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Anna Talyn
06-25-2012, 04:59 AM
Bad Annalogies: Werewolf Edition

Question: What is being a crossdresser like?

Anna: "I suppose it's a lot like being a werewolf."


General Characteristics:

A Werewolf is a human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, or wolf-like creature. The transformation is generally brought on by the appearance of the full moon. Whether bitten or born a majority of Werewolves lead normal productive human lives despite the harboring of the inner beast. Most live alongside humans and try to blend into human society. The natural balance between wolf and human is heavily slanted toward human.

This is similar to being a crossdresser, gender variant, or transgendered. Most attempt to live productive lives blending into societal expectations as one gender while harboring another. The balance is generally weighted to the "given" gender either by choice, necessity, or society. Instead of being moon called, many crossdressers have their inner female called forth by the appearance of Pink Fog. This Quantum Matter Transitional Fog (aka pink fog) is similar to the phased of the moon.


Dual Natured Struggles:

For Werewolves there are times this delicate off-center balance to the human side is shifted to the wolf, such as phases of the moon, stress, fear, & danger. Most Werewolves can only hold back their wolf so long before it needs to stretch its legs. Survival instinct can at time suppress the wolf but usually with intense inner struggle has an emotional cost.

For crossdressers and transgendered individuals this balance can be a daily struggle. Most find that the inner female can only be repressed so long before puling that balance over to the other side the stretch her legs. Most find that suppression for long periods comes with high costs. Neither species feels fully integrated into the human society and the wolfs can thrive in packs but are very territorial and independent creatures which can get a bit catty at times (ironically).

Psychological Effects:

Werewolf's can face multiple unique psychological disorders including, Depression, Repression, Ferality, Shape Shifting Maladjustment Syndrome. Crossdressers can face similar effects. For each the treatments will vary to the unique situation. For most a regular chance for the inner female to get out maintains the delicate balance until the next cycle.

Final Thoughts:

So there you have it. Being a crossdresser is a lot like being a Werewolf. With the obvious opposite effect of hair growth during the transformation.

♦ David: I’m a werewolf.
♦ Alex: Are you alright?
♦ David: I don’t know, I’ll let you know the next full moon.
An American Werewolf in London

♦ Where the hell am I supposed to find silver bullets? K-Mart?
Rudy, The Monster Squad

Jane Coslaw: In the make believe stories a man becomes a werewolf only when the moon is full. Maybe somehow it's different. Maybe he's like this all the time. Only as the moon gets fuller...
Marty Coslaw: The guy gets wolfier.
Silver Bullet

Related articles
Bad Annalogies: Vulcan Edition (annatalyn.wordpress.com) (http://annatalyn.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/bad-annalogies-vulcan-edition/)

Amazing Scientific Discovery Of QMTF Explains Source Of Crossdress Phenomena (annatalyn.wordpress.com) (http://annatalyn.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/qmtf/)


So what do you think, another bad anaology? :battingeyelashes:


06-25-2012, 05:39 AM
As a literary device it might work. However I doubt that it is going to "resonate" well with the general public. On their tolerance scale of CD/TG/TS people I suspect werewolf is way down on the list. However, a cute analogy and humor sometimes has a place.


Cynthia Anne
06-25-2012, 06:46 AM
Very cute indeed! However it would not be in the best interest for a crossdresser to look like a werewolf! Please remember, a silver bullet may stop a werewolf but has no affect on a crossdresser! There is no stopping some things in life! Might as well smile 'cause life goes on for a little while! Hugs!

06-25-2012, 08:37 AM
Well if this works and we can shift the space time continuum may we please have a full moon once a week?

06-25-2012, 08:41 AM
Perhaps a good analogy, but we haven't been able to identify what our full moon is.

Tina B.
06-25-2012, 09:10 AM
Pleasssse, can't we be compared to something a little less hairy, you know CD's hate all that body hair.
Tina B.

06-25-2012, 09:24 AM
If being a cross dresser was like being a Werewolf maybe a full moon would make me throw caution to the winds go out dressed. Alas it just doesn't work for me.


06-25-2012, 12:31 PM
Damn!!! Girl, you are way too good at this! Superb!


Since everyone is complaining about the hairy nature of the werewolf, could it be that the situation is reversed? That the Pink Fog results in the human form?


Anna Talyn
06-26-2012, 06:23 AM
Pleasssse, can't we be compared to something a little less hairy, you know CD's hate all that body hair.
Tina B.

lol, Ok next one will be hairless. :)
The Vulcan Edition was a hair friendly analogy but the pointy ears would be a dead giveaway. ;)

Damn!!! Girl, you are way too good at this! Superb!


Since everyone is complaining about the hairy nature of the werewolf, could it be that the situation is reversed? That the Pink Fog results in the human form?

Thanks Persephone!

No one wants to see a werewolf run in heels? lol
The constant battle with hair could make for a good metaphor, hmm a missed opportunity on this one.