View Full Version : 10 Reasons why I'd like to be 10 years old again

06-18-2012, 10:57 AM
Ah yes, if only I could be 10 years old again, I’d have the chance to learn some truly important life skills that long ago I never knew I was going to need. If you’re going to be a woman, you need to learn how to be one while you’re still a girl. And not surprisingly, I failed to anticipate that need a long time ago. There are certain matters in which a good education is absolutely essential.

[1] Dealing with long nails. If you have long nails, when you put moisturizer on your face, the cream gets under the ends of your nails. So you have to remember to clean under them. When the jar is full, you can of course skim your fingertip along the surface of the cream. But as the jar empties, you have no choice but to plunge your finger in at a perpendicular angle, thereby getting the cream under your nails. Or perhaps there is some other method. I bet women know some way of putting moisturizer on their face without getting it under their nails. Women know important stuff.

Also with long nails, it becomes harder to type, to key in a number on your mobile phone, etc. Even things you’d think would be easier, e.g., getting a stubborn CD out of its case, are actually harder for some reason. Probably because you can’t apply as much force with your nails as you can with your fingertips. But if I were 10, I’d learn how to deal with these little annoyances.

[2] Blowing your nose. How do you blow your nose without smearing your make-up? I will send any woman (GG or TG) a cheque for €1000 if she can give me the answer to this question. Guys are disqualified, even if you know the answer. I don’t trust you.

[3] Brushing your teeth. You’ve got to watch the make-up. Forget about your lipstick. You’re going to have to redo it. But don’t let the toothpaste dribble down your chin. And if you have long hair, don’t let it fall down in front of your mouth. The easiest way to keep toothpaste from dribbling down your chin is to bend over the sink. But then your hair falls down in front of your face.

[4] Learning to tie your hair with a hair-band or ribbon so you can bend over the sink while you’re brushing your teeth without your hair falling down in your face.

[5] Eating. You have to keep your hair out of your face. If you’re a sloppy eater in a guy-mode, you’d want to correct that in girl-mode. There are certain foods you have to avoid—like hamburgers and pizza. It would take a lot of practice to be able to eat stuff like that in girl-mode. That’s why I’d like to be 10 years old: I haven’t had a hamburger or pizza since I don’t know when. I recently saw the film “Something’s Gotta Give”, and I took note of the bit where Jack Nicholson told Diane Keaton, “Women don’t eat on dates.” Now I know why.

[6] Glasses. Now I know why women don’t like wearing them. It’s not just that they’re not cool. They partially hide and totally distort your eye make-up. And you’ve gone to so much trouble to put it on. In particular, you’ve gone to all the trouble of mastering the difficult art of applying mascara. And when you’ve achieved that feat, by golly, you want people to take notice.

True, you can try contact lenses, which I’ve never done because my eyes are extremely sensitive. They tear up at the slightest excuse—e.g., when I’m trying to put on eyeliner. But if I were 10 years old, I’d learn how to make my eyes stop doing that. Because there are certain bits of nonsense that a woman simply will not tolerate (any guy who’s ever been in the company of a woman for more than three hours will know this), and I would learn how to make my eyes do what they’re told.

[7] Pockets. Skirts and dresses don’t have them. So where do you put your stuff? Yes, I know, it goes in a purse. But when you’re used to having stuff right there conveniently in your pockets, having to go digging through a purse requires a real change of mentality. And then where do you put your hands? (No, you don’t keep them in your purse instead of your pockets. Jesus, do I have to tell you everything?)

[8] I wouldn’t be constantly stroking my chin or scratching my temple as a sign of my deep thought and wisdom. How much wisdom do you have at the age of 10? Since you haven’t already acquired the unattractive habits of chin-stroking and temple-scratching, it’s your chance not to pick them up.

[9] And while we’re talking about scratching, we should mention scratching an itch. Women don’t do it as often as men, and when they do, it’s always in a discreet and lady-like fashion. E.g., they don’t contort themselves into a pretzel trying to reach that hard-to-get-at spot below the shoulder blade (at least not in public). If you ignore an itch, it usually goes away eventually. But don’t be squirming about uncomfortably while you’re supposedly ignoring an itch. Women don’t squirm (except when they’re watching some jerk behaving really immaturely).

[10] Finally I could observe my sister and mother properly and learn all sorts of things I stupidly failed to observe first time around. Also, I’d have the chance to ask them some truly useful questions. E.g., “Mom, why do you put your perfume on your wrists and behind your ears? I mean, that’s OK with me. That’s where I put it, and I don’t complain. But why, Mom, why? Huh, why?”

Best wishes, Annabelle

06-18-2012, 11:14 AM
Great list! But how about mastering that girly 'look' that disarms even the hardest of parents, and the 'pout', and the dreamy eyes that get you everything you want (maybe not right then, but they are bought in!)? And then there is learning to walk in mum's high heels!

06-18-2012, 11:20 AM
You're right, Kaz, but I'm starting with the basics. Hopefully I'll get to the advanced stuff later on.

06-18-2012, 12:21 PM
One reason I'd like to be 10 again is so that I could learn to sit with my legs together and keep them together. Another reason would be to have better eating habits.

Tina B.
06-18-2012, 12:39 PM
Kaz, some of us did learn to walk in mom's heels, being a girl was not required, just getting to stay home when the parents went shopping was time enough.
But the rest of it would have been nice too. Annabelle, the reason mom put the perfume on the wrist, and neck, are pulse points, it's believed, that the smell will be a bit stronger there because of body temp, at least that's what I was told, it may be an old wives tales for all I know, but it did sound right at the time. Besides, doing it just because mom did, is reason enough!
Tina B.

06-18-2012, 12:47 PM
If I was 10 years old, and knowing now what the stock market would be doing; Well lets say,
I would be able to have a much bigger wardrobe.

Karren H
06-18-2012, 12:50 PM
Being 50 years further away from death is the only reason I need! Sigh......

06-18-2012, 12:50 PM
If I was 10 years old, and knowing now what the stock market would be doing

That's exactly why I know sweet FA right now. When I was 10 I wasn't focussed on the right stuff. Not saying I was looking at the stock market (I think I was 12 before I started that). But you have to make your choices, and I made the wrong ones.

Cynthia Anne
06-18-2012, 01:36 PM
Sorry! Count me out! I didn't like school that well! Now if I was eighteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!Hugs!

06-18-2012, 01:37 PM
Being 50 years further away from death is the only reason I need! Sigh......

This is a good point, Karren. I think if I had another 50 years, that might be enough time for me to learn how to paint my nails properly.

Kate Simmons
06-18-2012, 02:35 PM
If I were 10 again Hon, I would just repeat being a tomboy like I was before. Those were the best days of my life. This was brought "home" to me this past Saturday when a close GG friend of mine and myself walked around my home town, the town I grew up in and I explained to her what I did and where my hangouts were. Things have changed quite a bit but I still remember how they were. As far as learning how to do girly stuff, even if I did I would have honed it all and put my own spin on it like I did previously listening to the "experts" on how to accomplish "Crossdressing 101". Either way, learning to be a girl would have been a fantastic experience, not to mention a lot of fun when I "played it" because of being a girl, but I digress......:battingeyelashes::)

06-18-2012, 04:48 PM
When I was that age I was into playing sports; baseball. basketball, roller hockey, punch ball, football, swimming. I had not progressed past wearing slips by ten. Come to think of it, our center fielder was a girl. I often wonder how she turned out. She had a great arm.

If I was transported back fifty years I would be accumulating lacy full slips at bargain basement prices.

06-18-2012, 07:59 PM
If I could be 10 again, knowing what I know about myself now, I would've already done full laser treatments, HRT, and implants.

06-18-2012, 08:30 PM
You had me rolling with this one, Annabelle, and I definitely intend to share it with my wife. Maybe she can lay claim to the 1000 pounds prize! Or at least cast some light on the great mysteries of womankind. If nothing else, I think she'll get a laugh out of it too.

Thanks for the levity on what has been a trying week.


Stephenie S
06-18-2012, 08:50 PM
Interesting list, that.

Interesting in that every single thing on your list is a superficial aspect of grooming. Being a woman is so much more than long nails and makeup.

You can learn and enjoy everything on that list and remain as masculine as you want. But I guess that's the whole idea, isn't it?

06-18-2012, 09:32 PM
I read this to my wife (well past ten years old now) just now and she smiled a lot and offered a few words of practical wisdom.

Long fingernails and cold cream: You move your fingers into the cream from the side or back of the fingers. By the way she expressed this, I assume that this engineer is pretty stupid for not figuring this out on his own.

Brushing teeth: Something to the effect of "Dummy, you brush before you apply the makeup!"

Blowing your nose: Apparently it's possible to do this by touching just the nostrils and not the skin below the nose, though apparently this is beyond the skill set of most men. I'll send you the address for the check (cheque?), but would like a commission since I can't count on seeing a nickel of anything she makes while she seems to see many of my nickels (another of those techniques you learn as a girl?).

So much more to learn ... Thanks for the inspiration.


06-18-2012, 11:55 PM
[1] Buy moisturizer in a tube. Type/text with the bottom of your finger, not the nail or at a 90 degree angle. Press the back of the cd case to lift the cd out a little so you can get it easily; don't dig at it with your nails.

[2] Fold tissue neatly. Cover nose, without gripping your nose. Blow. Gently dab nose with tissue. Reapply powder to end of nose.

[3] lol brush your teeth before the makeup.

[4] Use a scrunchie. Pick it up with one hand and slide your fingers partway in. Pull hair back with the same hand and flip your hair through it. (This may need both hands if you have very long hair.) If you have hair that can't be pulled back, use a clip.

[5] Maybe this is why I have a neurotic habit of constantly moving my hair behind my ear. Never thought about it.

[6] Contact lenses are the way. Make your eyes stop doing that. : )

[7] Your bag is always right there. It's wherever you are. Put your arm out – there it is! Isn't it? ...it's not? CUE MASSIVE PANIC. The convenience and security of a bag trump pockets any day. One hand is probably on the bag or its strap. Or you gesture with your hands, or hold things, or put them in your coat pockets. (Coats, remember those? Hard to think about in June.)

[8] At ten I picked up the habit of chewing on my long hair. Trade you?

[9] We contort ourselves into pretzels to scratch an itch the moment we're in the ladies room. We're also good at rubbing our backs against the chair.

[10] You put perfume where it won't rub off right away, won't stain clothes and will be a sensual waft rather than a knock-em-dead stench. If it's actual perfume, put it behind your ears, behind your knees, on your neck or...errr... maybe cleavage won't work in your case. If it's eau de toilette, mist the air around you or do a light spray on your hair.

There, you're all caught up!

06-19-2012, 12:57 AM
Flent has got you well covered, but here's my two cents!

1) instead of scooping inwards with your fingers and nails acting like a little shovelly spoon, pretend you are posh at a nice dinner. You know, where you push your food up the back of your fork. Use the back of your nail to plough the moisturizer out. You can then transfer it to your palm to use as you wish.

2) you can also lean forwards slightly to keep any nasty bits from your face and just touch the very tips of the sides of your nose.

3) before makeup, silly! :) or, use less toothpaste, more often, and spit with velocity to not dribble. Dab out the corners of your lips and reapply lipstick.

4) I usually keep a hair elastic or a good sturdy clip beside the sink. It takes Bkut three seconds to whip my hair back into a bun that lasts long enough to do what I need and then some - pure practice.

5) see 4). Same technique works. So does sitting up straight at the table. You are allowed to throw your hair back over your shoulders. I love eating pizza and veggie burgers!

6) glasses: bolder makeup, larger lenses, thinner frames.

10) the knees, side of neck and wrist are all pulse points: slightly warmer than the rest of the body. Helps deliver scent. Careful with scents though: a little goes farther than you think. Body sprays into the air are okay, but spray briefly, turn it off, then walk through the cloud. Better yet, shower regularly to cut down on the amount of freshening up your body needs!

06-19-2012, 03:09 AM
Thanks very much to all of you for these helpful tips, which I will start trying to put into practice. I can't be 10 again, but perhaps I could have joined this forum earlier and started catching up on my incomplete education.

To elaborate on one point--brushing my teeth. The problem is twofold: I eat three times a day, but only put on my make-up once; and I have a horror of dirty teeth. It's one of my quirks. I brush my teeth after every meal--just like dentists tell you to. My dentist likes me. And if you've ever been to the dentist and seen all the instruments of torture he has in his delightful little chamber of horrors, then it is comforting to know that at least he likes you.

So obviously I brush my teeth in the morning before I put on my make-up. But that leaves the other two meals. Hence my twice-daily gymnastic routine over the bathroom sink.

Thanks to everyone, Annabelle

Cheryl T
06-19-2012, 06:22 AM
I would never want to be 10 again....I'd prefer to be 14 and experience all the H.S. and College years as a female. The flirting, the dating, the freedom without something called WORK....

06-19-2012, 07:55 AM
Well, Cheryl, I wasn't saying I wanted to be stuck at 10. I just kind of wanted to start over again at that point (though if I was starting from 8 or 6 or birth, that would be OK). One advantage of being 10 is you haven't got long to wait before you're 14.

But you've got me thinking now: suppose I'd gone through my teen years as a girl. Would I have embarrassed myself less often than I did? Maybe. It would be nice to think so anyway.

Best wishes, Annabelle

Beverley Sims
06-19-2012, 09:18 AM
My high times were when I was 20and and my best friends were six OTHER girls.
What a great support team I had.:)