View Full Version : What makes you feel most like a woman?

Stephanie Kay
06-11-2012, 11:04 AM
Hi, girls,

It's been just over a year since I have posted here. It feels good to be back. If any of you remember the Doobie Sisters who used to have fun in the Milwaukee, Chicago, Madison area and on line here, drop me a note.

I have a longing to be female. And for those who feel the same way I have a question for you.

What makes you feel most female/feminine/like a woman. For me it is wearing Estee Lauder Beautiful when I am dressed in a skirt or dress with my favorite breast forms and my panties. How about you?

I would like to hear from GGs too! Thanks.


Sara Jessica
06-11-2012, 11:08 AM
It's all about what is in my heart. However, I suppose that if I had to pin an answer to something physical rather than emotional, I'd say it's the body modifications I have been able to make, particularly having long hair.

06-11-2012, 11:17 AM
Well theres a lot of things that make me feel like a woman. All the clothes and finery, the list could go on forever. But to single it out to one thing. I think the accual being out in public does it for me. Daviolin

06-11-2012, 11:49 AM
Breast forms and heels are the winning combination for me. Pantyhose when in season up here in the great white north. :)

Karren H
06-11-2012, 11:55 AM
I don't feel like a woman... I feel like me... Best I can do is try to look like one... On a good day... And since I'm not a woman... I wouldn't know what a woman feels like if I were to get that feeling!

06-11-2012, 12:06 PM
When my wife realized I was a cross dresser and just not into bedroom play with lingerie, she threw a line at me. I told her dressing made me be 'in touch' with being a woman. She yelled back something to effect of me never feeling like a woman because I would never experience the pain of childbirth after carrying a child for nine months! Amen!

I love wearing a dresses, slips, heels, hosiery, etc. It makes feel great! Why? I have no idea! I have opinions but no factual scientific knowledge.

I don't feel like a woman... I feel like me... Best I can do is try to look like one... On a good day... And since I'm not a woman... I wouldn't know what a woman feels like if I were to get that feeling!

Brittany CD
06-11-2012, 12:10 PM
What makes me feel most like a woman is wearing lingerie

06-11-2012, 12:29 PM
honestly, I think its the moment when I put on my wig. By then I've got the foundation garments and make up in place. But I really don't see a woman in the mirror unless and until I have my wig on! I'm not sure that's "feeling like a woman", but its as close as I can get.

06-11-2012, 01:12 PM
Since I'm not a woman I rather expect that I will never know what it "feels" like to be one. All I can describe is the most feminizing thing I can achieve as a crossdresser. I would have to say that being out in public on a date with a man is when I feel most feminine. A tall man is the best accessorizing piece, and the most psychologically fulfilling one, which I can conjure.

Stephanie Kay
06-11-2012, 01:16 PM
honestly, I think its the moment when I put on my wig. By then I've got the foundation garments and make up in place. But I really don't see a woman in the mirror unless and until I have my wig on! I'm not sure that's "feeling like a woman", but its as close as I can get.

I like that! Yes, when the wig goes on after everything else, I see Stephanie and not Steve and I am ready to go out into the world as much as a woman as I can!!

I don't feel like a woman... I feel like me... Best I can do is try to look like one... On a good day... And since I'm not a woman... I wouldn't know what a woman feels like if I were to get that feeling!

Uh, yeah, kinda what she said! Hi, Karen, you are looking as lovely as ever.!

06-11-2012, 01:20 PM
I am with Karren. I always feel like myself. The moment I finish putting on my lipstick is when my look for the day or evening comes together and I am ready to step out the door. Now, what does the maxipad do for you?? I am curious.

Cynthia Anne
06-11-2012, 01:43 PM
For me it's hard to pin it down because the desire to be a woman is so strong! Being out dressed as one, sometimes I forget that I'm not one! Hugs!

06-11-2012, 01:43 PM
I have to say I feel like Stephanie and Karen in that I don't know how it feels exactly to be a woman. Having said that I love the touch of the fabrics and the feeling it gives me. I don't have breast forms (yet) so I can't simulate the feeling that they give, but I do have 38a natural breast though and they bounce a little when I try to run which hurts a little bit so I try not to run to much. The clothes and lingerie makes me feel what I perceive as feminine so maybe that's it I don't know. Put it all together and I can only assume that that is the way most women feel. I have asked my wife about these things and she has told me that clothes that flow and materials that are silky feeling makes her feel sexy and feminine, but that's all I have to go on. I still love the feeling and I will continue to dress as long as I can still wear heels, fasten my own bra and see how to put on my own makeup while telling myself "Man I feel Like a woman". This is a very good question and one that I really had not asked myself so thanks for making me revisit why I do this.

06-11-2012, 01:52 PM
When I lost my body hair for the first time (I had a full body wax). The feeling of smooth hairless skin against the sheets at night, the loofah sponge with an oatmeal body wash, dying off with the soft towels my wife likes as opposed to the rough ones I use to like, and having smooth velvety skin all over. That was the most feminine I had ever felt.

06-11-2012, 02:19 PM
Dressing and gabbing with my freinds at my support group,I love girl talk.
And once long ago in a place far away being hugged by a man and kissed hard on the lips and sucking his tongue, sigh.
hugs rita

06-11-2012, 02:35 PM
Well, let's see...What makes me most like a woman is being paid less than a man for the exact same job.


Kate Simmons
06-11-2012, 02:57 PM
Honestly? I get thrills and chills when asked to go out by a cute GM.:battingeyelashes::)

06-12-2012, 12:28 AM
It's the hair. The long, beautiful, silky, feminine styled hair. Once I see and feel it cascading down over my shoulders and chest, feel it sliding along my neck, I'm done.

Melody Phillips
06-12-2012, 12:33 AM
I feel my most feminine when all the little pieces ( clothes, makeup,bra, panties, wig, jewelry,smooth legs) fall into place.

06-12-2012, 12:58 AM
I don't know what it's like to "feel" like a woman, but I feel more feminine when my hair is long. I want it to get past my shoulders.

06-12-2012, 02:17 AM
I am like many others, I dont know what it is to feel like a woman but the lovely smell of the wig next to my face makes me feel very fem.

06-12-2012, 04:18 AM
When the waistband on my pantyhose goes snap around my waist

06-12-2012, 04:28 AM
It can range from panties to makeup to heels to dresses to....... The list goes on and on.

06-12-2012, 05:33 AM
As a crossdresser in the strict sense of that term, my interest is purely in experiencing how women's clothes feel rather than how it feels to be a woman. That's why I'm not interested in wearing women's trousers even if they are technically different from men's trousers. I therefore have to answer that it's the combination of all the clothing and the very different feelings that come from the wide range of skirts, dresses, lingerie, foundations, hosiery, shoes, etc that allow me to experience how women might feel in their clothes.

06-12-2012, 07:19 AM
I would have to say out of the many things that make me feel female it would be breasts . when my forms and my dress and my natural chest tissue work together perfectly then that's it . on a good night I even have people ask me if I had work done . I think breasts are central. to the physical female experience

06-12-2012, 07:29 AM
I'll rephrase the question to what makes me feel most feminine? Scents and purfume. I have a brow set product and once i get the scent of it I know I'm close. There are mnay other aromas that are similar, my fave purfume Lovely, the smell of hairspray... Any others find an importance in the scents around you?

06-12-2012, 09:19 AM
The most feminine feeling I get is when I shave my legs, etc. and feel my skirt brush my bare legs in the wind. Freshly shaved skin feels so alive and with certain fabrics it feels ..... well what I consider to be feminine!

Thera Home
06-12-2012, 09:28 AM
What makes you feel most female/feminine/like a woman. For me it is wearing Estee Lauder Beautiful when I am dressed in a skirt or dress with my favorite breast forms and my panties. How about you?


Hi Stephnie

I enjoy the pleasure of a fully shaved body. That sensation I believe has been a pleasure since time of the Greeks, correct me if I'm wrong,please. Unfortunetly it's a practice kept more by women. Gosh, that's why we imitate them, they've got the smarts.


Janet Miller
06-12-2012, 10:13 AM
The feeling of my hair on my neck an back when I'm only wearing a bra.

06-12-2012, 03:53 PM
For me it's weaing hose and a slip. After all these years, it still feels magical.

06-13-2012, 06:35 AM
New Designer bridal gowns. They're so amazing.

alice clair
06-13-2012, 07:16 AM
For me it is when my wife comes up behind me and plays with my breasts and calls me princess.

Cheryl T
06-13-2012, 09:29 AM
Lately for me it's just being alive that does it.

06-13-2012, 10:18 AM
The one thing that makes me feel most feminine is alowing myself to do the one thing I never let myself do as a man: crying. If a man is seen crying, he is seen as weak, insecure, and he is ridiculed by other men for it. If a woman crys, well, she is a woman, and it is OK. The clothes, the hair, the makeup, the scents and perfumes are all nice, but nothing makes me feel better than being able to just let myself cry when I need to.

06-13-2012, 10:43 AM
I'm in the crowd that is sure I have no clue what being a woman feels like.

On the other hand, being feminine can be learned, and when that learning touches a nerve inside of us we can begin to understand that we "fit" into a different niche. We don't act or even think in the "masculine" mode anymore, but fall into that "silo" of being a person who would be described as "feminine".

For me it's a complicated mixture that's brought about my a combination of the different sensations that clothes, makeup, accessories, and heels begin to have on me. I walk into the bedroom/bathroom a guy and an hour later the movement of my body, my voice, and my language has changed. My wife even proved that my thinking and views on a number of issues changes!

But the first item that hits is that walk...the body movement...that is sooo NOT male! It's usually called "deportment"...walking, standing, sitting. That's the first feel that I've changed and my feminine self has taken over.

And it always takes my breath away...followed by my wife saying, "Hi Tina!"....

Hi Tina ..... that does it!

06-13-2012, 10:53 AM
I think going out with just my girlfriends are the moments I feel most like a woman. Stupid stuff really...my bra broke one day when I was out and about. I felt pretty awkward, so my friend took her bra off too so that we would both be inappropriate. Also, the mass texts that So-and-So just ended her whatever year relationship with her boyfriend...and, then, the gathering of women with ice cream, funny movies, and vodka that ensues. Also, crying randomly at some dumb a$$ song or movie...and, explaining that you are having a "Pam moment." Pam is the woman that you become when you are surfing the crimson wave. I also remember going to Race for the Cure with my sorority sisters and high-fiving all of the women during the "survivor walk." For some reason, this was always a really big event where I was reminded that I'm a woman...and, sometimes, bad things can happen to our bodies, but we are still women. Also, having to coordinate outfits before leaving to go anywhere...I will always ask my friends what they are wearing so that I can gauge what I should wear. And, then, having those times where you both say, "I'm wearing track shorts and a t-shirt...let's just go like this and f*ck it." Also, the times where we try to be political feminists, and, then, just get pissed off at all men for really no apparent reason at all. Also, having the "talks" with my mom about my children (that I don't have), and how she can live in a guest house in this mansion (that I also don't have) to help me raise these imaginary children...then, asking her if menopause makes her crazy in the head, or if she has just lost her mind. On that same train of thought...my friend and I were talking about engagement rings and wedding dresses...the guy beside us wanted to know what styles we like, so he would know what to expect for his girlfriend. So, we both pulled out our phones and said, "Okay...well...I have a picture saved of the ring and dress that I want." Neither of us are engaged...but, I think we've had everything planned since elementary school. Our guy friend thought it was really funny that we had everything ready to pull up.

So, I guess the times I feel most like a woman are when I am with other women...doing woman things. (lol :) )

06-13-2012, 10:59 AM
I've been dealing with this in my therapy. I've been driving my self crazy trying to figure out which of my feelings are female and and which are male. She told me that feelings are just feelings not male or female. I believe my fem side is way bigger than my male side. So what makes me feel most like a woman is not having to hide my feminine side. Janelle

06-13-2012, 11:54 AM
I don't feel like a woman... I feel like looking like one.... sometimes.

06-16-2012, 08:01 AM
I liked michelle3's remark. I would feel really feminine if I am allowed to dress as a complete woman and if I can act as a woman during lovemaking with my gg wife. She should dress as a man and treat me as a princess or queen. if she really behaves like a man and makes love to me, treating me as a real female, with both of us crossdressed...... that is heavenly.

06-16-2012, 08:22 AM
All shaved and dressed up with my SO taking me from behind with no mercy.

Jillian Faith
06-16-2012, 08:48 AM
The thing that makes me feel most feminine is my wife's acceptance of Jill.

Stephanie Kay
06-16-2012, 12:40 PM
Bravo to all of you! We are all different and feminine in our own way!! Isn't that lovely!!?? Thank you so much for sharing!! Stay pretty!


06-16-2012, 02:03 PM
I find it's when I finish putting on my nails. Their not professional but I love wearing them. I can just wear stockings, some lingerie, and nails and I feel so good.

Joann Smith
06-16-2012, 02:51 PM
What makes me feel the most femm is when I can do my normal beauty routine first thing in the morning but instead if putting on my drab uniform ...I can put on make up and somthing pretty and then begin my day...


06-16-2012, 06:51 PM
I'm not sure if this really counts, but it feels nice when I notice/feel my new ear piercings.

It reminds me of the process I've started to erase the man in the mirror, to be comfortable with myself.

06-17-2012, 04:12 PM
I agree with you on ear piercing even of i now wear them in mâle .

For me i feel like a woman when nicely dressed with a skirt or a dress , Nice some makeup and that madam is going out with a friend:)

06-17-2012, 04:32 PM
I think going out with just my girlfriends are the moments I feel most like a woman.

Shan, that was beautiful. It really was. Eloquent even.

I feel the exact same way, and it is a profound disappointment in my life that I missed out on this for so many years. I've never hated my body as much as I hated being marginalized and misunderstood by the people I had so much love for.

06-17-2012, 04:49 PM
Hrmm... I guess that would be my brain... I feel like a woman from the moment I wake up until the moment I fall asleep.

06-17-2012, 07:26 PM
Nothing says woman like lipstick on a Starbucks coffee mug.

06-18-2012, 09:31 AM
Seeing myself in the full-length mirror in our bedroom when I'm all made up!

08-01-2012, 03:24 PM
showing off to men, add to that when i see want in their eyes

08-01-2012, 03:31 PM
I'll never really feel like a woman (they wrestle with menstruation and whatnot.

But one way I feel more feminine is when I have a blouse or dress with accentuation on the top. Another is when supporters compliment my dress.

The one thing that makes me feel most feminine is alowing myself to do the one thing I never let myself do as a man: crying. If a man is seen crying, he is seen as weak, insecure, and he is ridiculed by other men for it. If a woman crys, well, she is a woman, and it is OK. The clothes, the hair, the makeup, the scents and perfumes are all nice, but nothing makes me feel better than being able to just let myself cry when I need to.

That works for me too.

Stacey Renee
08-01-2012, 03:57 PM
I can't pinpoint one particular thing really... I love lingerie, the look, the feel... Dresses and Skirts also... Heels always make me feel feminine, but if a gun was put to my head to come up with one answer, I would have to say nylon stockings on freshly shaved legs. I love this feel more than anything...

08-01-2012, 08:03 PM
A nice pencil skirt and a pair of stiletto pumps does it for me.

Amy Fakley
08-01-2012, 09:39 PM
honestly surprised I haven't seen this yet: Bubble Bath and Shaving FTW
and a little jazz never hurt 'neither :-)

Sweet Caroline
08-02-2012, 06:44 AM
I think I feel like a woman when I am dressed as Marilyn Monroe. A few years ago I purchased a quality Marilyn Monroe White pleated halter top dress. It has a 360 inch circle sweep and pleats are tight an narrow. The fabric is a Poly Cotton material and has a lovely sheen to it. The dress hem is just below the knee. The halter ties up behind the neck and ties hang down the back. Under it i wear white silk loose french panties with a pretty lace trim. Slip on my blonde, wig breast forms and open toe strappy heels and I am woman, hear me roar. LOL
The inner side of the pleats play with my bare smoothly shaved legs as I gently feel the little scratch from the lace on my panties.
I love the open freedom of a halter top with shoulders and back exposed. As I walk I love to feel the swing of the skirt, and tickle of light and airy panties. Perfect for a hot Summers day. Do I feel as a woman would. That I am not sure, but it feels delish!
That's how I am dressed today and am going "Down the Shore" as we say here in Philly LOL.

08-02-2012, 06:55 AM
For me, it's the little rituals... shaving my legs, painting my nails, smoothing my skirt under my bottom when sitting down, or striking a feminine pose when seated with my ankles crossed and my hands in my lap.

Gypsy Sam
08-02-2012, 07:11 AM
This thread stirs the imagination and is quite a collection of vivid perceptions. There are those who have learned the craft of cosmetics, and presentation. Others were born with petite features and make the transformation believable (Monica of Norway for one). For myself this web site unearths my imagination, and allows glimpses at odd times throughout the day. The commentary here has been food for thought.

08-02-2012, 06:37 PM
My favorite bra and my Breast forms

Mrs Roads
08-02-2012, 09:48 PM
Hmmm, I think the whole getting dressed process in itself: so when I put on my thigh highs, stiletto high heels, thong panties, breast forms and black laced bra, then top it off with my favorite shoulder length chestnut color aubrun colored wig. Then to finish if off, I head to the mirror and start the make up process, that's the moment I say to myself, I'M A WOMAN and 100% feel like one :)

08-02-2012, 10:11 PM
I think it would be just being able to dress up in some sexy lingerie or something similar. I know I can't exactly look it because of my natural appearance(I have the body of a perfect guy- broad shoulders, toned muscle everywhere, etc...). I have my own place with privacy now. I can dress and feel like a sexy woman at home all the time now. :D

08-02-2012, 10:17 PM
I was thinking of this exact topic this morning. I had the day off and home alone for the day. I decided to have a spa day. First thing this morning I decided not to take a shower but rather a nice bubble bath, bath salts, glass of my favorite red wine, candles, and my favorite relaxing music. While in the bath I completly enjoyed taking my time shaving my legs and other things. What really made me feel fem was the ritual of actually shaving.. oh and wow what a feeling soft water leaves on ones skin! An amazing silky soft skin. Exfoliating also contributed to that. I would recommend both organic women (hate using gg) and modified women try this one day. Truly heaven!

08-02-2012, 10:34 PM
Long hair....I want it so badly.

It is said that hair is a woman's number one accessory.

I am halfway there already, from nearly nothing. It just takes a long time to grow, but i will tell you that seeing myself in the mirror in the morning makes me feel like a girl, and I like that. :)

08-02-2012, 10:37 PM
Wearing a bra on my real breasts courtesy of M2F HRT!


08-02-2012, 10:46 PM
When the sun sets or the lights go off.

The small tug of the strap to my nightie, or the tiny bump of a hemline on my thighs as I am laying down.
A cool brush of air under my dress, or the slightly waxy taste of lipstick.
A nearly imperceptable jiggle of my breasts as I shift, or the not-sound as I curl up and my legs rub against silk.
Resting a mug of hot chocolate on my shelf in between sips, or a soft silhouette in the glow of the alarm clock.

When the sun sets or the lights go off, and I know that it's all ok...I'm all ok...

THAT is when I feel most like a woman.

08-02-2012, 10:50 PM
I agree with those who say we can't know what it feels like to be a woman. But if I tweak the question just a bit to ask when I first feel transformed from my usual self, I can target two key events: having long hair, and shaving my legs. When I experience either of those, I feel like I have become different than who I am in my regular day-to-day presentation of myself.

Rachel Morley
08-02-2012, 11:06 PM
I don't feel like a woman... I feel like me... Best I can do is try to look like one... On a good day... And since I'm not a woman... I wouldn't know what a woman feels like if I were to get that feeling! Ditto! ..... BUT .... in the interests of participating in this thread in which it was intended, I would say: when I am around GGs friends and they truly treat me as "one of the girls" ... and although I shouldn't say this (but I will) but if there are other CDers present, and I detect that they treat those other CDers differently than they me, then it's even better (ooops! ... did I say that?)

Christie Camelle
08-02-2012, 11:10 PM
Hmmmm... Being freshly shaved all over, my hair falling on my shoulders, wearing my forms in a tight cotton lycra tank top, while my beautiful fiancee uses her talent to paint my toenails with some really pretty designs.

Beverley Sims
08-02-2012, 11:33 PM
I think I feel like a woman when I am dressed as Marilyn Monroe. A few years ago I purchased a quality Marilyn Monroe White pleated halter top dress. It has a 360 inch circle sweep and pleats are tight an narrow. The fabric is a Poly Cotton material and has a lovely sheen to it. The dress hem is just below the knee. The halter ties up behind the neck and ties hang down the back. Under it i wear white silk loose french panties with a pretty lace trim. Slip on my blonde, wig breast forms and open toe strappy heels and I am woman, hear me roar. LOL
The inner side of the pleats play with my bare smoothly shaved legs as I gently feel the little scratch from the lace on my panties.
I love the open freedom of a halter top with shoulders and back exposed. As I walk I love to feel the swing of the skirt, and tickle of light and airy panties. Perfect for a hot Summers day. Do I feel as a woman would. That I am not sure, but it feels delish!
That's how I am dressed today and am going "Down the Shore" as we say here in Philly LOL.
To complete the transformation as Marilyn, go to New York and stand over a subway exhaust on the footpath.:)
I did it once in winter. Nice and warm too.

08-02-2012, 11:44 PM
A shaved body with full makeup and wearing lingerie does it for this old dame.

08-03-2012, 08:22 AM
I think you have asked wildly different questions here. Feeling like a woman is not the same as feeling feminine. I never feel like a woman, regardless of how well I think I have put myself together. I am aman and I know it at all times. I do, however, on occasion enjoy the feeling of being feminine.

Sweet Caroline
08-03-2012, 09:29 AM
I did something similar. I went to the shore one night as the sunset and strolled the beach as the surf winds billowed my skirt out and up.

To complete the transformation as Marilyn, go to New York and stand over a subway exhaust on the footpath.:)
I did it once in winter. Nice and warm too.

I did something similar. I went to the shore one night as the sunset and strolled the beach as the surf winds billowed my skirt out and up.

08-03-2012, 10:00 AM
As soon as I put my lipstick on in the mornings.

bridget thronton
08-03-2012, 10:04 AM
I agree with Rachel being treated as a lady by my gal pals in real life or online

08-03-2012, 11:10 AM
What makes you feel most like a woman? When I am dressed sexy and being made love to by A man.

08-04-2012, 07:09 PM
When I bend down to pick something up, like a girl in a short skirt would do ensuring not to expose anything,... then I realize that I am in guy mode. Other than that it probably would be in a full set of beautiful fake nails...dressed as much as I could at the moment of course! Amanda

08-04-2012, 07:27 PM
I can purr when my hair is just so and I have a pretty bra on with breast forms and I am tucked and being photographed.

08-04-2012, 08:01 PM
There is no way to know what exactly that feeling is. I know when I see myself looking like a woman I feel I can present as one. When I see my hands and nails I feel as I can present as a woman. As I put on my shoes I feel like I look good enough to present as a woman. I don't think that it is a feeling I think it is a mindset. If you look enough like a woman then you can present as one so this must be the feeling. I can throw my purse over my shoulder and feel as though I am a woman and not even be dressed. Women maybe don't feel like a woman but maybe just feel like they look good enough to be out and about cause they are women. Don't beat yourself up trying to feel feminine. Just find out what you feel when you feel good enough to present as a woman.


08-04-2012, 08:04 PM
A little perfume on the wrists – adds a new dimension - almost magical in its effect.

08-06-2012, 12:13 PM
The corset. This controls the feminine curves so well. The feel of my own long hair draped over my shoulders and back, wearing the corset.

Sophia Claire
08-06-2012, 12:29 PM
It's a draw for me. Tied between a cute pair of stockings, sexy heels, or a flowing skirt.

Beverley Sims
08-06-2012, 01:42 PM
I did something similar. I went to the shore one night as the sunset and strolled the beach as the surf winds billowed my skirt out and up.

Caroline, those are fantasy moments that I try to relive.
Walked along the beach at sunset with wind blowing in my hair, stood on a cliff at Dunnett Head UK. in a dress also with the wind blowing.
Lots of fantasy situations to get into in Hawaii from Paradise Cove through to all the other resorts.
One day I will go down the beach in Hawaii where they made from Here to Eternity and get a photo there. I won't have a man in my arms rolling around on the sand though.:)

08-06-2012, 04:16 PM
Trying to put keys in my pocket and realising I haven't got one. :o

Diane Smith
08-06-2012, 04:52 PM
I had a very specific incident once -- driving away from the salon after I had my very first set of acrylic nails applied, I glanced up and, in the bottom of the windshield, could see a reflection of my long pink nails gripping the steering wheel. I was really overwhelmed by both how feminine it looked, and how completely normal it felt at the same time.

- Diane

08-07-2012, 09:40 PM
I also feel like a woman when chick-flicks make me cry ...

08-07-2012, 09:46 PM
My own hair!
I gave up the wig, and grew my hair for 19th months as of today from zilcho nothing, and still going. I wake up in the morning, and feel like a girl when I look in the mirror. Some things in life are worth fighting for, this is one of them.
After all a girl's most important accesory is her hair.

08-07-2012, 09:50 PM
For me, it is the physical transformation from male to female in the FACE, in the mirror. It is who is staring back at me. I have two faces, two personas, same body which is thin and passes as male or female depending on what I choose to wear. The clothes are a means to an end and not an end in themselves for me. Women's jeans are tighter than men's. Thank god for purses. Otherwise, the clothes all feel the same to me. They just look different. And since I shave my whole body and take care of it, I guess that makes me more girly than boyly. Beats me. I love the salon, I like talking about kids and relationships, I like fashion and makeup, and I like art and cooking and romantic comedies that are well done. Boy/Girl. Doesn't matter. It's me....but when I get to be 'her' once a week, which is really me, it all gets to come out at once...! Yay!!

Tracii G
08-07-2012, 09:54 PM
That is a hard question I kinda feel that way most of the time.
Once the make up is on and the wig is in place it seems to complete the package.

09-29-2012, 11:42 PM
Long painted nails, especially if when they are hot pink, deep red or glittery. The feel of the combination of silky nylons, and a silky slip or skirt lining, and the air rushing around them. Jewelry, especially dangly earrings. Breast shapes showing on my top, no matter how they are created. The feel of a bra, especially the straps. And finally, the most wonderful piece of apparel in the world: high heels. These are a few of my favorite feminine-feeling things.

09-29-2012, 11:44 PM
I just love putting on an especially pretty dress, with a beautiful flowing skirt.

yummmmmmmmmmmyyyyy !!!!

09-29-2012, 11:48 PM
Once I close and lock the door and put on my bra it starts. Then look in the closet to figure out what I want to wear tonight.

franny lin
10-01-2012, 12:38 PM
When I can just be my self

10-01-2012, 12:44 PM
Being able to RUN from the poperazzi in HEELS ,,,That will get me everytime ,,, SEE YAAAAAAAAA

Jane G
10-01-2012, 12:55 PM
When I ask for directions. :heehee:

Sorry girls just coudln't keep that one in.

10-01-2012, 03:44 PM
Being completely dressed head to toe, underside and outside, made up, wig, hair, AND then going out with my wife and having her take the leading role in EVERYTHING for the entire evening - THAT (rarely has occurred) but that really made more like a girl than anything else ever has. LOVED IT!

10-01-2012, 03:50 PM
I have to agree with Karren Hutton...I have no idea what it feels like to be a woman. However to answer your post I would say my wife dods her best to help me attain that feeling. Her support and guidance is what does it for me.


10-01-2012, 04:11 PM
Encounters with masculine women do it for me.

10-02-2012, 01:12 AM
What makes me feel most feminine is when I started accepting that I have been a girl this whole time and everybody else was wrong. I started feeling like the world was starting to turn for the better and that I could now express my feminine side which hasn't stopped ever since I came to the realization that in order for me to be happy I needed to quit lying to myself that everything would be ok and that I could "man handle" my desire to be a woman. I can't "Man Handle" it nor do I wish to because it is who I am and what I have always wanted to be and beleived myself to be. I feel most feminine when I remember all that has happened to me in my life time, why I am here and how I got here. I feel so sexy and powerful sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself!!


10-02-2012, 03:38 AM
What makes me feel like a woman most, well I don't know because I don't know what a woman feels like , to be quite honest I don't even know what it feels like to be a man, because I don't know what a man feels like, I do know however that when I am dressed and I have had my hair done really nice I have a feeling of contentment , almost like it was meant to be that I can be more me, rather than an image that I have to portray to the world because that is what society expects of me as a man and I'm sorry I just don't fit into that particular pigeon hole .

10-02-2012, 08:26 AM
For me it is more about feeling feminine rather than feeling like a woman. I don't think I can actually feel like a woman but I can tap into a feminine dimension of myself. When I dress many things contribute and I am always amazed how I automatically walk, sit, and hold myself differently. I can feel my skirt swish against my shaved nylon encased legs and just know that I am different. And there is always the amazing feeling of calm which washes over me and the world becomes right.

10-02-2012, 08:50 AM
For me, definitly stockings and bra. Then i feel me again and can start deciding the rest of the outfit

Angela Campbell
10-02-2012, 01:55 PM
Even though I was born with an ....appendage.....I don't know what it is like to be a man. What makes me feel the most girly is the whole package. Everything on, clothes, makeup, shoes, jewelry...the works. When I look in the mirror and see ...ME!

Lucy Lou
10-02-2012, 02:10 PM
Ok, for me it is the whole thing. A basque and stockings, silky panties, a wig, full make up, painted nails, jewelry, short dress and of course ... perfume. That makes me feel just right. And a mirror. Lucy

10-02-2012, 02:50 PM
The time I most enjoy being a crossdresser and when I most feel like the woman I am, is when I am sitting under a salon dryer, with my hair in rollers, make up on, and looking down at the tent my breasts are making in my pink satin blouse. When I have that going on, I know exactly what it feels like to be a woman.

10-02-2012, 03:29 PM
What makes you feel most female/feminine]/like a woman.

Stephanie, thanks for asking. The responses have been fascinating to read (and sometimes a little naughty...:eek:)

I underlined that portion of your question I can answer: it's got to be the hair!

...particularly having long hair.

It's the hair. The long, beautiful, silky, feminine styled hair. Once I see and feel it cascading down over my shoulders and chest, feel it sliding along my neck, I'm done.

I don't know what it's like to "feel" like a woman, but I feel more feminine when my hair is long.

The feeling of my hair on my neck an back when I'm only wearing a bra.

Long hair....I want it so badly.It is said that hair is a woman's number one accessory.

...my hair falling on my shoulders...

My own hair!
After all a girl's most important accesory is her hair.

I've abbreviated the quotes I've selected above in the interest of the shared sentiment, so please excuse my editing on that basis... :battingeyelashes:

It's all about the hair... the longer, the better. Sure, maintenance can be a hassle, but it is sooo worth it. It serves as a constant affirmation of my femininity, whether or not I'm dressed to match.

In a ponytail at work, loose and cascading (the perfect description; I'm with you, sometimes_miss) down my back and shoulders when en femme, gently caressing my bare skin. Being able to brush it into a feminine style; slightly off-center part to create a sweep of hair across my forehead... heavenly!

I've grown it out for the past seven years... just gotta be careful to keep from entangling it when fastening my bra! :heehee:

Amy Milnet
10-09-2012, 08:03 PM
Pantyhose and high heels!!

10-09-2012, 09:43 PM
My favorite bra filled with my silicone breast forms. I love the way that feels. Sometimes I just roll around the bed feeling the lines of the bra as it wraps around my body. Simple, but heavenly.

10-10-2012, 08:15 AM
heels. high sexy mary janes and stockings. a corset and a satin blouse and a pencil skirt if i've time but mostly its the heels. i could not feel femme without them....

11-02-2012, 10:32 PM
Because the bra is the symbol of feminity, wearing a bra makes me feel close to the feminine society, but I am still male and love women.

Vanessa Amber420
11-02-2012, 10:46 PM
I feel like a woman when I wear panties, bra, and my body and legs are smooth. I still don't have breast forms, but considering soon of buying some to make me feel more like a woman.



11-02-2012, 10:57 PM
Definitely panties. They just feel so sexy. I'll be going about my day not even thinking about the fact I'm wearing them and I'll move in a certain way, like bend over or do a stretch and feel the fabric glide against my skin. I'll be reminded that I have them on and they feel sooo good.

Candice Mae
11-02-2012, 11:00 PM
When I look in the mirror and barely recognize my male self.

11-02-2012, 11:22 PM
Good one Candice lol. For me in terms of clothing I would say a short skirt, thigh highs, high heels, a tight sweater, all made up to the T. Other than that I would probably say being with a man would make me feel like a woman more than anything. Just not exactly sure if I would go that far yet.

11-03-2012, 09:37 AM
I feel the best when I'm dressed and sitting in a salon chair getting ready to head out!

11-03-2012, 05:05 PM
When dressed with friends over, and they mistake me for an actual girl, only happened 4 times no outside the bedroom, but everytime, guys have hit on me, and ive gotten looks like shes a pretty girl, until of course i talk

Kathleen Ann Trees
11-18-2012, 10:48 AM
I agree the the look is complete after putting on my wig and throwing my hair up over my head and seeing myself in the mirror.

But "feeling" feminine is that wonderful time when I'm finally all dressed, able to relax around the house, walking in my pumps, going about the simple life chores of the day without any hollowness of unfulfilled desires. It's being me; and then glancing into the mirror and loving the reflection!

Kathleen Ann

11-18-2012, 10:57 AM
As of late, having shoulder length hair and pierced ears. No matter how I'm dressed, I always feel like a girl.

11-18-2012, 11:09 AM
would have to say shopping,,, love everything about the whole experiance

Deedee Skyblue
11-18-2012, 11:12 AM
Wearing long dresses and heels, and walking elegantly...

Rhonda Ann
11-18-2012, 11:25 AM
I have to be fully dresses from top to bottom wig, bra, sexy panties, hose, heels, dress or skirt W/low cut top, make up, and I don't feel complete unless I have my nail polish on. Gotta have it all :battingeyelashes:

11-29-2012, 06:53 PM
I do not think that as males we can really feel what it's like to be a female. That being said, I cannot even express my exhileration as being dressed as a female. My endophins must be running wild as I am totally dressed tonight. My nails are a lovely pink, I have a new wig, my makeup is well applied and I have "cute shoes" on my feet. Kisses!

11-29-2012, 07:08 PM
when I do laundry for my son, when I cook a meal for us, when I go window shopping with my girlfriend, when we giggle at the guys or go wow seeing this GQ guy just pass us by, when my son puts on his work application "my other MOM" when he calls "Mom, whats for dinner" when I hear "here you go maam" all those things and hundreds more make me feel ecstatic about my life, about being ME, a woman, one body one mind.