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View Full Version : There's no need to call an emergency

Jasmine Ellis
11-13-2005, 03:12 PM
There's no need to call an emergency darlings! LOL.......How many of us ladies think they are irresistible when dressed?
Have you hinted you are interrested in some one when dressed?
Have you ever encouraged anyone when dressed?
Me, it's been NEVER on the 3 counts :crying:

Julie York
11-13-2005, 07:07 PM
How many of us ladies think they are irresistible when dressed?

Depends how much I've had to drink.

Have you hinted you are interrested in some one when dressed?

Constantly. My brain turns to mush when dressed and all reason deserts me.

Have you ever encouraged anyone when dressed?

But I can't remember who as I was drunk and my brain had turned to mush.

11-13-2005, 07:12 PM
ugh.... I think my face is horrible when made-up.... but I suppose practice will help. :)

Jasmine Ellis
11-19-2005, 11:05 AM
Julie, how can you walk in high heels when you are drunk darling?
Oh Kimberly, you got a love sweet face darling.

11-19-2005, 11:35 AM
Well, Julie, you've hit the nail on the head again. It's all perception. And it's amazing what we can perceive when under the influence of that magic elixir! :cheers:
Then the next day you see pictures of yourself and :confuse:

What happened to that babe I saw in the mirror in the ladies room last night? She really got ugly! Must have had something to do with a pumpkin and a golden carriage :p

Kim E
11-19-2005, 12:42 PM
How many of us ladies think they are irresistible when dressed?

Not me, I've never thought I was irresistable, no matter how much I've had to drink.

Have you hinted you are interrested in some one when dressed?

I'm a notorious flirt. Something about eye contact, I find very sensual.

Have you ever encouraged anyone when dressed?

No, not that I am aware of. ;)


11-19-2005, 12:55 PM
Honestly I think that the only emergency call made when I am made up might be to have me towed. :)

It's amazing what you can say and get away with when you have a nice smile :)


Nikki Dee
11-19-2005, 03:25 PM
Hi. Hun...irrestible.? ...ME...well, yes.! at least that's what the guy looking in the mirror thinks.!....Interested in anyone...Yes....Encouraged anyone...Yes..I'm afraid I am a bit of a flirt and a tease...but only in controlled circumstances...I'm not THAT stupid (usually)
Love Nikki. x

11-19-2005, 04:00 PM
Nope not me. I feel I look like I was hit by a Mack truck either way:)

kisses, April

Jasmine Ellis
12-01-2005, 10:05 AM
I have had a laugh at some of these, very good. Thanks for reponding to this thread darlings

Christina Nicole
12-01-2005, 07:32 PM
Irresistable? Ha, ha! Nope.

Now encouraged someone, that's different. But it's probably in a different context than above.

I was at a transformation salon one afternoon. I had met a friend there a few month previously and we decided to meet there and go into San Francisco that evening. I had my nails done by the lady who runs the place. While my nails were drying, another T girl had come in for her makeover. She was nice and looked pretty good when she was dressed up. We chatted together while she had her makeup done. Somewhere along, my friend comes in and we all start chatting. When the new girl was finished, we asked her were she was going. When she said "No where, just hang around and then go home," my friend and I looked at each other. I could see she was thinking the same thing I was. We grabbed the new girls hands and said "Nope, no one who looks that good is staying home tonight." We dragged her part of the way to the car, but she decided to go with the flow. We all had a great time. She just needed the right encouragement.

Warm regards,
Christina Nicole

12-01-2005, 07:37 PM
I don't know if I am irrestible when dressed, but I am usually warmer.

Jasmine Ellis
12-02-2005, 07:24 AM
HI Christina, a lovely story wish I was there with you 3........Hi Brenda, you are like me when dressed and outside I feel warmer.

12-02-2005, 11:55 AM
Who, me, irresistable when dressed? Of course I am, to myself, that is. :D Unfortunately despite all that modern cosmetology has to offer, I'm afraid my face makes me very resistable, indeed. :(
As far as the other two ?'s... no and no.
Thanks for the thread, Jasmin.

12-02-2005, 02:36 PM
If I am irresistable, there are a lot of people out there exercising some phenomenal restraint.

Jasmine Ellis
12-02-2005, 03:09 PM
Hi Sherribi, love your picture, are you new here love

12-02-2005, 03:14 PM
Well, I have never been seen by anyone before, so I don't know if I am irresistable or not. In my mind I like to think I am, but I have no idea. I would never actually do anything with another CD or male, but the thought that I male does find me attractive, would reinforce what I think about myself or would like to think about myself. I have to admit, it would be flattering.

Jasmine Ellis
12-02-2005, 03:19 PM
Hi Britney, if that is you on the picture love you pass and men would full over there feet.

12-02-2005, 03:21 PM
Hi Sherribi, love your picture, are you new here love

Hi Jasmin. You are very sweet. Thank you.

Not new, just been away for awhile.

Charlene Marie
12-03-2005, 10:16 AM
Sure. I've tried to encourage my wife when I was all dolled up and the libido at full tilt, but she was laughing so hard I couldn't put any moves on her. Oh well, better to laugh than to cry I guess.

Jasmine Ellis
12-03-2005, 12:15 PM
Hi Sherribi, I have seen your threads dear and enjoyed them, you do look great and nice to know you love.
Hi Carlene, your wife laughing, you look wonderful in your picture I would of thought she would of took you out and show you off..........