View Full Version : Got a new pair of jeans and took them out for a spin

11-16-2005, 09:06 PM
I was sharing this earlier with paigecd, about my experience with my first pair of girly jeans. I have not worn jeans in literally years, only dress pants to work and casual wear. What a joy it was to put them on! They just felt perfect!

I bought some old navy jeans low-rise dark denims this week and wore them out to radio shack for a quick stop for resistors. They felt great! They were not tight and stretchy, but rather light and comfortable. Plus, the seem to be regular jeans unless you look at the label (at least my wife and I think).

I think the cute girl that came up to me twice to help me find things noticed, though. She was fine with it, and helped me a bit took some of the stuff I had in my hands over to the counter for me while I kept shopping. And when I was ready, she had everything rung up and in a bag as I walked to the register. That was REALLY sweet and nice. Maybe the extra stitching on the back pockets gave them away? The stitching wasnt fancy, only a horizontal stitch across the pocket.

Thats it for me and 100% cotton guy jeans! :) Now its the cotton/spandex mix of at least 99 to 1. ;)

11-17-2005, 12:22 AM
I too wear girl's jeans out and about.
Wear various sizes -- smallest (but they fit perfect) are junior size 5 (I like Levi's "superlow - boot-cut" # 518). Wear bigger (7 or sometimes 9) if going to places where someone might know me. Smaller, tighter ones are easily see as "girly" cause thighs are pretty snug, etc.
Also have great pair of white Ralph Lauren (polo) jeans (in fashion this past summer) in size 8.
I buy them at Kolhs, Target, or department stores. Grab them in juniors, walk to men's -- try on there -- all O.K.
Girl's jeans have nicer seams, nicer (softer, a touch thinner)fabric -- & stay where there are put(no annoying constantly tugging up like loose boy's jeans make you do!)
I cross-dress very very often (always in girl's things at home -- 24/7) -- And I also I work at hip downtown Club as a waitress (outfitted in short-shorts -- mini-skirts, etc. with apron, often.)
Wear jeans to go to work and back -- with girl's top - jacket - purse, etc. Just, exactly, like a girl would do.
All for now -- just adding to yours.
