same way. I always wished I were shorter and not just to be more feminine. I'm tall enough to need tall sizes in most men's clothes and being so thin the only shirt size that fits right is medium-tall which is fairly rare. Being tall definitely doesn't help with CDing. Most guys would think I'm crazy but I'd love to be somewhere between 5'6" and 5'10".

Stephenie S
06-27-2012, 02:15 PM
Please don't feel bad about being tall.

I'm a tall girl and I think tall is great! People don't give me any poopies at all, ever! It is nice to find a tall partner, however. I have to agree with that. I love being able to look UP at my sweetie.


06-27-2012, 02:39 PM
I'm 6'3" and live as myself 24/7 with no issues. My boyfriend is like... 5'6". I can rest my chin on his head when we hug.

My advice: get over it!

06-27-2012, 06:00 PM
I'm 6 feet tall and live full time, i never have any problems but then again i have had FFS. my BF is 6'3", it works for us. I saw a GG today who must have been 6'4", she was slender and pretty.

06-27-2012, 06:16 PM
As I pointed out on another thread , and as April says, there are a lot of women over 6feet...including at least four of my nieces. And in my ancestral home (Norway) it's very common to see women over 6 feet.

06-27-2012, 06:29 PM
You just have to embrace it. The first night I got together with other T-girls was the first night I felt short. At 6' I was the smallest in the group! One girl was 6"5" without heels so she was pushing hard on 7 foot with the stilettos she was wearing!

I used to hate it more but many GGs pointed out that without that height I wouldn't have the nice, long legs that are my favorite feature. You can't hide your height but you can draw attention to your best features. Maybe with you it would be your legs, or eyes, or whatever.

06-27-2012, 06:49 PM
I think tall is good if your also slim. I have very long slim legs. I consider it a big plus in trying to look feminine. I see young women all the time pushing 6'. I'm 6'1" and somewhat slim 180lbs.. In platforms I feel like I'm in the clouds.

06-27-2012, 07:12 PM
I'm 6 feet tall and live full time, i never have any problems but then again i have had FFS. my BF is 6'3", it works for us. I saw a GG today who must have been 6'4", she was slender and pretty.

No FFS here and I'm doing juuuuust fine. Although if I had the money... *sigh* You were pretty before FFS April. Post-FFS you just... just... d**n you! :P

Lynn Marie
06-27-2012, 08:11 PM
I'm 6'3". Wearing 5 inch heels does not make me 6'8". It's more like 6 foot 5 1/2 inches. I know, I measured. So last weekend I was at a very large Public Market in 2 inch heels. I could see over everyone! Easily. Also my hair was large and red and I was well dressed in a skirt, stockings, pumps, and jacket. There was no doubt about my standing out in a crowd. Considering I looked better than most of the women there, there were very few people who looked at me at all. Some of the men wanted to, but their wives were jealous and wouldn't let them! Being tall is fine. Makes my legs longer and everyone likes my legs.

There's a photo or two on my Flickr site below.

06-27-2012, 08:29 PM
Another being tall thread! Once again, there are only a couple other posters who are my height. I'm just shy of 6'6'', and my feet and hands are long like I am. However, I'm at least grateful that I'm very slender (with the exception of a bit of a belly). My hands are narrow and so are my feet. So it at least gives a more feminine impression. My arms are not muscular either which helps. I am out pretty regularly. That being said, I am very self conscious about my height, and feel that it does detract from my ability to pass. However I know there are other tall GG's in the world that are even my height. Transitioning is something that has weighed on me for sometime, and I'm going to be seeing a counselor soon too to talk about my gender identity. I know if I do decide to transition, I will care much less about my height when my other features start to be more feminine. When I get laser and able to use less makeup. Having my own hair instead of a wig, and (hopefully) nailing a feminine voice down. I think at that time, I will worry less about my height, and use it for my advantage.

Until then, here are a few people that their height isn't an issue for them at all:

Amazon Eve - 6'8'' modelamazoneve.com

Stephanie Towers - 6'6'' http://www.stephanietowers.net

Madelyn Hutson - 6'6'' (volleyball player for team USA, and GORGEOUS!!) Madelyn Hutson

Kendra Frazier - 6'6'' Basketball Player http://www.mutigers.com/sports/w-baskbl/mtt/frazier_kendra00.html

Jessica Pardoe - 6'9'' http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jessica-Pardoe/226880567348444

Allyssa DeHaan - 6'9'' http://www.facebook.com/people/Allyssa-DeHaan/2354375

Lindsey Walker - 7'0'' tall transsexual http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2114311/Worlds-tallest-transsexual-Lindsey-Walker-hopes-make-U-S-Olympic-team-years-she.html - If she can go out and be comfortable, so can we!!!

Here are some other places to visit to see tall women:



So while we may be taller than average, we are by no means alone in our height! Cheers to the tall gals!

Juliana Hart
06-27-2012, 08:32 PM
I got over being tall about 40 years ago. I have embraced it. You are what you are.

06-27-2012, 08:47 PM
I forgot one girl. She is TS and GORGEOUS!!! I wish I looked half as good as she does.

Her name is Kelly van der Veer and she is 6'4'' and perfect!


06-28-2012, 08:02 AM
Being 6ft is one of the major reasons I stay indoors whilst en-femme. I'm just too self conscious about standing out in a crowed:sad:

Maybe one day I'll find the courage to go on a girls night out. Unfortunately I live in pretty conservative area, so not much in the way of accommodating establishments in my town.