View Full Version : Still a mystery

06-15-2012, 03:51 PM
A year and a half ago I wrote about a mystery that happened to me. Here is the posting:

Who is she that knows me but I don't know her?
Today I just got home from COSTCO where I had a very unusual thing happen. It was something that came right out of the blue, something totally unexpected. If you don’t already know this about Shaylee, she is house bound. This for two reasons: the first and most important reason is because it’s my wife’s request to not be in public for me to have her support; secondly, made the first reason easy to keep is, I don’t have a reason to leave the house as Shaylee. No desire, been there done that, so what. With this in mind makes what happened all the more a puzzle.
I was shopping and a very comely young woman walked past me. I usually make eye contact with the people who walk past me and I did this time as well. The young woman said to me “Hi, Mr. S!” Now this isn’t very unusual because a lot of people call me this. But I couldn’t place where I knew this young woman. She knew me but I’ll be danged if I could place her face. I’m usually very good at remembering faces even though I might not come up with the name, I’ll remember where I know them and all sorts of other details about them. I do a lot of volunteering at different venues around town and thought that maybe she might know me from one of those places.
As I watched her walk away from me I thought how strange of me not to have had any form of recognition in my mind as to whom this very attractive young woman was. I went on shopping and still wondering. I finished my shopping and checked out. I never saw her again in the store. As I was putting my groceries in the trunk of my car I became aware of a car stopping behind me. I turned to see that it was this young woman of whom I have been speaking. She said of how nice it was to see me and then blew me out of the water by saying, “Bye Mr. S or should I say Ms. S.” And then she drove off with me hanging my mouth wide open and jaw on the ground. As far as I know, no one but my wife and Kathy Lake know what Shaylee's male side looks like. And I rest assured no one would be able to recognize my Shaylee pictures and know that it was me, Mr. S. Oh, by the way, my given name and my taken female name both start with S, which is a coincidence that never occurred to me before.
I would love to have this mystery solved. If you, young woman are on this site send me a note. I really would like to know who you are. You are a thing of beauty and for no other reason I would like to make your acquaintance.

Well! I never heard from her and never saw her again. I had forgotten all about that incident and put it out of my mind until today when I was looking at some old post that I have made. It is funny how time changes your perspective on things. I always thought that it would bother me not knowing the answer to the mystery, but it doesn't bother me in the least. I kind of look at it as just one of those things that happen. No consequences, no harm, no foul. It's just the way life is sometimes. Don't you agree.:battingeyelashes:

Kathi Lake
06-15-2012, 04:08 PM
I remember being puzzled then, and I'm still puzzled now. To say the difference is night and day between your presentations is a serious understatement. Add to that the fact that you don't leave your house dressed, and you have a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, and then dressed in a pretty flowered shift.



06-15-2012, 04:13 PM
I think the probable simplest answer is that very few people [that I have been aquainted with] can keep a secret. For long anyway.

Suzy Parker
06-15-2012, 04:27 PM
Were you undressing and your slip was showing?

06-15-2012, 04:47 PM
Do you have children? And, do they have friends who might have "grown up" in the last few years? Young women often look very different from their teen or pre-teen appearances. Kids usually can't keep a secret, especially from their friends.

So, I'd be thinking "Friend of my Daughter".....who apparently knows all about yourself! Didn't seem to be any kind of threat or negative inference. I think your just fine with this little mystery. Assume it's benign.

Peace and Love, Joanie

06-15-2012, 04:49 PM
Mabey she saw you looking at something at costco that may have tiped her off, I just got back from costco an hour ago, and was there to price undergarments and makeup/skincare products. Am alternate answer, if you believe in such things, is that she is a psychic. I have seen some strange stuff happen before. Just some ideas to throw at the cieling to see if they stick.

Cynthia Anne
06-15-2012, 05:20 PM
Next time keep the curtains closed! I won't be able to see in that way!:eek::heehee: Hugs!

06-18-2012, 03:16 PM
Seeing as she knows you, could have easily been a daughter of one of your friends or co workers that you didn't notice, or a friend of one of your kids (if you have kids). Girls are more likely to notice subtle things; if you ever gave away any feminine things about yourself, she could have easily picked up on it, and then pieced together a few other things to come to her conclusion, that you have something female about you. A touch of leftover makeup, nail polish or nails tailored to a female shape, or are your ears pierced? A shaved part of your body, body motion resembling that of a female in any way. Put more than a couple of any clues together and she could have you 'made'.

06-18-2012, 07:44 PM
I remember the story well Shaylee. Thank you for sharing this update. There are probably a lot of "was I outed" stories here with no follow-up down the road. So it is good to here that it didn't result in an outing, the end of the world, or the zombie apocalypse. Now if you ever run into her again, then there might be more to talk about.